FANUC Standard Interface Commands

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This section describes standard interface commands used in TCP communications between a FANUC robot and Mech-Mind Vision System. The robot (the client) sends commands to Mech-Mind Vision System (the server), and Mech-Mind Vision System returns the processed data to the robot.

send receive

Before you call the commands, take note of the following items:

  • Unit of data:

    • The unit of joint positions is degree (°).

    • A robot’s flange pose or TCP consists of the position and pose. The position is represented in XYZ coordinates and is measured in millimeters (mm); the pose is represented in Euler angles and is measured in degrees (°).

  • Vision point and waypoint:

    • Vision point: An object recognized by Mech-Vision. A vision point has information including the object pose, label, dimensions, and custom data.

    • Waypoint: Each point that the robot reaches when moving along the planned path. A waypoint has information including the robot pose, label, and motion type. Waypoints can be divided into two categories:

      • Vision Move waypoint: Waypoint corresponding to the Vision Move Step.

      • Non-Vision Move waypoints, which refer to the waypoints corresponding to Move-type Steps other than the Vision Move Step.

Communication Initialization


This command establishes the TCP communication between the robot and the vision system.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the string-type robot port number. Valid values: 1 to 8.


This parameter specifies the string-type IP address of the IPC.


This parameter specifies the port number used by the IPC to establish the communication between the IPC and the robot. This port number must be consistent with the host port number that is specified for robot communication in the toolbar of Mech-Vision.


This parameter specifies the communication timeout period. Unit: minutes.


CALL MM_INIT_SKT('1','',50000,5)

In the preceding example, the IP address of the IPC to which you want to connect robot port 1 is, the port number of the IPC is 50000, and the timeout period of the IPC is 5 minutes.

Run Mech-Vision Project


This command triggers the Mech-Vision project to run. When the Mech-Vision project is running, the vision system triggers the camera to capture images and then process the returned images with algorithms to produce a series of vision points or waypoints.

  • Vision point: An object recognized by Mech-Vision. A vision point has information including the object pose, label, dimensions, and custom data.

  • Waypoint: Each point that the robot reaches when moving along the planned path. A waypoint has information including the robot pose, label, and motion type.

Calling Sequence

Command Format


Input Parameters


Mech-Vision project ID. You can view the project ID of a Mech-Vision project in the Project List section of Mech-Vision. The project ID is the number before the project name.


This parameter specifies the expected number of vision points or waypoints to be obtained from the Mech-Vision project. Value range: 0 to the largest positive integer.

If the Mech-Vision project has a Path Planning Step, this parameter indicates the expected number of waypoints. Otherwise, it indicates the expected number of vision points.
  • 0: Obtain all vision points or waypoints from the Mech-Vision project.

  • A positive integer: Obtain the specific number of vision points or waypoints from the Mech-Vision project.

    • If the total amount of vision points or waypoints output by the Mech-Vision project is smaller than the parameter value, this command will obtain the number of all vision points or waypoints.

    • If the total amount of vision points or waypoints output by the Mech-Vision project is larger than or equal to the parameter value, this command will obtain the number of vision points or waypoints as specified by this parameter.

  • Vision points or waypoints will not be returned after Run Mech-Vision Project is called. To obtain vision points, call Get Vision Result or Get Mech-Vision Custom Data. To obtain waypoints, call Get Planned Path in Mech-Vision.

  • The default maximum number of vision points or waypoints that the vision system sends at a time is 20. To modify the default maximum number of poses to obtain each time as needed, go to Robot and Communication > Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings in the toolbar of Mech-Vision. The upper limit is 30.

set number


This parameter specifies the way in which the real robot pose is sent to the Mech-Vision project. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The following table describes the details.

SendPos_Type Description Applicable scenario


The function does not send the robot pose to the Mech-Vision project.

If the Path Planning Step is used in the Mech-Vision project, the start point of the planned path will be the Home point set in the path planning tool.

This setting should be used if the camera is mounted in eye to hand mode and the project does not require images to be captured beforehand.


The robot joint positions and flange pose must be input to the Mech-Vision project.

This setting should be used when the camera is mounted in eye in hand mode.

This setting is recommended for most scenarios except those involving gantry robots.


The robot flange pose must be input to the Mech-Vision project.

This setting is recommended for scenarios involving gantry robots.


This command sends custom joint positions to the Mech-Vision project.

This joint positions will be sent to the Path Planning Step in the Mech-Vision project as the start point, where the robot will move from this start point to the first waypoint of the planned path.

This setting should be used if the camera is mounted in eye to hand mode and the project requires images to be captured beforehand.


This parameter specifies the position register ID. The position register that corresponds to the ID stores custom joint positions.

  • If SendPos_Type is set to 3, the joint positions represented by this position register will be sent to the Path Planning Step in the Mech-Vision project as the start point, where the robot moves from this start point to the first waypoint of the planned path. The data type of this position register must also be changed to joint type.

  • If SendPos_Type is set to a parameter value other than 3, the joint positions represented by the position register are of no practical use but the position register ID must be set.



In the preceding example, the Mech-Vision project whose ID is 1 is run, and one vision point is expected to be returned by the Mech-Vision project. At the same time, the robot sends the current joint position and flange pose data to the Mech-Vision project. In this example, PR[60] has no practical use, but the ID of this position register must be set.

