Status Codes and Troubleshooting

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■ If you are not sure which version of the product you are currently using, please feel free to contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Status codes in the Standard Interface commands returned by the vision system in are 4-digit numbers that represent the status of command execution. Status codes are divided into normal status codes and error codes. Normal status codes indicate that the command is executed successfully, while error codes indicate that an error occurs during command execution. You may address errors by referring the error code descriptions in this guide. The following table classifies status codes into different categories.

Status code Description


Mech-Vision error codes


Mech-Vision normal status codes


Mech-Viz error codes


Mech-Viz normal status codes


Communication Component error codes


Communication Component normal status codes


Robot error codes


Robot normal status codes


Calibration error codes


Status codes that can be customized in Mech-Vision


Calibration normal status codes


Mech-Vision error codes

Error code Description


Mech-Vision: Unregistered project existed in the solution


Mech-Vision: No vision result


Mech-Vision: No point cloud in ROI


Mech-Vision: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Vision project


Mech-Vision: Invalid pose data


Mech-Vision: Project is running


Mech-Vision: Digital output signal list not provided


Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of labels do not match


Mech-Vision: Project ID does not exist


Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe ID does not exist


Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe not configured


Mech-Vision: Failed to switch parameter recipe


Mech-Vision: Project execution error


Mech-Vision: Data obtained by the command does not match the Port Type value of the Output Step. Please select a proper command or modify the Port Type value


