Box Depalletizing—Multiple at Once

When the Picking Method is set to Box depalletizing, and the Depalletizing Mode is set to Multiple at once, you can configure the following parameters.

In addition, you should refer to Configure End Tool to configure the corresponding end tool.

Move-Type Step Common Parameters

Send Waypoint

Selected by default to send waypoint poses to the receiver, such as the robot. When this option is unselected, the waypoint pose will not be sent. However, the waypoint will remain in the planned path.

Try Continuously Running through Succeeding Non-Moves

Unselected by default. When non-move Steps, such as Vision Look, Set DO, Check DI, etc., are connected between move-type Steps, the robot’s path planning will be interrupted, and the actual robot will take a short pause, reducing the smoothness of running.

When this option is selected, the project will continue to run without waiting for the current move-type Step to complete execution, and therefore the robot can move in a smooth way without pauses. However, enabling this option may cause the execution of the Step to end prematurely.

Why will this option cause the execution of the Step to end prematurely?

Mech-Viz will send multiple poses simultaneously to the robot when the project is running. When the currently returned JPs of the robot correspond to the last pose sent by Mech-Viz, Mech-Viz will assume that the robot has moved to the last position.

For example, there are 10 move-type Steps in a path, and the pose of the 5th move-type Step is the same as that of the last move-type Step. When the robot moves at low speed, it sends JPs to Mech-Viz when it moves to the 5th move-type Step, Mech-Viz may mistakenly determine that the robot has finished the move-type Steps and prematurely ends the Steps since the poses of the 5th move-type Step and the last move-type Step are the same in the path.

Do Not Check Collision with Placed Workobject

Unselected by default, namely that the collision with the already placed objects will not be detected. When this option is selected, the collisions between the robot, end tool, and placed objects will be detected.

In palletizing scenarios, the two possible cases of error are as follows:

  1. When the robot is placing a carton, the robot may come into light contact with the placed cartons while no deformation will be caused. After Mech-Viz detects this collision in simulation, it will plan other positions for placing the carton, and therefore a full stack cannot be formed.

  2. Usually, the TCP of a suction cup is inside the suction cup model instead of on the surface of it. Under this circumstance, the suction cup may be embedded in the model of the picked carton in the simulation of picking, while the software does not detect the collision between the end tool and the picked object. After the robot places the object and the carton model turns into an object model in the scene, a collision between the suction cup and the carton will be detected and the palletizing cannot be completed.

When this option is selected, no collision between the robot, end tool, and the placed object will be detected, and the above two cases of errors can be avoided.

Point Cloud Collision Detection Mode

Select the proper mode according to the requirement of the on-site situation. Usually, the default setting Auto can be used. Do not check collision mode can be used in move-type Steps before the robot picks the object, and Check collision mode can be used after the robot picks the object.


Default setting. Collision with point cloud is checked only for the “Vision Move” Step and the “Relative Move” Step that depends on the “Vision Move” Step, but not for all move-type Steps.

Do not check collision

Point cloud collisions for all move-type Steps will not be detected.

Check collision

Point cloud collisions for all move-type Steps will be detected.

When Collisions  Collision detection configuration  Detect collision between point cloud and others is switched on, Mech-Viz will detect collisions between the robot model, end tool model, and point cloud when planning the path. By default, the collisions between the robot and the target objects will be detected during picking and placing. When there are point cloud outliers, non-exiting collisions will be detected, which leads to errors in path planning.
Ignore Workobject Symmetry

This parameter will only take effect when Waypoint type of the Step is set to Workobject pose.


Default setting, i.e., do not disable symmetry on any axis.

Around workobject frame Z axis

Only disable symmetry on Z-axis of the workobject reference frame.

Around workobject frame X&Y axis

Disable symmetry on X-axis and Y-axis of the workobject reference frame.

Around all axes

Once the object symmetry is disabled, the robot will place the objects strictly according to the workobject poses.

