Common Issues

This section lists common issues encountered during the deployment and debugging phase of the Vision System, along with their solutions.

Mech-Vision Common Issues


“bad allocation” Error Log Messages in Case of Memory Insufficiency

Garbled Characters in Chinese Log Files

Failure to Open OpenGL Windows due to Problematic Graphics Setting

Message “Graphics Card Driver Version Older Than Required” Appeared When Opening Mech-Vision

Solution Library

Failed to Download Solution from Solution Library


Too Dark 2D Images Captured by LSR L/LSR S/DEEP V4 during Calibration

Mismatched Image Sizes of Captured Images during Hand-Eye Calibration after Camera Switch


Failed to Find a Step or a Step Parameter

Could not Find Old Steps after Software Upgrade

File Loaded in Steps Not Up-to-date

No Data Input for Necessary Input Ports of Steps

Error Occurred When Reference Direction and Fixed Axis Direction Set the Same in the Step “Rotate Axis to Minimize Included Angle to Reference Direction”

Error Occurred When the Script of Step “Cal Results by Python” Returned Nested Lists

The Runtime of “3D Matching” Relevant Steps Have Increased Occasionally

Image Data Not Found in Virtual Mode of Step “Capture Images from Camera”

Failure to Connect Hikvision 2D Camera When Connecting Camera in External2D in Step “Capture Images from Camera”

Changes Ineffective for Parameter “Play Back Mode” of Step “Capture Images from Camera”

Error in “Capture Images from Camera” Step: The current calibration method is EIH, and the robot pose cannot be obtained

Incorrect Camera Model Displayed in “Capture Images from Camera” Step

Longer Execution Time of “3D Coarse Matching V2” Step


CAD Model Display Abnormality in the Matching Model and Pick Point Editor

Deep Learning

Mech-Vision Failed to Load Deep Learning Models 1.5.x

Mech-Vision Failed to Open a Project When Updated to Version 1.6.x

Fast Positioning Visual Abnormalities after Inputting Images of Different Sizes

File Saving and Reading

Could Not Save Point Cloud Files or Images

Could Not Save Point Cloud Files or Images

Image Capture and Processing

Camera That Cannot Be Found by Mech-Eye SDK

Mech-Vision Cannot Capture Images Using the Camera That Can Be Found by Mech-Eye SDK

Mech-Vision Failed to Output Vision Result After Capturing Images

Camera Disconnected Occasionally

Point Cloud

Unable to Use Point Cloud Files Opened and Modified in Binary Mode

Point Cloud Loss


Axis Z Downward for Poses of Some Objects (Pointing to the Ground)

Interface Communication

Mech-Vision Project Unregistered (Error: 1001)

Calibration Timeout Caused by Improper Parameter Settings in Mech-Vision when using Standard Interface

Software General Issues

Robot Communication Common Issues

For issues related to robot communication scenarios, please refer to Robot Communication Common Issues.

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