Mech-Vision: Failed to map the string of label to numbers


Mech-Vision: Invalid pose number input


Mech-Vision: Execution timeout


Mech-Vision: Project not started


Mech-Vision: Failed to set object dimensions


Mech-Vision: Invalid object dimension settings


Mech-Vision: Failed to connect to camera


Mech-Vision: Number of poses and list size of custom port data do not match


Mech-Vision: Visual image data in use. The running cannot proceed


Mech-Vision: Invalid pose type


Mech-Vision: Runtime error at Path Planning Step


Mech-Vision: Path planning failed


Mech-Vision: Robot cannot reach the waypoint


Mech-Vision: Motion singularity error


Mech-Vision: Invalid pick point


Mech-Vision: Robot collision detected


Mech-Vision: No available placing position for palletizing


Mech-Vision: No vision point for the Vision Move Step


Mech-Vision: Invalid tool


Mech-Vision: Timeout occurs when waiting for the capture completion


Mech-Vision: Box mask recognition error


Mech-Vision: Check box dimensions error


Mech-Vision: Failed to set pose

Mech-Vision normal status codes

Normal status code Description


Mech-Vision: Get vision result successfully


Mech-Vision: Ready to run


Mech-Vision: Project get triggered successfully


Mech-Vision: Obtained planned path successfully


Mech-Vision: Obtain DO signal list successfully


Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe switched successfully


Mech-Vision: Object dimensions input to the project successfully


Mech-Vision: Pose set successfully


Mech-Viz error codes

Error code Description


Mech-Viz: Software not registered


Mech-Viz: Project is running


Mech-Viz: Robot cannot reach the waypoint


Mech-Viz: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Viz


Mech-Viz: Path planning failed


Mech-Viz: Runtime error


Mech-Viz: Digital output signal list not provided


Mech-Viz: Invalid pose type


Mech-Viz: Invalid pose data


Mech-Viz: No project set to autoload


Mech-Viz: Failed to set Step parameter value


Mech-Viz: Failed to stop execution


Mech-Viz: Invalid branch exit port number


Mech-Viz: Failed to set branch


Mech-Viz: Motion singularity error


Mech-Viz: The project has not been executed or has no results after execution


Mech-Viz: Invalid Branch Step ID


Mech-Viz: Execution timeout


Mech-Viz: Invalid Step ID of index-type Steps


Mech-Viz: Invalid Current Index value


Mech-Viz: Failed to set index


Mech-Viz: Invalid pick point


Mech-Viz: Robot collision detected


Mech-Viz: No available placing position for palletizing


Mech-Viz: Visual Recognition Step not called


Mech-Viz: No vision result received from vision service


Mech-Viz: No point cloud in ROI


Mech-Viz: No vision point for the Vision Move Step


Mech-Viz: Failed to get Step parameter


Mech-Viz: Failed to get planning result in Vision Move


Mech-Viz: Failed to get custom data


Mech-Viz: Vision service not registered


Mech-Viz: Invalid tool


Mech-Viz: Check box dimensions error

Mech-Viz normal status codes

Normal status code Description


Mech-Viz: Execution completed successfully


Mech-Viz: DO signal list obtained successfully


Mech-Viz: Started successfully


Mech-Viz: Stopped successfully


Mech-Viz: Set branch successfully


Mech-Viz: Set index successfully


Mech-Viz: Set move point for External Move Step successfully


Mech-Viz: Set Step parameter value successfully


Mech-Viz: Get Step parameter value successfully

Communication Component

Communication Component error codes

Error code Description


Communication Component: Invalid command


Communication Component: Invalid data length or format for command parameter


Communication Component: Mech-Vision timed out


Communication Component: Unknown error


Communication Component: Data acknowledge signal timed out


Communication Component: Configuration ID does not exist

Communication Component normal status codes

Normal status code Description


Communication Component: Modbus TCP data cleared successfully


Robot error codes

Error code Description


Robot: Euler angle type not supported


Calibration error codes

Error code Description

Calibration: Parameter error

Calibration: No calibration flange pose provided from Mech-Vision

Calibration: Calibration joint positions not provided by Mech-Vision

Calibration: Robot failed to reach the calibration point

Calibration normal status codes

Normal status code Description


Calibration: Robot moved to the calibration point successfully


Calibration: Pose received from Mech-Vision successfully

Mech-Vision Troubleshooting


Mech-Vision: Unregistered project existed in the solution


  • Mech-Vision was not started.

  • Autoload Project was not selected.

  • The Mech-Vision project did not have an Output Step.


  • Ensure that the Mech-Vision software is started.

  • Ensure that Autoload Project is selected.

  • Ensure that the Mech-Vision project contains an Output Step.


Mech-Vision: No vision result


  • The Mech-Vision project was successfully executed, but the ports of the Output Step failed to output data. Possible reasons include exceedingly high confidence threshold for instance segmentation, no matched object in the scene, improper ROI settings, low point cloud quality, improper filtering settings, etc.


  • Enable Debug Output: Open Mech-Vision, turn on the Debug Output switch, click Run or Single Step Execution, double-click to connect Steps, and then view the detailed output in the right Debug Output window.

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  • Locate the problematic Step: Start from the first Step and sequentially check the data flow of each port of the Step from top to bottom. If the data flow of a Step is abnormal, the Step is problematic.

  • Check the parameters of the problematic Step: Make sure that all necessary Steps are properly configured, and the data can flow naturally.

    The parameters of the following Steps are essential for the output. If the project contains the following Steps, pay attention to the Step parameter values.

    • Extract 3D Points in 3D ROI: In the 3D ROI Settings section, click Open the editor and make sure that the point cloud of the target object locates within the green box.

    • 3D Matching: Adjust the Confidence Threshold value based on the matching result in the visualized output and actual situation.

      • If Confidence Threshold is set to a high value, such as 0.9 or higher, the detection object will only be marked as a valid match when the model is highly accurate in its detection results. In this case, it is advisable to lower the confidence threshold to a more appropriate level, such as 0.5 or 0.6, to balance the risk of missing detections.

      • If adjusting the confidence threshold does not yield satisfactory results, it is necessary to use a more diverse and challenging dataset in model training to make the instance segmentation applicable to more scenarios.


Mech-Vision: No point cloud in ROI


  • There was no point cloud in the 3D ROI.

This error can be a signal that the bin is empty or out of position. Thus it’s not necessarily a project execution error that needs to be fixed.


  • Check the ROI setting in the project and ensure the setting is proper.


Mech-Vision: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Vision project


  • In the command sent by the robot side to trigger the Mech-Vision project, the value of the robot pose type parameter was invalid. The value range of the robot pose type parameter is 0 to 3.

  • In the command sent by the robot side to trigger the Mech-Vision project and obtain results, the value of the returned data format parameter was invalid. The value range of returned data format is 1 to 4.


  • Ensure the parameter values in the command sent by the robot side are within the valid range.


Mech-Vision: Invalid pose data


  • In the command sent by the robot side to trigger the Mech-Vision project, the value of the robot pose parameter was invalid. Possible scenarios are as follows:

    • The value of the joint positions were less than 6 fields.

    • The value of the flange pose were less than 6 fields.

    • The value of the flange pose was all 0.

By default, a 6-axis robot is used and thus the value of the “robot pose” parameter occupies six fields. If a 4-axis or 5-axis robot is used, fill in the empty fields with 0.


  • Ensure that the robot pose parameter is set correctly, which means to ensure that the joint positions or flange pose is set correctly.


Mech-Vision: Project is running


  • While the Mech-Vision project was running, the robot side sent the command to start it again.

Mech-Vision allows concurrent running of multiple projects, but one Mech-Vision project cannot be started again when it is already running.


  • Ensure that the Mech-Vision project ID set in the robot program is correct.

  • Ensure that the robot program does not contain code that triggers the same Mech-Vision project in a short period of time. When running the same project, the client must wait for the project to finish before running it again to avoid encountering this error. If the project finishes running, a message that indicates the project execution has been stopped will be displayed in the Vision tab of the Log panel in Mech-Vision.


Mech-Vision: Digital output signal list not provided


  • The DO signal list for the vacuum gripper obtained from Mech-Vision was empty.


  • Ensure that the tool type in the path planning tool is depalletizing vacuum gripper and DO signals are configured correctly in the vacuum gripper configuration interface.


Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of labels do not match


  • In the Output Step of the Mech-Vision project, the number of poses output by the poses port was not equal to the number of labels output by the labels port.