In some special cases, objects are not pickable due to their peculiar poses. Setting Rotational symmetry under Workobjects  Workobject Configuration in Resources may solve this problem. Candidate poses of the recognized workobjects will be calculated according to the set rotational symmetry angle. When Mech-Viz plans to pick workpieces, if the default pose is not feasible for picking, the candidate poses will be tried. As the candidate poses calculated based on the settings of Rotational symmetry are different from the original poses output from Mech-Vision, the consistency of the objects’ place poses cannot be guaranteed.
Plan Failure Out Port

Once this parameter is selected, a “Plan failure” exit port will be added to the Step.

During the planning process, planning is carried out along the branch after the “Success” exit port. If the planning fails in the current Step, the branch process after the “Planning failure” exit port will be executed.

Held Workobject Collision Detection Settings

Do Not Check Collision with Scene Object/Robot

Unselected by default. Once this option is selected, the collisions between the held workobject with the scene objects or robot will not be detected, and therefore the calculation workload of collision detection will be reduced, the planning speed can be increased, and the cycle time can be shortened. It is usually enabled in the first one or two move-type Steps after the robot picks the object.

Please enable this option cautiously as there may be collision risks.

When Detect collision between held workobject and others under Collision detection configuration  Configuration on held workobject is enabled, the software will detect whether the model of the held object collides with the models of the scene objects and the robot.

In palletizing projects, the calculated carton dimensions have millimeter-level errors with the actual dimensions, and frictions between cartons may occur during picking but no collisions will occur. For some move-type Steps that will obviously not cause collisions, detecting such collisions only adds to the calculation workload and planning time, and consequently extending the cycle time. In palletizing projects, enabling Do Not Check Collision with Scene Objects does not affect the collision detection between the held carton and the placed cartons. This option can be enabled when there are scene objects under the stack to avoid failure of finding the palletizing solution.

Do Not Check Collision with Point Cloud

Unselected by default. Once this option is selected, the collisions between the held workobject with the point clouds in the scene will not be detected, and therefore the calculation workload of collision detection will be reduced, the planning speed can be increased, and the cycle time can be shortened.

  • When both Detect collision between held workobject and others under Collision detection configuration  Configuration on held workobject and Configuration on point cloudDetect collision between point cloud and others are enabled, the software will detect whether the model of the held workobject will collide with the point cloud in the scene.

  • When Mech-Vision sends the point cloud and object model to Mech-Viz, the point cloud and the object model are fitted together. After the robot picks the object, the model moves along the planned path, and the collision between the model of the held workobject and the point cloud will occur.

  • It is known that the model of the held workobject will have false collisions with the point cloud. Detecting such collisions unnecessarily adds to the calculation workload and extends the planning time.

Vision Result Global Usage

All Vision Poses in One Move

Usually, Vision Move will only use one pose of the corresponding vision result. However, once this parameter is selected, the robot will move through all waypoints corresponding to the vision poses at one time.

This parameter is usually used when the robot moves in a fixed path where no DO signals will be sent, such as the gluing application.

Reuse Vision Result

When this feature is not enabled, each time “Vision Move” plans a robot picking path successfully, the rest unused vision results will be discarded. If this feature is enabled, the vision result that leads to a planning failure and the rest unused vision results will be retained and used for the next planning. This feature should be used with the “Is Vision Result Used Up” Step.

When there are multiple pickable objects in one vision result and it can be guaranteed that picking one object will not affect the poses of other objects, this option can be selected. The vision result will be reused and no new image will be captured until all vision results are used up.

Application Example

Share Vision Result

This feature enables multiple “Vision Move” Steps in which the same vision service is selected to share the vision result.

When one “Vision Move” Step plans successfully, the corresponding vision result will be used, and the unused vision result will be used by the next “Vision Move” Step with this feature enabled. After all “Vision Move” Steps that share the vision result complete planning, the rest results will be discarded.

In addition, this feature can be used in conjunction with the “Reuse Vision Result” feature. When “Reuse Vision Result” is selected, the rest vision results will not be discarded even after all “Vision Move” Steps have completed one round of planning.

Supplementary Features

Re-Locate Bin with Vision

Once the Update Bin Pose with Vision parameter is selected, the bin will be recognized and located simultaneously while the camera captures the image for target object recognition. Therefore, the bin pose in the simulation area can be updated dynamically, which facilitates the collision detection algorithm to effectively prevent the robot from colliding with the bin.

