




Mech-Vision和Mech-Viz软件安装目录下Communication Component/Robot_Interface/FANUC/sample/MM_S19_Vis_PlanAllVision



sample19 1


  1. 已完成标准接口通信配置

  2. 已完成自动标定




   1:  !-------------------------------- ;
   2:  !FUNCTION: trigger Mech-Vision ;
   3:  !project, plan all vision results ;
   4:  !and get all planned paths ;
   5:  !Mech-Mind, 2023-12-25 ;
   6:  !-------------------------------- ;
   7:   ;
   8:  !set current uframe NO. to 0 ;
   9:  UFRAME_NUM=0 ;
  10:  !set current tool NO. to 1 ;
  11:  UTOOL_NUM=1 ;
  12:  !move to robot home position ;
  13:J P[1] 100% FINE    ;
  14:  !initialize communication ;
  15:  !parameters(initialization is ;
  16:  !required only once) ;
  17:  CALL MM_INIT_SKT('8','',50000,5) ;
  18:  LBL[1:recap] ;
  19:  !move to image-capturing position ;
  20:L P[2] 1000mm/sec FINE    ;
  21:  !trigger NO.1 Mech-Vision project ;
  22:  CALL MM_START_VIS(1,0,2,10) ;
  23:  !get planned path from NO.1 ;
  24:  !Mech-Vision project; 2nd ;
  25:  !argument (1) means getting pose ;
  26:  !in JPs ;
  27:  CALL MM_GET_VISP(1,1,51,52,53) ;
  28:  !check whether planned path has ;
  29:  !been got from Mech-Vision ;
  30:  !successfully ;
  31:  IF R[53]<>1103,JMP LBL[99] ;
  32:  !save all waypoint data to local ;
  33:  !variables using for-loop, a ;
  34:  !maximum of 50 points are support ;
  35:  !supported ;
  36:  FOR R[10]=1 TO R[51] ;
  37:  R[11]=59+R[10]    ;
  38:  R[12]=69+R[10]    ;
  39:  R[13]=99+R[10]    ;
  40:  CALL MM_GET_JPS(R[10],R[11],R[12],R[13]) ;
  41:  ENDFOR ;
  42:  !parse pick cycle count, here ;
  43:  !suppose 5 points per planned ;
  44:  !path ;
  45:  R[30]=R[51] DIV 5    ;
  46:  R[29]=R[51] MOD 5    ;
  47:  !check if parsed data is valid; ;
  48:  !if not, retry to get planned ;
  49:  !path or add some error handling ;
  50:  !logic ;
  51:  IF R[30]<1) OR (R[29]<>0 THEN ;
  52:  PAUSE ;
  53:  JMP LBL[1] ;
  54:  ENDIF ;
  55:  !repeatedly run pick-and-place ;
  56:  !cycle using for-loop ;
  57:  FOR R[10]=1 TO R[30] ;
  58:  R[20]=R[10]-1    ;
  59:  R[21]=R[20]*5    ;
  60:  R[31]=60+R[21]    ;
  61:  R[32]=61+R[21]    ;
  62:  R[33]=62+R[21]    ;
  63:  R[34]=63+R[21]    ;
  64:  R[35]=64+R[21]    ;
  65:  !follow the planned path to pick ;
  66:J PR[R[31]] 50% CNT100    ;
  67:J PR[R[32]] 50% FINE    ;
  68:J PR[R[33]] 10% FINE    ;
  69:  !add object grasping logic here, ;
  70:  !such as "DO[1]=ON" ;
  71:  PAUSE ;
  72:J PR[R[34]] 50% FINE    ;
  73:J PR[R[35]] 50% CNT100    ;
  74:  !move to intermediate waypoint ;
  75:  !of placing ;
  76:J P[3] 50% CNT100    ;
  77:  !move to approach waypoint ;
  78:  !of placing ;
  79:L P[4] 1000mm/sec FINE Tool_Offset,PR[2]    ;
  80:  !move to placing waypoint ;
  81:L P[4] 300mm/sec FINE    ;
  82:  !add object releasing logic here, ;
  83:  !such as "DO[1]=OFF" ;
  84:  PAUSE ;
  85:  !move to departure waypoint ;
  86:  !of placing ;
  87:L P[4] 1000mm/sec FINE Tool_Offset,PR[2]    ;
  88:  !move to intermediate waypoint ;
  89:  !of placing ;
  90:J P[3] 50% CNT100    ;
  91:  ENDFOR ;
  92:  !finish pick-and-place cycle, and ;
  93:  !jump back to camera capturing ;
  94:  JMP LBL[1] ;
  95:  END ;
  96:   ;
  97:  LBL[99:vision error] ;
  98:  !add error handling logic here ;
  99:  !according to different ;
 100:  !error codes ;
 101:  !e.g.: status=1003 means no ;
 102:  !point cloud in ROI ;
 103:  !e.g.: status=1002 means no ;
 104:  !vision results ;
 105:  PAUSE ;