  • Check the data flow of the Mech-Vision project to ensure the number of poses and the number of labels are the same. For example, in the following figure, the Size parameter of the poses port and that of the labels port are both set to 2, which means that the number of poses and the number of labels are the same. If the Size parameter of the poses port is set to 3 and that of the labels port is set to 2, the number of poses and the number of labels are not the same. The preceding occur will occur.

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Mech-Vision: Project ID does not exist


  • The project ID specified in the command sent by the robot side did not exist in the project list of Mech-Vision. For example, when there is only a project with an ID of 1 in the project list, and the project ID specified in the command is 2, this error will prompt.


  • Ensure that Autoload Project is selected.

  • Ensure that the project ID specified in the command sent by the robot side exists in the project list of Mech-Vision.


Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe ID does not exist


  • The parameter recipe ID specified in the command sent by the robot side did not exist in the Parameter Recipe Editor. For example, when there is only a parameter recipe with an ID of 1 in the Parameter Recipe Editor, and the parameter recipe ID specified in the command is 2, this error will occur.


  • Ensure that the parameter recipe ID specified in the command sent by the robot side exists in the Parameter Recipe Editor.


Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe not configured


  • The robot side sent the command to switch the parameter recipe of Mech-Vision, but the Mech-Vision project did not have any parameter recipe.


  • Check the parameter recipe setting in the Mech-Vision project and ensure that the parameter recipe and its ID are correct.

  • The robot does not necessarily need to send the parameter switching command if not needed by Mech-Vision.


Mech-Vision: Failed to switch parameter recipe


  • Mech-Vision had exhibited abnormal behavior in Standard Interface communication, which resulted in the failure of parameter recipe switch.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Mech-Vision: Project execution error


  • A runtime error occurred in the Mech-Vision project.

This status code only indicates that an error has occurred when the Mech-Vision project was operating. Specific reasons for the error was not provided.


  • Check the error message in the log panel of Mech-Vision and modify the project if necessary.


Mech-Vision: Data obtained by the command does not match the Port Type value of the Output Step. Please select a proper command or modify the Port Type value


  • When the client calls the Get Vision Result command, the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in the Mech-Vision project is not set to Predefined (vision result).

  • When the client calls the Get Mech-Vision Custom Data command, the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in the Mech-Vision project is not set to Custom.

  • When the client calls the Get Mech-Vision Planned Path command, the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in the Mech-Vision project is not set to Predefined (robot path).


  • Check the value of the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in the Mech-Vision project.

    • If the client calls the Get Vision Result command, the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in the Mech-Vision project must be set to Predefined (vision result).

    • If the client calls the Get Mech-Vision Custom Data command, the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in the Mech-Vision project must be set to Custom.

    • If the client calls the Get Mech-Vision Planned Path command, the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in the Mech-Vision project must be set to Predefined (robot path).


Mech-Vision: Failed to map the string of label to numbers


  • The data output by the labels port of the Output Step in Mech-Vision was not a string of numbers.


  • Check the data output by the labels port of the Output Step. If the data is not in the format of numbers, add a Label Mapping Step before the Output Step to transform the output of the labels port to a string of numbers. For example, in the figure below, the Label Mapping Step maps the string label OK to the numeric string 0 and the string label NG to the numeric string 1.

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Mech-Vision: Invalid pose number input


  • In the command sent by the robot side to trigger the Mech-Vision project, the value of the expected number of vision points or waypoints parameter exceeded the maximum number of poses that could be sent each time.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings . Modify the value of max num of poses to send per time. The limit is 30.


  • Ensure that the expected number of vision points or waypoints parameter value is no greater than maximum number of poses that could be sent each time.


Mech-Vision: Execution timeout


  • Since the robot side sent the command to get vision results, the Mech-Vision project had not finished execution within the timeout period. The default timeout period is 10s.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings . Modify the value of Timeout for getting Mech-Vision data(s) to change the timeout setting.


  • Users can add a delay function in the robot program before the function that obtains the vision results.

  • For Mech-Vision projects that takes a relatively long time to finish running, users may modify the timeout period according to needs.


Mech-Vision: Project not started


  • The robot side sent the command to obtain vision results before sending the command to trigger the Mech-Vision project. For example, there are two projects with IDs 1 and 2 on the project list of Mech-Vision. If the robot side triggers project 1 but requires obtaining vision results from object 2, this error will occur.

  • The robot side had obtained all vision results but was still sending the command to obtain more vision results.


  • Check the robot program and ensure that the Mech-Vision project ID in the command sent by the robot side to obtain vision results is correct.

  • When the status of transmitting vision points parameter in the returned data is set to 1, it indicates that all vision points have been obtained. In this case, robot should stop sending the command that obtains vision results.


Mech-Vision: Failed to set object dimensions


  • The Mech-Vision project did not contain a Read Object Dimensions Step.


  • Ensure that there is a Read Object Dimensions Step in the Mech-Vision project.