This feature will provide three fields, scene_object_names, scene_object_poses, and scene_object_sizes, in the vision result to define the name, pose, and dimensions of the scene object to be updated.

Filter Vision Result
  • Result Must Be in Specified Bin

    This feature limits that the vision result received by the current “Vision Move” Step must be in a specified bin. The vision result out of the effective bin range will not be used.

    Each bin’s effective range for vision result can be configured separately in the corresponding configuration window. Only bins with “Set effective range for pose” enabled can be selected in the drop-down menu.

    Application Example

    Add “Bin1”, and enable the “Set effective range for pose” parameter for this bin.


    Select “Bin1” in the drop-down menu.

  • Filter Poses

    Use all

    Do not filter poses. All poses in the vision result will be used for path planning.

    Filter by target object info

    Once this option is selected, the poses can be filtered by the names of the target object and pick point. After selecting a target object, which is configured in the target object editor, in the drop-down list of the Use Specified Target Object parameter, you can Use Specified Pick Point. If a target object is specified but no pick point is specified, all pick points of the specified target object will be used for path planning.

    Filter by pick point label

    Once this option is selected, the poses can be filtered by the pick point label. After entering the label in the parameter field of Use Specified Pick Point Label, only pick points with the specified label will be used for path planning. Deep learning labels and numeric labels set in the target object editor are supported.

Avoid Picking on Same Target Object

This parameter group is mainly used to avoid picking on the same pick point in scenarios where the object cannot be picked successfully.

Once the Filter Out Unlikely Pick Point parameter is selected, you can adjust the following parameters.

  • Filter Subject

    • Pick point: Only pick points with high failure rates will be deprioritized in the picking and discarded in some rounds.

    • Target object: if any one pick point on the target object is considered to have a high failure rate, all pick points on this object will be deprioritized in the picking and discarded in some rounds.

  • Priority Downgrade Radius

    A sphere with this parameter value as its radius and the pick point successfully planned in the last round as its center will be introduced. If a pick point in the latest vision result falls within this sphere, the pick point will be put off for picking with a decreased picking priority.

  • Discard Attempt Radius

    A sphere with this parameter value as its radius and the pick point successfully planned in the last round as its center will be introduced. If a pick point in the latest vision result falls within this sphere, the pick point will be discarded in this round of planning.

    For example, if the robot only moves the crankshaft but fails to pick it on the first attempt, there is a possibility of successful picking on the next attempt. Therefore, Priority Downgrade Radius can be set to downgrade the priority of the pick point, while the pick point will not be discarded. When the robot fails to move the crankshaft at all in the first attempt, it is highly unlikely that the crankshaft can be picked successfully in the next attempt, and therefore Discard Attempt Radius can be set to discard the pose directly.

Picking Sequence

Sorting Strategy

This parameter is used to specify the sorting strategy when picking target objects.

  • Sort by the target object count in the combination

    The target object combinations will be sorted by the number of target objects they contain, and those with more target objects will be picked first.

    If there are three combinations, 1-2-3, 4-5, and 6, the picking sequence will be 1-2-3, 4-5, and 6.

    pick sorting strategies 1
  • In the strict order of vision result

    Pick in the order of the result sent by the vision service. If the path planning fails by using a vision result, the current result will not be skipped and the path planning will fail.

    For example, as shown in the figure below, the picking sequence is 1, 2-3, 4, and 5. If the planning of the box group 2-3 fails, only box 1 can be picked successfully.

    pick sorting strategies 2
  • In the partial order of vision result

    Pick in the order of the result sent by the vision service. If the path planning fails by using a vision result, the current result will be skipped. Then the next vision result will be used for the subsequent path planning.

    For example, as shown in the figure below, the picking sequence is 1, 2-3, 4, and 5. If the planning of the box group 2-3 fails, the planning of box 4 and 5 can be continued.

    pick sorting strategies 2

Box grouping

There are three grouping strategies in total, and each strategy contains different parameters.

Default strategy

Group boxes along both the X-axis and Y-axis of the box pose.

  • Grouping Restrictions

    • Spacing Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the maximum distance between two adjacent boxes in the grouping direction. When the distance is smaller than this value, the boxes can be considered to be in a group.

