Create/Delete Connections

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Create a Connection

Hover over the output port of a Step, and then hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to the input port of a succeeding Step to create a connection.

An output port can be connected to multiple input ports, but an input port can only be connected to one output port.

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Connections can only be created among ports of the same data type. For example, the output port of Cloud(XYZ-Normal) can only be connected to the input port of Cloud(XYZ-Normal). Ports of different data types can’t be connected.

Delete a Connection

  • After clicking the connection with the left mouse button, the connection will be highlighted. Press Delete on the keyboard to delete it.

  • After right-clicking the connection, the connection will be highlighted, and a context menu bar will pop up. Then, click Delete.

base operaation2 create delete connections 2

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