Mech-Vision: Invalid object dimension settings


  • The object dimensions sent to the Mech-Vision project had 0 or a negative value.


  • Ensure that the object dimensions (length, width, height) are all positive integers.


Mech-Vision: Failed to connect to camera


  • The Capture Images from Camera Step in the Mech-Vision project failed to connect to a camera.


  • Check the camera power supply and network settings to ensure that both the camera power and network are properly connected.

  • Ensure that the IP address and port set in the Capture Images from Camera Step are correct.


Mech-Vision: Number of poses and list size of custom port data do not match


  • The list length of the poses port and list length of the custom port of the Output Step of the Mech-Vision project did not match. For example, consider the pose list as \[[1,1,1,0,1,0,0],[1,1,1,0,0,0,0]]. If the data list output by the custom port is \[[1,1]] or [], the lengths of the two lists are not equal; while if the data list output by the custom port is [1,1], the lengths of the two lists are the same.


  • Check the poses and the custom port data in the data flow of the Mech-Vision project to ensure the lengths of the two lists match. For example, in the following figure, the Size parameter of the poses port and that of the custom port are both set to 2, which means that the lengths of the two lists match. If the Size parameter of the poses port is set to 3 and that of the custom port is set to 2, the lengths of the two lists do not match. The preceding occur will occur.

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Mech-Vision: Visual image data in use. The running cannot proceed


  • The image used by the Capture Images from Camera Step in the Mech-Vision project is a virtual image from your computer and not an image captured by the actual camera.


  • In the Camera Settings section of the Capture Images from Camera Step, check to make sure that Virtual Mode is disabled.

  • If the virtual mode is needed, click Run in the following dialog box. This way, the data will be sent. In addition, we recommend that you select Do not remind me again before the software restarts.

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Mech-Vision: Invalid pose type


  • In the command sent by the robot side to obtain planned path from Mech-Vision, the value of the waypoint pose type parameter was invalid. The value of the waypoint pose type parameter can only be 1 or 2.


  • Ensure the parameter values in the command sent by the robot side are within the valid range.


Mech-Vision: Runtime error at Path Planning Step


  • An error occurred when the Mech-Vision project was executing the Path Planning Step.

This status code only indicates that an error has occurred in the Path Planning Step. Specific reasons for the error are not yet provided.


  • Open the path planning tool and check the log to identify the root cause.


Mech-Vision: Path planning failed


  • If there was a bin in the project, the possible cause was that there was no vision point in the bin.

  • If it was a mixed-case palletizing project, the possible cause was that the Path Planning Tool failed to calculate the position to put the workobject.

  • The path planning tool might have malfunctioned.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Mech-Vision: Robot cannot reach the waypoint

The Path Planning Step prompted the error. Possible causes are as follows:

  • The waypoint was out of reach for the robot.

  • Robot inverse kinematic solution failed.


  • Open the configuration wizard of the Path Planning Step, view the plan history to locate the red content, and then locate the specific Step where the issue occurred.

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  • To troubleshoot Waypoint unreachable, perform the following operations:

    • Check the waypoint pose: Ensure that the pose is correctly oriented and reachable. Note the difference between the object’s pose and the TCP.

    • Check the TCP: Make sure that the TCP in the Path Planning Step is the same as the actual TCP of the robot.


Mech-Vision: Motion singularity error

The Path Planning Step prompted the error. Possible causes are as follows:

  • The robot detected an singularity error during path planning. The joint velocity or joint acceleration of the real robot exceeded the threshold values of detecting singularity set in the software.

  • The robot could not reach the point by moving in the planned straight line.


  • If the singularity detection threshold is too strict, users may consider reducing the values of Max velocity or Reduction ratio. To change the threshold of singularity detection, contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.

  • If the robot cannot reach the point by moving in a straight line, users may consider changing the motion type to joint motion or adding intermediate waypoints.


Mech-Vision: Invalid pick point


  • None of the pick points are within the bin.

  • The tool set for the pick point in the workobject library does not match the tool selected in the path planning tool.


  • For the first cause:

    • Make sure that extrinsic parameters of the camera are properly set.

    • In the Output Step of the Mech-Vision project, make sure that the pose of the workobject pick point is the same as the actual workobject pose.

    • In the Path Planning Step of the Mech-Vision project, click Config Wizard to go to the path planning tool and make sure that the specified location of the bin is the same as the actual location of the bin.

  • For the second cause:

    • In the workobject library, check to make sure that a valid tool is configured for a pick point. For example, the valid tool for PickPoint_2 is Tool_Repositioning in the following figure.

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    • In Global Configuration of the path planning tool, check to make sure that the selected tool is a valid tool in the tool list for the pick point.

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Mech-Vision: Robot collision detected

The Path Planning Step prompted the error. Possible causes are as follows:

  • The robot was at risk of colliding with scene objects.

  • The robot was at risk of colliding with the point cloud of the object.


  • If the robot is at risk of colliding with scene objects, users may consider adding intermediate waypoints for the robot to avoid these objects.