      Please note that the value of this parameter cannot be greater than the box width in the vision result. If the set value is greater than the box width, the value will be automatically modified to the box width in the actual execution.

      The range indicated by the purple arrow below is the Spacing Upper Limit. When the actual distance is smaller than this value, the boxes can be considered to be in the same group.

      sapcing and deviation upper limit
    • Deviation Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the maximum deviation distance of a box in the direction perpendicular to the grouping direction. When the deviation distance is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      Please note that the value of this parameter cannot be greater than the box width in the vision result. If the set value is greater than the box width, the value will be automatically modified to the box width in the actual execution.

      The range indicated by the blue arrow below is the Deviation Upper Limit. When the actual distance is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      sapcing and deviation upper limit
    • Angle Deviation Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the angle of rotational deviation of a box relative to the grouping direction. When the rotation angle is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      angle deviation upper limit
    • Group Row Count Upper Limit

      The allowable maximum number of rows in one box group for multi-pick depalletizing.

Group along box frame axis

One box will be used as the reference, and other adjacent boxes along the X-axis or Y-axis of this box’s pose will be grouped.

  • Grouping Direction

    Specify the axis of the reference pose for box grouping.

  • Grouping Restrictions

    • Spacing Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the maximum distance between two adjacent boxes in the grouping direction. When the distance is smaller than this value, the boxes can be considered to be in a group.

      Please note that the value of this parameter cannot be greater than the box width in the vision result. If the set value is greater than the box width, the value will be automatically modified to the box width in the actual execution.

      The range indicated by the purple arrow below is the Spacing Upper Limit. When the actual distance is smaller than this value, the boxes can be considered to be in the same group.

      sapcing and deviation upper limit
    • Deviation Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the maximum deviation distance of a box in the direction perpendicular to the grouping direction. When the deviation distance is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      Please note that the value of this parameter cannot be greater than the box width in the vision result. If the set value is greater than the box width, the value will be automatically modified to the box width in the actual execution.

      The range indicated by the blue arrow below is the Deviation Upper Limit. When the actual distance is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      sapcing and deviation upper limit
    • Angle Deviation Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the angle of rotational deviation of a box relative to the grouping direction. When the rotation angle is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      angle deviation upper limit
    • Group Row Count Upper Limit

      The allowable maximum number of rows in one box group for multi-pick depalletizing.

    • Only Group Complete Row

      In actual applications, a complete row of boxes might be neglected because there are part of other boxes at ends in the grouping direction. Setting an Obstruction Tolerance Distance can preclude the intruding box from affecting the grouping result.

    • Obstruction Tolerance Distance

      For a box group, if any other box intrudes in the direction perpendicular to the grouping direction, and the intrusion distance is smaller than this threshold, the intruding box will be ignored, and the box group will be considered a complete row. Otherwise, the box group will be discarded.

      obstruction tolerance distance

The set value of Obstruction Tolerance Distance cannot exceed the edge length of the boxes.

Group along custom frame axis

As shown in the figure below, if the 7 boxes are grouped along the axis in box reference frame:

custom frame combine
  • The possible groups along X-axis of the box are: 1-2, 3-4, 5, 6, 7.

  • The possible groups along Y-axis of the box are:1-3, 2-4, 5-6-7.

If you want the boxes to be grouped into 1-2, 3-4, 5-6-7, all boxes should be grouped along the direction indicated by the red arrow at the bottom of the figure. The red arrow is an axis of a custom reference frame.

  • Grouping Approach

    • Grouping Direction

      Specify the axis of the reference pose for box grouping.

    • X/Y/Z Coord. of Custom Frame Origin

      Specify three coordinates to define the origin of the custom reference frame.


      Oa indicates the robot reference frame, and Oc indicates the custom reference frame.

    • Custom Frame Rotation Angle

      Specify the angle that the custom reference frame rotates around its Z-axis.

  • Grouping Restrictions

    • Spacing Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the maximum distance between two adjacent boxes in the grouping direction. When the distance is smaller than this value, the boxes can be considered to be in a group.

      Please note that the value of this parameter cannot be greater than the box width in the vision result. If the set value is greater than the box width, the value will be automatically modified to the box width in the actual execution.