流程 代码及说明


  32:  !save all waypoint data to local ;
  33:  !variables using for-loop, a ;
  34:  !maximum of 50 points are support ;
  35:  !supported ;
  36:  FOR R[10]=1 TO R[51] ;
  37:  R[11]=59+R[10]    ;
  38:  R[12]=69+R[10]    ;
  39:  R[13]=99+R[10]    ;
  40:  CALL MM_GET_JPS(R[10],R[11],R[12],R[13]) ;
  41:  ENDFOR ;
  • 第36行:FOR表示以下为循环程序片段;R[10]用于控制循环的次数(即R[10]从1开始,每次循环后自增1,直到大于R[51],结束循环);R[51]为MM_GET_VISP指令中第三个参数所表示的数值寄存器,该寄存器保存视觉系统返回的路径点个数。因此,R[10]可以表示当前路径点在规划路径中的编号。

  • 第37~39行:R[11]、R[12]、R[13]分别表示当前路径点对应的关节角、标签、末端工具编号所使用的寄存器号码。

  • 第40行:MM_GET_JPS指令表示将某个路径点的关节角、标签和末端工具编号分别转存到指定寄存器,因此整条指令表示将第R[10]编号的路径点的关节角、标签和末端工具编号依次转存到R[11]、R[12]和R[13]所表示的寄存器中。


  42:  !parse pick cycle count, here ;
  43:  !suppose 5 points per planned ;
  44:  !path ;
  45:  R[30]=R[51] DIV 5    ;
  46:  R[29]=R[51] MOD 5    ;

本样例假设每次规划的抓取路径包含5个路径点,“R[51] DIV 5”表示R[51]整除5的商,“R[51] MOD 5”表示R[51]整除5的余数。R[30]表示规划的总抓取次数。如果R[29]不为0,则表示某次规划的抓取路径点个数少于5,即路径规划出现异常,需重新进行规划。


  47:  !check if parsed data is valid; ;
  48:  !if not, retry to get planned ;
  49:  !path or add some error handling ;
  50:  !logic ;
  51:  IF ((R[30]<1) OR (R[29]<>0)) THEN ;
  52:  PAUSE ;
  53:  JMP LBL[1] ;
  54:  ENDIF ;



  55:  !repeatedly run pick-and-place ;
  56:  !cycle using for-loop ;
  57:  FOR R[10]=1 TO R[30] ;
  58:  R[20]=R[10]-1    ;
  59:  R[21]=R[20]*5    ;
  60:  R[31]=60+R[21]    ;
  61:  R[32]=61+R[21]    ;
  62:  R[33]=62+R[21]    ;
  63:  R[34]=63+R[21]    ;
  64:  R[35]=64+R[21]    ;
  65:  !follow the planned path to pick ;
  66:J PR[R[31]] 50% CNT100    ;
  67:J PR[R[32]] 50% FINE    ;
  68:J PR[R[33]] 10% FINE    ;
  69:  !add object grasping logic here, ;
  70:  !such as "DO[1]=ON" ;
  71:  PAUSE ;
  72:J PR[R[34]] 50% FINE    ;
  73:J PR[R[35]] 50% CNT100    ;
  74:  !move to intermediate waypoint ;
  75:  !of placing ;
  76:J P[3] 50% CNT100    ;
  77:  !move to approach waypoint ;
  78:  !of placing ;
  79:L P[4] 1000mm/sec FINE Tool_Offset,PR[2]    ;
  80:  !move to placing waypoint ;
  81:L P[4] 300mm/sec FINE    ;
  82:  !add object releasing logic here, ;
  83:  !such as "DO[1]=OFF" ;
  84:  PAUSE ;
  85:  !move to departure waypoint ;
  86:  !of placing ;
  87:L P[4] 1000mm/sec FINE Tool_Offset,PR[2]    ;
  88:  !move to intermediate waypoint ;
  89:  !of placing ;
  90:J P[3] 50% CNT100    ;
  91:  ENDFOR ;



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