Typical Case Practices of AI-Based Quality Inspection

Mech-Mind typical case practices are practical application guides derived from numerous successful use cases in various application scenarios. This manual will guide you step by step to easily deploy typical AI-based quality inspection applications.

Overview of a Typical Application Deployment Process

The following figure shows the general process of typical application deployment.

inspection deployment workflow

During the solution design stage, you need to assess the risks an AI-based quality inspection application might encounter in actual project deployment, then design a solution that meets the project’s requirements.

The deployment of the AI-Based Quality inspection solution refers to applying the typical application cases to your actual project according to the solution design, including the entire process from the image acquisition to the final quality inspection.

For more information about each stage of application deployment, see Learning Guidance for AI-Based Quality Inspection.

Guidance on Typical Case Practices

Work Gloves Inspection

OCR for VINs

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