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Welcome to Mech-Viz online manual!

Mech-Viz is a dynamic path planning software for industrial robots. It generates a collision-free robot motion path dynamically based on the vision result received from the vision service. With the intuitive graphical interface of the software, it is easy to get started with it even you do not have a background in programming. The software supports one-click simulation, and it is integrated with tools used for collision detection, carton combination, vacuum gripper smart offset, mixed case palletizing, and others, which can meet the requirements of various industrial scenarios.

This manual consists of the following chapters:

No. Chapter Content


Brief Introduction of Mech-Viz

Overview of the software, description of robotics-related terms, and introduction of the user interface



Detailed instructions on configuring robot, tool, workobject, and other resources in the project



Workflow of building a project and examples


Step Library

Step parameters details


Project Simulation and Improvement

Instructions for the use of Collision Detection, Project Simulation, Plan History, and Log


Tools User Guide

Instructions for the use of tools such as the model editor, vacuum gripper configurator, and pallet editor



Create and Import the Robot Model, Options, and Display Settings

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