Robot Communication and Integration indicates the establishing of connections between Mech-Mind Vision System and robots, PLCs, or host computers for data transfer and collaboration over specific communication protocols.
This manual describes three modes in which Mech-Mind Vision System can communicate with external devices and how to use communication modes in different business scenarios.
Learn Communication Modes
This section describes basic communication mode information. You can choose an appropriate communication mode based on your communication objects and business requirements.
The vision system supports three communication modes: Master-Control Communication, Standard Interface Communication, and Adapter Communication.
Use Communication Modes
This section describes how to use the communication modes. You can select a communication mode and then use the mode by configuring communication settings or developping related programs.
The vision system sends commands to a robot, and the robot monitors, receives, and then executes the commands.
The external device sends standard interface commands to the vision system, and the vision system receives and returns the data.