Regular Tool

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Avoid Picking on Same Workobject

This parameter group is mainly used to avoid picking on the same pick point in scenarios where the object cannot be picked successfully.

Decreased Priority Range Radius

Default value



If the distance between the current pick point and the most recently tried pick point is less than this value, the two pick points will be considered the same one, and the pick point’s priority for picking will be downgraded.

Discard Range Radius

Default value



If the distance between the current pick point and the lastly tried pick point is less than this value, the pick point will be discarded for picking.


For example, if the robot only moves the crankshaft but fails to pick it on the first attempt, there is a possibility of successful picking on the next attempt. In this case, Decreased Priority Range Radius can be set to downgrade the priority for picking this crankshaft, while the object pose will be kept. When the robot fails to move the crankshaft at all in the first attempt, it is highly unlikely that the crankshaft can be picked successfully in the next attempt, and therefore Discard Range Radius can be set to discard the pose directly.

Max Length of Repetition Avoidance List

Default value



The maximum number of workobjects that should not be picked repeatedly. The workobject poses will form a list. When the list length exceeds the upper limit, the pose that is added to the list earliest will be removed from the list and can be used in the next round of planning.


Assuming that the value is set to 2 and Mech-Vision outputs 3 poses when pose 1 is used and the picking fails, pose 1 will be recorded. Pose 2 will also be recorded if the picking fails. However, when pose 3 is recorded, pose 1 will be discarded, and only pose 2 and pose 3 will be kept in the avoidance list.

Subject of Repetition Avoidance

Pick point

Record the pick point of the workobject. If the object has 3 pick points, and one of them was recorded as used during a failed picking, the rest two will not be included in the avoidance list.


Record the workobject. If the object has 3 pick points, and one of them was recorded as used during a failed picking, the rest two will be included in the avoidance list as well and the object will not be prioritized for picking next time.

Count of Picked Workobjects

Planned Count

The maximum number of total picked objects.

Total Count of Picked

The number of objects that have been already picked.

Count of Picked This Time

The number of objects picked this time.

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