  • If the robot is at risk of colliding with the point cloud of the object, users may consider adjusting the threshold of detecting collision with the point cloud.

  • If an error occurs in the home position of the planned path, users may consider setting the HOME position.


Mech-Vision: No available placing position for palletizing


  • The tray is full. No position is available for palletizing.


  • Add the appropriate handling logic at the failed planning exit port of palletizing-type steps.


Mech-Vision: No vision point for the Vision Move Step

The Path Planning Step prompted the error. Possible causes are as follows:

  • The input port of the Path Planning Step did not receive pose data of vision points.


  • Check the Vision Points port of the Path Planning Step, and ensure that the port has received poses.


Mech-Vision: Invalid tool

The Path Planning Step prompted the error. Possible causes are as follows:

  • The tool was invalid.


  • In the path planning tool interface, check and ensure that the tool settings and the Global Configuration settings are correct.


Mech-Vision: Timeout occurs when waiting for the capture completion


  • The Capture Images from Camera Step did not complete execution within the timeout period set by Timeout waiting for capture completion(s).


  • Select Robot Communication Configuration on the toolbar. Click Next and then click Advanced Settings. Check Timeout waiting for capture completion(s) (only available when Return ‘1102: visible after the Successfully triggered checkbox).

  • Compare the value of “Timeout waiting for capture completion(s)” and the execution time of the “Capture Images from Camera” Step. If the value of “Timeout waiting for capture completion(s)” is smaller than the execution time of the “Capture Images from Camera” Step, adjust the value of “Timeout waiting for capture completion(s)” to make it greater than the execution time of the “Capture Images from Camera” Step. For example, in the figure below, the value of “Timeout waiting for capture completion(s)” is greater than the execution time of the “Capture Images from Camera” Step, which means that this setting in the figure below is valid.

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Mech-Vision: Box mask recognition error


  • The Mech-Vision project validated the masks of the box objects with the Validate Box Object Masks Step. However, the validation failed because the box objects did not meet the criteria set in the Step Parameters panel, including of All Boxes Must Be Same Dimension, All Boxes Must Be Detected and Rectangularity Validation.


  • Check the Validate Box Object Masks Step and ensure that the input data and parameter values are correct.


Mech-Vision: Check box dimensions error


  • The Mech-Vision project validated the masks of the box objects with the Validate Box Dimensions Step. However, the validation failed because the dimensions calculated from the masks did not match the data set in the Box Dimension Information in the Step Parameters panel.


  • Check the Validate Box Dimensions Step and ensure that the input data and parameter values are correct.


Mech-Vision: Failed to set pose


  • When the client calls the command to input poses to the Mech-Vision project, the Step name is not a number or the Step corresponding to the Step name is not Easy Create Poses.


  • Check the Easy Create Poses Step in the Mech-Vision project to make sure that the Step name is a number.

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  • Check the command to input poses to the Mech-Vision project to make sure that the Step name set in the command matches the Step name in the above figure.

Mech-Viz Troubleshooting


Mech-Viz: Software not registered


  • Mech-Viz was not started.

  • Multiple Mech-Viz windows were opened under the developer mode.


  • Ensure that the Mech-Viz software is started.

  • Exit the developer mode and restart Mech-Viz.


Mech-Viz: Project is running


  • While the Mech-Viz project was running, the robot side sent the command to start it again.


  • Ensure that the robot program does not contain codes that trigger the same Mech-Viz project in a short period of time.


Mech-Viz: Robot cannot reach the waypoint


  • The waypoint was out of reach for the robot.

  • If the Mech-Viz project contains a Change Tool Step and the TCP changes before and after switching tools, the robot may fail to reach the waypoint.


  • Open the Mech-Viz software, view the plan history to locate the red content, and then locate the specific Step where the issue occurred.

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  • To troubleshoot Waypoint unreachable, perform the following operations:

    • Check the waypoint pose: Ensure that the pose is correctly oriented and reachable. Note the difference between the object’s pose and the TCP.

    • Check the TCP: Make sure that the TCP in Mech-Viz is the same as the actual TCP of the robot.

    • Check soft limits: Check if the soft limits are properly set. To check the soft limits, select Robot  Set soft limits in the lower-right corner of Mech-Viz.


Mech-Viz: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Viz


  • In the command sent by the robot side to trigger the Mech-Viz project, the value of the robot pose type parameter was invalid. The value range of robot pose type is 0 to 2.


  • Ensure the parameter values in the command sent by the robot side are within the valid range.


Mech-Viz: Path planning failed


  • If there was a bin in the project, the possible cause was that there was no vision point in the bin.

  • If it was a mixed-case palletizing project, the possible cause was that the Path Planning Tool failed to calculate the position to put the workobject.

  • The path planning tool might have malfunctioned.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Mech-Viz: Runtime error


  • An error occurred when the Mech-Viz project was running.


  • Open Mech-Viz and check the log to identify the root cause.