      The range indicated by the purple arrow below is the Spacing Upper Limit. When the actual distance is smaller than this value, the boxes can be considered to be in the same group.

      sapcing and deviation upper limit
    • Deviation Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the maximum deviation distance of a box in the direction perpendicular to the grouping direction. When the deviation distance is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      Please note that the value of this parameter cannot be greater than the box width in the vision result. If the set value is greater than the box width, the value will be automatically modified to the box width in the actual execution.

      The range indicated by the blue arrow below is the Deviation Upper Limit. When the actual distance is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      sapcing and deviation upper limit
    • Angle Deviation Upper Limit

      This parameter limits the angle of rotational deviation of a box relative to the grouping direction. When the rotation angle is smaller than this value, the box can be considered to be in the group.

      angle deviation upper limit
    • Group Row Count Upper Limit

      The allowable maximum number of rows in one box group for multi-pick depalletizing.

    • Only Group Complete Row

      In actual applications, a complete row of boxes might be neglected because there are part of other boxes at ends in the grouping direction. Setting an Obstruction Tolerance Distance can preclude the intruding box from affecting the grouping result.

    • Obstruction Tolerance Distance

      For a box group, if any other box intrudes in the direction perpendicular to the grouping direction, and the intrusion distance is smaller than this threshold, the intruding box will be ignored, and the box group will be considered a complete row. Otherwise, the box group will be discarded.

      obstruction tolerance distance

The set value of Obstruction Tolerance Distance cannot exceed the edge length of the boxes.

  • Box-Frame Angle Threshold

    Before the boxes are grouped, the angle between the box reference frame and the custom reference frame will be calculated. If the angle exceeds this threshold, the corresponding box will not be grouped.

    angle deviation upper limit

Suction Cup Offset

During the depalletizing process of the boxes, the fixed and non-replaceable suction cups are usually used. Due to various sizes of the boxes, the suction cups need to handle different boxes of various sizes. To avoid picking non-target boxes, the robot may not pick the target box with the center of the vacuum gripper. Instead, the corner or other parts of the vacuum gripper will be used. By setting the Offset Approach and configuring theSuction Cup Orientation, the problem of picking the wrong box can be effectively avoided, ensuring stable picking of boxes of various dimensions.

There are four offset strategies in total, and each strategy contains different parameters.

Default strategy

The software sequentially applies three strategies—Center to center, Edge midpoint to edge midpoint, and Corner to corner—to attempt the vacuum gripper offset.

Custom strategy priority

The software adheres to user-defined offset priorities to attempt the vacuum gripper offset.

There are three custom strategies in total, which are Center to center, Edge midpoint to edge midpoint, and Corner to corner. You can specify the attempt sequence for each strategy by configuring the Offset Priority parameter group.

  • Center to center: The center of the activated section of the vacuum gripper matches that of the box.

  • Edge midpoint to edge midpoint: The edge midpoint of the activated section of the vacuum gripper matches that of the box.

  • Corner to corner: The corner of the activated section of the vacuum gripper matches that of the box.

In the figure below, the orange rectangle represents the box, and the gray rectangle represents the vacuum gripper. The green part of the vacuum gripper indicates that the section is activated, while the red part indicates that the section is deactivated.

custom strategy priority1
  • When a single section is activated

    The figures below demonstrate the effects of using Center to center, Edge midpoint to edge midpoint, and Corner to corner from left to right.

    custom strategy priority2
  • When both sections are activated

    The figures below demonstrate the effects of using Center to center, Edge midpoint to edge midpoint, and Corner to corner from left to right.

    custom strategy priority3
  • The effect is similar when there are more than two activated sections of the vacuum gripper.

By edge/corner ID sequence

The software attempts the offset according to the user-specified Edge/corner ID sequence (e.g., 11, 21, 31, 41).

The edge/corner IDs are generated automatically in the vacuum gripper configurator. The two-digit numbers at the edge of each section are edge/corner IDs, as shown below.

side number list
By distance to reference point

You need to set a reference point to enable this feature. The offset strategies will be sorted according to the distance between the TCP and the reference point, and the offset strategy with a TCP closer to the reference point has a higher priority.

