“3D Target Object Recognition” Tool

This section introduces how to use the “3D Target Object Recognition” tool.


The “3D Target Object Recognition” tool is a visual tuning tool that integrates the general functions of vision processing. It can help you easily recognize object poses by the following three processes. This tool is usually used for the positioning and assembly of single-case objects and for loading neatly arranged target objects and randomly stacked target objects.

overall process
  1. Point cloud preprocessing: Use this process to convert the acquired image data to point clouds, set a valid recognition region, detect edge point clouds, and filter out point clouds that do not meet requirements. This process can help improve the recognition accuracy of the subsequent process.

  2. Target object selection and recognition: After creating the target object model and pick points, decide whether to configure the deep learning model package and adjust the parameters for target object recognition according to the visual recognition strategy in use. Ensure that the configured parameters can meet the operational accuracy requirements so that the object recognition solution can recognize target objects stably and accurately.

  3. General settings: Use this process to configure the output ports. You can choose to output data about pick points or object center points according to the needs of subsequent picking tasks.

Usage Workflow

The instructions on how to use this tool are divided into the following three sections.

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