Mech-Viz: Digital output signal list not provided

  • The DO signal list for the vacuum gripper obtained from Mech-Vision was empty.


  • Ensure that there is a Set DO Step following the Vision Move Step, and that Receiver is set to Standard Interface on the Step parameters panel of the Set DO Step.

  • Ensure that the tool type is set to depalletizing vacuum gripper and DO signals are configured correctly in the vacuum gripper configuration interface.


Mech-Viz: Invalid pose type


  • In the command sent by the robot side to obtain planned path from Mech-Viz, the value of the waypoint pose type parameter was invalid. The value of the waypoint pose type parameter can only be 1 or 2.


  • Ensure the parameter values in the command sent by the robot side are within the valid range.


Mech-Viz: Invalid pose data


  • In the command sent by the robot side to trigger the Mech-Viz project, the value of the robot pose parameter was invalid. Possible scenarios are as follows:

    • The value of the joint positions were less than 6 fields.

    • The value of the flange pose were less than 6 fields.

    • The value of the flange pose was all 0.

By default, a 6-axis robot is used and thus the value of the robot pose parameter occupies six fields. If a 4-axis or 5-axis robot is used, fill in the empty fields with 0.


  • Ensure the robot pose parameter value is appropriate.


Mech-Viz: No project set to autoload


  • The Mech-Viz project was not running.

  • The Mech-Viz project was not set to autoload.


  • Ensure the project used by the robot side is open in Mech-Viz and has the Autoload Project option checked.


Mech-Viz: Failed to set Step parameter value


  • An error occurred when the robot side sent the command to set Mech-Viz Step parameter value.


  • Ensure that the Step ID and parameter key name in the property_config file are correct.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings. Click Property Configuration to open the property_config file.


Mech-Viz: Failed to stop execution


  • Since the robot side sent the command to stop the Mech-Viz project, the project had not stopped running in 5s.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Mech-Viz: Invalid branch exit port number


  • In the command sent by the robot side to set the exit port for the Branch by Msg Step in Mech-Viz, the exit port parameter value was equal to or smaller than 0, or the value was larger than the number of the ports of the Branch by Msg Step.


  • Open the Mech-Viz project, find the Branch by Msg Step on the Workflow tab, and then make sure that the exit port number set in the command matches the exit port of the Branch by Msg Step. For example, if the exit port number is set to 1 in the command, the Mech-Viz project takes the exit port 0 of the Branch by Msg Step.

    2018 1


Mech-Viz: Failed to set branch


  • The Step ID parameter in the command sent by the robot side to set the exit port for the Branch by Msg Step in Mech-Viz did not have a corresponding Branch by Msg Step in the Mech-Viz project.


  • Ensure that the Step ID in the command sent by the robot side has a corresponding Step in the Mech-Viz project.


Mech-Viz: Motion singularity error


  • The robot detected an singularity error during path planning. The joint velocity or joint acceleration of the real robot exceeded the threshold values of detecting singularity set in Mech-Viz.

  • The robot could not reach the point by moving in the planned straight line.


  • If the singularity detection threshold in Mech-Viz is too strict, modify the value of Max velocity or Reduction ratio on the Others tab in Mech-Viz.

    • Max velocity: The maximum allowable angular velocity for each joint of the robot.

    • Reduction ratio: When the detected velocity of any joint exceeds the specified Max velocity value, the velocity set in the move-type Step in Mech-Viz will be reduced according to the Reduction ratio value (new velocity = original velocity × reduction ratio), and the singularity detection will be performed again. If the reduced velocity is less than the set max velocity, the robot will move at the reduced velocity in the corresponding Step. If the reduced velocity still exceeds the set max velocity, the Mech-Viz software will determine that a singularity will occur due to the planned path. This means that the planned path cannot pass the singularity detection.

    2020 1
  • If the robot cannot reach the point by moving in a straight line, you may consider changing the motion type to joint motion or adding intermediate waypoints. You can choose one of the following two methods.

    • In Mech-Viz, select the move-type Step where the error occurs and set Motion type to Joint move.

      2020 2
    • In Mech-Viz, add one or more move-type Steps before the Step where the error occurs. This means to add multiple intermediate waypoints. For example, in the figure below, Fixed-Point Move_3 is added between Fixed-Point Move_1 and home. This means that an intermediate waypoint is added.

      2020 3


Mech-Viz: The project has not been executed or has no results after execution


  • When the robot side sent the command to set the exit port for the Branch by Msg Step in Mech-Viz, the Mech-Viz project was not running.

  • Before sending the command to obtain the planned path, the robot side did not send the command to trigger the Mech-Viz project.

  • When the robot side sent the command to obtain the planned path from Mech-Viz, Mech-Viz had not output the planned result.

  • The robot side had obtained all waypoints but was still sending the command to obtain the planned path from Mech-Viz.


  • Ensure that the Mech-Viz project is running when the robot side sends the command to set the exit port for the Branch by Msg Step. After the command to run the Mech-Viz project is called, make sure that the Mech-Viz project is running, as shown in the figure below, and then call the command to set the exit port of the Branch by Msg Step in Mech-Viz.