  • Reference Point X/Y

    Specify the position of the reference point. The reference point will appear in the 3D simulation area.

  • Keep Only High Priority Offset

    Only offset solutions with a shorter distance to the reference point will be kept.

  • Max Plan Result Count

    The maximum number of offset solutions that will be kept.

    If there are 4 possible solutions for the vacuum gripper offset in total, and the value of this parameter is set to 2, the 2 solutions in which the vacuum gripper TCPs are closer to the reference point will be kept.

    If there are 2 possible solutions for the vacuum gripper offset in total, and the value of this parameter is set to 4, only 2 solutions will be kept.

  • Application Example

    offset priority example1

    The software will attempt the offsets in the order shown below.

    offset priority example2
Box Surface Coverage Lower Limit

This parameter specifies the minimum proportion of a box’s upper surface covered by the vacuum gripper when the vacuum gripper attempts to pick a box. If the coverage is below the threshold, it is considered that the vacuum gripper cannot attach to the box firmly and the picking is not allowed.

In addition, when the upper surface of a single box is larger than the entire vacuum gripper, and all sections of the vacuum gripper are activated, the coverage can reach 100%.

Supposing that this parameter is set to 50%, the picking feasibilities are shown as below.

box cover rate
Suction Cup Orientation

This parameter specifies the orientation of the vacuum gripper relative to the box group during picking.

  • Free: The orientation of the suction cup is not specified.

  • Custom: You can set the Suction Cup X-Axis Direction and Orientation Reference, and there are four relative positional relationships in total:

    • X-axes of objects are parallel to that of the vacuum gripper.

    • X-axes of objects are perpendicular to that of the vacuum gripper.

    • The X-axis of the vacuum gripper is parallel to the direction along which the boxes are grouped.

    • The X-axis of the vacuum gripper is perpendicular to the direction along which the boxes are grouped.

      long side direction suction cup

      The figure on the left shows the effect when the X-axis of the vacuum gripper is parallel to the long edge of the box group, and the figure on the right shows the effect when the X-axis of the vacuum gripper is perpendicular to the long edge of the box group.

Box Drop Detection

In actual box depalletizing projects, DI check points will be added to the working surface of the suction cups to monitor whether the boxes are dropped during picking and placing by comparing the sensor signal changes.

After the DI check points are added to the vacuum gripper configurator, the software will determine which sensors on the working surface of the vacuum gripper are covered by the picked boxes, and therefore the DI signals that should be detected can be confirmed.

Remove Edge DI

In actual depalletizing process, when the sensors attached to the vacuum gripper near the edge of the box, the software may mistakenly detect that the box is dropped due to large gap between boxes, loose suction at the edge, or other reasons.

To prevent these issues, you can select this parameter and set Box Edge Removal Distance.

Box Edge Removal Distance

DI sensors that are within the removal range will not be taken into account in the box drop detection.

The width of the red frame shown in the figure below represents the Box Edge Removal Distance. For actual application, please adjust this parameter according to the on-site requirement.

box remove distance

Count of Picked Target Objects

Limit Total Count

Select Limit Total Count and you can set the maximum Planned Count and other parameters.

Planned Count

The maximum number of target objects allowed to be picked during the project execution.

Number of Picked Target Objects

The total number of target objects picked so far.

Count of Picked This Time

The number of target objects picked this time. When the picking method is set to Regular picking or Box depalletizing with the Depalletizing Mode of One by one, this value is fixed at 1 if the picking proceeds normally.

Limit Count per Picking
  • No limit: There is no limit to the number of target objects that can be picked at a time.

  • Maximum value: The maximum target objects that can be picked at a time.

  • Specified value: Set a fixed limit on the number of target objects to be picked at a time.

Picking Weight Limit

Once Limit Picking Weight is selected, you can specify Max Weight per Target Object and Max Total Weight. For example, when Max Weight per Target Object is set to 1 kg, and Max Total Weight is set to 2 kg, up to 2 boxes can be picked at once.

If the box quantity threshold defined by this parameter group differs from the threshold defined by Limit Count per Picking, the lower threshold will take effect.

Vision Service Name

Please select the Mech-Vision project in the same solution.

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