How to Stop Other Communication Programs for KUKA Robots?


When a KUKA robot attempts to communicate with the vision system by using a program and other communication programs are running in the background, the communication may fail due to program conflicts.


Perform the following operations to stop other communication programs.


+ image::faq7_1.png[width=600]

+ NOTE: If another communication program, such as the sps program, is running, perform the following operations to stop the program:

  1. Select the user group icon and switch to Expert. The default password is kuka.

  2. Select S to open the SUBMIT interpreters, and select Display/Assign to view programs that are running.

  3. Select Current display/assignment. In the Available modules column, select sps, and select Stop.

  4. Select Cold start configuration. In the Available modules column, select sps and clear the Autostart checkbox.

    faq7 2

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