    2022 1
  • Ensure that the robot side sends the command to trigger the Mech-Viz project BEFORE sending the command to obtain the planned path.

  • When the status of transmitting waypoints parameter in the returned data is set to 1, it indicates that all waypoints have been obtained. In this case, the robot side should stop sending the command to obtain the planned path from Mech-Viz.


Mech-Viz: Invalid Branch Step ID


  • In the command sent by the robot side to set the exit port for the Branch by Msg Step in Mech-Viz, the Step ID parameter value was not a positive integer.


  • Ensure that the Step ID in the command sent by the robot side is a positive integer.


Mech-Viz: Execution timeout


  • Since the robot side sent the command to get the planned path, the Mech-Viz project had not finished execution within the timeout period. The default timeout period is 10s.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings . Modify the value of Timeout for getting Mech-Viz data(s) to change the timeout setting.


  • Users can add a delay function in the robot program before the function that obtains the planned path from Mech-Viz.

  • For Mech-Viz projects that takes a relatively long time to finish running, users may modify the timeout period according to needs.


Mech-Viz: Invalid Step ID of index-type Steps


  • In the command sent by the robot side to set the Current Index for Mech-Viz, the Step ID parameter value was not a positive integer.


  • Ensure that the Step ID in the command sent by the robot side is a positive integer.


Mech-Viz: Invalid Current Index value


  • In the command sent by the robot side to set the Current Index for Mech-Viz, the Current Index parameter value was not a positive integer.


  • Ensure that the Current Index parameter value in the command sent by the robot is a positive integer.


Mech-Viz: Failed to set index


  • The Step ID parameter in the command sent by the robot side to set the Current Index for Mech-Viz did not have a corresponding index-type Step in the Mech-Viz project.


  • Ensure that the Step ID in the command sent by the robot side has a corresponding Step in the Mech-Viz project.


Mech-Viz: Invalid pick point


  • None of the pick points are within the bin.

  • The valid tool set for the pick point in the workobject library does not match the tool selected in the Change Tool Step in the Mech-Viz project.


  • For the first cause:

    • Make sure that extrinsic parameters of the camera are properly set.

    • In the Output Step of the Mech-Vision project, make sure that the pose of the workobject pick point is the same as the actual workobject pose.

    • In the Vision Move Step of the Mech-Viz project, check Supplementary Features  Re-locate Bin with Vision  Update Bin with Vision.

      • If Update Bin with Vision is not selected, make sure that the specified bin location in the Mech-Viz project is the same as the actual bin location.

      • If Update Bin with Vision is selected, make sure that the recognized bin location in the Mech-Vision project is the same as the actual bin location.

  • For the second cause:

    • In the workobject library, check to make sure that a valid tool is configured for a pick point. For example, the valid tool for PickPoint_2 is Tool_Repositioning in the following figure.

      2030 1
    • Check the settings based on the operation mode selected for the Change Tool Step in the Mech-Viz project.

      • If the Operation Mode parameter of the Change Tool Step is set to Switch to specified tool, make sure that the Select Tool parameter is set to a valid tool in the tool list for the pick point.

        2030 2
      • In the Mech-Viz project, if the Operation Mode parameter of the Change Tool Step is set to Auto-switch to appropriate tool and Limit Tools in Use is selected, make sure that the Select Tools parameter is set to valid tool in the tool list for the pick point.

        2030 3


Mech-Viz: Robot collision detected

For error causes and troubleshooting methods, see this description.


Mech-Viz: No available placing position for palletizing


  • The tray is full. No position is available for palletizing.


  • Add the appropriate handling logic at the failed planning exit port of palletizing-type steps.


Mech-Viz: Visual Recognition Step not called


  • The vision service set for the Vision Move Step through the Vision Service Name parameter was not successfully called. On the other hand, the Mech-Viz project was supposed to exit from the Not called” port of the Check Vision Result Step, but this port was not connected to a Step. The Mech-Viz project stopped running as a result.


  • Check the workflow of the Mech-Viz project, and ensure that the Vision Move Step before the Check Vision Result Step is successfully called.

    2036 1
    Vision Service indicates the name of the Mech-Vision project that corresponds to the Mech-Viz project. You can find the project name in the project list of Mech-Vision, as shown in the following figure.
    2036 2


Mech-Viz: No vision result received from vision service


  • The vision service set for the Vision Move Step through the Vision Service Name parameter did not output any vision result. On the other hand, the Mech-Viz project was supposed to exit from the No result port of the Check Vision Result Step, but this port was not connected to a Step. The Mech-Viz project stopped running as a result.


  • When the Mech-Viz project is running, in the Log panel of Mech-Vision, make sure that the Output Step has data, as shown in the figure below. If the Step does not contain data, see 1002 to check the entire data flow.

    2037 1
  • In the Mech-Viz project, make sure that the no result exit port of the Check Vision Result Step is connected to a subsequent Step, such as the Notify Step.


