JAKA Standard Interface Commands

Initialize Communication

This command is used to set the IP address and port number of the host for TCP/IP Socket communication.

  • Command

jaka interface commands1
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    The IP address of the host.


    The port number for TCP/IP Socket communication.

Start Mech-Vision Project

This function is used for applications that use Mech-Vision but not Mech-Viz. This function starts the Mech-Vision project that executes image capturing and performs vision recognition.

  • Command

    jaka interface commands2
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    Mech-Vision project ID, which can be viewed before the project name in the Project List panel in Mech-Vision.

    expected points

    The expected number of vision points for Mech-Vision to send. Value range: 0 to 20, in which 0 indicates that all vision points will be sent.

    pose type

    The type of the robot pose to be sent to Mech-Vision. Value range: 0 to 3.

    • 0: No robot poses need to be sent to the vision system. If the camera is mounted in the Eye To Hand mode, the image capturing process is independent of the robot pose, and therefore the robot pose is not needed.

    • 1: The robot pose in the current joint positions together with the current flange pose will be sent to the vision system. It is recommended to set this value when the camera is mounted in the Eye In Hand mode. When this parameter is set to this value, the “Path Planning” Step in the Mech-Vision project will use the joint positions sent by the robot. If the flange pose data are all 0, the vision system ignores the flange pose data.

    • 2: The robot pose in the current flange pose will be sent to the vision system. It is recommended to set this value when the camera is mounted in the Eye In Hand mode or in other scenarios where only the flange pose data is available (such as truss robots).

    • 3: The robot pose in the joint positions defined by the user will be sent to the vision system. It is recommended to set this value when the camera is mounted in the Eye To Hand mode. When this parameter is set to this value, the “Path Planning” Step in the Mech-Vision project will use the joint positions sent by the robot as the initial pose.

Get Vision Target(s)

This command is used to obtain the vision result from the corresponding project.

  • Command

jaka interface commands3
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    Mech-Vision project ID, which can be viewed before the project name in the Project List panel in Mech-Vision.

Start Mech-Viz Project

This command is used to start the Mech-Viz project and the corresponding Mech-Vision project, and sets the initial joint positions of the simulated robot in Mech-Viz.

  • Command

jaka interface commands4
  • Parameters

    Name Description

    pose type

    Robot pose type. Value range: 0 to 2.

    • 0: No robot poses need to be sent to Mech-Viz. The simulated robot in Mech-Viz will start from joint positions [0,0,0,0,0,0] and move to the first waypoint.

    • 1: The current joint positions and flange pose of the real robot need to be sent to Mech-Viz. The simulated robot in Mech-Viz will start from the current joint positions of the real robot and move to the first waypoint.

    • 2: The predefined joint positions of the robot need to be sent to Mech-Viz. The simulated robot in Mech-Viz will start from the predefined joint positions and move to the first waypoint.

Get Planned Path from Mech-Viz

This command obtains the path planned by a Mech-Viz project.

  • Command

jaka interface commands5
  • Parameters

    Name Description

    pose type

    Whether waypoint poses are sent as joint positions or TCPs. The value is 1 or 2.
    1: Waypoints are sent as joint positions.
    2: Waypoints are sent as TCP.

Switch Mech-Vision Recipe

This command is used to switch the parameter recipe used in the Mech-Vision project. If you need to switch the parameter recipe for the project, configure and save the parameter recipe in Mech-Vision in advance.

This function must be called BEFORE Start Mech-Vision Project.

  • Command

jaka interface commands6
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    Mech-Vision project ID, which can be viewed before the project name in the Project List panel in Mech-Vision.


    The ID of the parameter recipe in the Mech-Vision project. Value range: 1 to 99.

Select Mech-Viz Branch

This command is used to select the branch along which the Mech-Viz project should proceed.

  • Command

jaka interface commands7
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    Step ID of the “Branch by Msg” Step. Its value is an integer. The Step ID is displayed in the parameters of the Step.

    branch out port

    The number of the exit port to take + 1. For example, to select exit port 0 in Mech-Viz, set the value of this parameter to 1. Value range: 1 to 99.

Set Move Index

This command sets the value for the Current Index parameter of a Step. Steps that have this parameter include Move by List, Move by Grid, Custom Pallet Pattern, and Predefined Pallet Pattern.

  • Command

jaka interface commands8
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    Step ID of the Step with the index parameter.

    index out port

    When this command is sent, the current index value in Mech-Viz will become the parameter value minus 1.

Move Robot to Vision Target

This command moves the robot to a vision point output by Mech-Vision.

  • Command

jaka interface commands9
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    The number of the vision point to which the robot should move. If the Mech-Vision project outputs only one vision project, then the number should be set to 1.


    The velocity of the robot, in mm/s.


    The acceleration of the robot, in mm/s^2.


    End point error. If the value is 0, the robot arrives at the point precisely; otherwise, the motion between points is smoothed.

Move Robot to Waypoint

This command moves the robot to a waypoint output by Mech-Viz.

  • Command

jaka interface commands10
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    The number of the waypoint to which the robot should move.


    The velocity of the robot, in mm/s.


    The acceleration of the robot, in mm/s^2.


    End point error. If the value is 0, the robot arrives at the point precisely; otherwise, the motion between points is smoothed.

Get Result of Step “Path Planning” in Mech-Vision

This procedure obtains the collision-free path planned by the “Path Planning” Step from the corresponding Mech-Vision project.

The Port Type parameter of the “Output” Step in the Mech-Vision project must be set to “Predefined (robot path)”.

  • Command

jaka interface commands11
  • Parameters

    Name Description


    Mech-Vision project ID, which can be viewed before the project name in the Project List panel in Mech-Vision.

    pose type

    The pose type of waypoints returned by the “Path Planning” Step.
    1: Waypoints in joint positions will be returned.
    2: Waypoints in TCPs will be returned.

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