Mech-Viz: No point cloud in ROI


  • The vision service set for the Vision Move Step through the Vision Service Name parameter did not output any vision result. On the other hand, the Mech-Viz project was supposed to exit from the No CloudInRoi port of the Check Vision Result Step, but this port was not connected to a Step. The Mech-Viz project stopped running as a result.


  • Refer to 1003 for troubleshooting.


Mech-Viz: No vision point for the Vision Move Step


  • Possible causes concerning the Vision Move Step are as follows:

    • The vision service did not provide vision results.

    • All poses in vision results are used up in path planning.


  • Refer to 1002 for troubleshooting.

  • Check if the Check Vision Result Step is used correctly in the Mech-Viz project.


Mech-Viz: Failed to get Step parameter


  • An error occurred when the robot side sent the command to read the Mech-Viz Step parameter value.


  • Ensure that the Step ID and parameter key name in the property_config file are correct.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings. Click Property Configuration to open the property_config file.


Mech-Viz: Failed to get planning result in Vision Move


  • An error occurred when the robot side sent the command to obtain Vision Move data or custom output data from Mech-Viz.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Mech-Viz: Failed to get custom data


  • An error occurred when the robot side sent the command to obtain Vision Move data or custom output data from Mech-Viz.


  • Refer to 1024 for troubleshooting.


Mech-Viz: Vision service not registered


  • Users did not set a proper value for the Vision Service Name parameter of the Visual Recognition Step in the Mech-Viz project.


  • Ensure that the vision service set for the Visual Recognition Step is correct.


Mech-Viz: Invalid tool


  • The Check Tool Step or the Change Tool Step failed to find the tool to check or change.


  • Ensure that the Tool parameter set for the Check Tool Step or the Change Tool Step is valid.


Mech-Viz: Check box dimensions error

  • The Mech-Vision project validated the masks of the box objects with the Validate Box Dimensions Step. However, the validation failed because the dimensions calculated from the masks did not match the data set in the Box Dimension Information in the Step Parameters panel.


  • Check the Validate Box Dimensions Step and ensure that the input data and parameter values are correct.

Communication Component Troubleshooting


Communication Component: Invalid command


  • The vision system did not support the command sent by the robot side.


  • Check the robot program to ensure that the sent commands are correct.


Communication Component: Invalid data length or format for command parameter


  • In the command sent by the robot side, the data length was abnormal. For example, the robot pose occupied less than 6 fields.

  • In the command sent by the robot side, the data format was abnormal. For example, the Chinese comma was used as the delimiter.


  • Check the robot program to ensure that the sent commands are correct.


Communication Component: Mech-Vision timed out


  • The vision system timed out when calling the gRPC service.


  • Try to restart Mech-Vision.


Communication Component: Unknown error


  • Unknown error occurred in the vision system.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Communication Component: Data acknowledge signal timed out

When the communication protocol is PROFINET or Ethernet/IP, the error might prompt in the following scenarios:

  • Before the vision system sent new pose data to the robot side, the robot side did not reset the Data_Acknowledge signal value to 0 within the timeout period (the value is 10s by default).

  • After the vision system sent new pose data to the robot side, the robot side did not reset the Data_Acknowledge signal value to 1 within the timeout period (the value is 10s by default).


  • Check the robot program and ensure that the Data_Acknowledge signal value is set to 0 before the robot side sends the command to obtain vision results or obtain planned path from Mech-Viz.

  • Check the robot program and ensure that the Data_Acknowledge signal is set to 1 immediately after the program reads the pose data sent by the vision system.


Communication Component: Configuration ID does not exist


  • In the property_config file, the Config ID or parameter key name, which was used in the command sent by the robot side to read or set Mech-Viz Step parameter value, had an error.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings. Click Property Configuration to open the property_config file.


  • Ensure that the Config ID and parameter key name in the property_config file are correct.

Calibration Troubleshooting


Calibration: Parameter error


  • Error occurred in the robot pose data in the command sent by the robot side to the vision system during calibration. Possible scenarios are as follows:

    • The value of the joint positions were less than 6 fields.

    • The value of the flange pose were less than 6 fields.

    • The value of the flange pose was all 0.

By default, a 6-axis robot is used and thus the value of the robot pose parameter occupies six fields. If a 4-axis or 5-axis robot is used, fill in the empty fields with 0.


  • Ensure that the robot pose data sent by the robot side is correct.


Calibration: No calibration flange pose provided from Mech-Vision


  • During calibration, Mech-Vision did not sent the flange pose of the next calibration point to the robot.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Calibration: Calibration joint positions not provided by Mech-Vision


  • During calibration, Mech-Vision does not sent the joint positions of the next calibration point to the robot.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.


Calibration: Robot failed to reach the calibration point


  • During calibration, the robot failed to reach the previous calibration point. Consequently, the status code parameter value in the calibration command sent by the robot side to the vision system was 2. And the vision system did not return any data to the robot side.


  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.

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