Get Vision Result


This command obtains vision result, namely, a series of vision points, from Mech-Vision. The object pose of the vision point (namely, the output of the poses port of the Output Step) will be automatically converted to the robot’s TCP by the vision system. The process is as follows.

get tcp
  1. Convert the object pose from a quaternion to Euler angles.

  2. Rotate the object’s pose around the X-axis by 180° to orient its Z-axis downward.

    convert tcp

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Vision Project. After you call this command, call Store Vision Result or Planned Path (TCP) to access pose data.

Command Format


Input Parameters


Mech-Vision project ID. You can view the project ID of a Mech-Vision project in the Project List section of Mech-Vision. The project ID is the number before the project name.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the number of vision points returned by Mech-Vision.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the status code of this command. Status code 1100 is returned for a successful command execution. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.

By default, after the robot sends this command, the vision system returns the result in 10 seconds. If the vision system fails to return any result in 10 seconds, a timeout error code is returned. To modify the default timeout period as needed, go to Robot and Communication > Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings in the toolbar of Mech-Vision.

set vis time


CALL MM_GET_VIS(1,51,52)

In the preceding example, the vision result of the Mech-Vision project with an ID of 1 is returned, the vision point quantity is stored in numeric register R[51], and the command execution status code is stored in numeric register R[52].

Store Vision Result or Planned Path (TCP)


This command stores the TCP, label, and tool ID of the vision point or waypoint in the variables.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the index of the vision point or waypoint. The TCP, label, and tool ID of the vision point or waypoint that corresponds to the index are stored in the variables. Indexes start with 1.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the position register ID. The position register that corresponds to the ID stores the TCP of the vison point or waypoint that corresponds to the index.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the label of the vison point or waypoint that corresponds to the index.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the tool ID of the vision point or waypoint that corresponds to the specified index.


CALL MM_GET_POS(1,60,61,62)

In the preceding example, the TCP of the first vision point or waypoint is stored in position register PR[60], the label is stored in numeric register R[61], and the tool ID is stored in numeric register R[62].

Store Planned Path (joint positions)


This command stores the joint positions, label, and tool ID of the waypoint in the variables.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the index of the waypoint. The joint positions, label, and tool ID of the waypoint that corresponds to the index are stored in the variables. Indexes start with 1.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the position register ID. The position register that corresponds to the ID stores the joint positions of the waypoint that corresponds to the index.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the label of the waypoint that corresponds to the index.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the tool ID of the waypoint that corresponds to the specified index.


CALL MM_GET_JPS(1,60,61,62)

In the preceding example, the joint positions of the first waypoint are stored in position register PR[60], the label is stored in numeric register R[61], and the tool ID is stored in numeric register R[62].

Switch Mech-Vision Parameter Recipe


This command triggers Mech-Vision to switch the parameter recipe used by the project. The image below shows how to manually switch the parameter recipe for a Mech-Vision project. For details about parameter recipes, see the parameter recipe guide.

set recipe

Calling Sequence

This command should be called before Run Mech-Vision Project.

Command Format


Input Parameters


Mech-Vision project ID. You can view the project ID of a Mech-Vision project in the Project List section of Mech-Vision. The project ID is the number before the project name.


This parameter specifies the parameter recipe ID in the Mech-Vision project. For information about how to view the parameter recipe ID, see View the Parameter Recipe ID.



In the preceding example, the parameter recipe of the Mech-Vision project whose ID is 1 is switched to recipe 1.

Get Planned Path in Mech-Vision


This command obtains the path planned by the Mech-Vision project as a series of waypoints. The path is planned by the path planning tool, which you may enter by clicking Config wizard as shown in the image below. For details about Path Planning, see Path Planning.

Set the Port Type parameter of the Output Step in Mech-Vision to Predefined (robot path).
get plan path step

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Vision Project. After you call this command, call Store Vision Result or Planned Path (TCP) or Store Planned Path (joint positions) to access pose data.

Command Format


Input Parameters


Mech-Vision project ID. You can view the project ID of a Mech-Vision project in the Project List section of Mech-Vision. The project ID is the number before the project name.


This parameter specifies the type of waypoint poses to be obtained. can be set to 1 or 2.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the number of waypoints returned by the vision system. By default, the vision system can send 20 waypoints at most. As such, the maximum default value of this parameter is 20. To modify the default maximum number of poses to obtain each time as needed, go to Robot and Communication > Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings in the toolbar of Mech-Vision. The upper limit is 30.

set number
Before you call Get Planned Path in Mech-Vision, set Pos_Num_Need of Run Mech-Vision Project to 0 to reduce the number of Get Planned Path in Mech-Vision calls. If Pos_Num_Need of Run Mech-Vision Project is set to 1, only one waypoint is obtained each time you call Get Planned Path in Mech-Vision. You need to call Command 105 for several times to obtain all waypoints.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric resister corresponding to the ID stores the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint that corresponds to the Vision Move step of the path planning tool in the path. If the waypoint does not exist in the path, the petameter value is 0.

If the planned path consists of the following waypoints in sequence: Fixed-Point Move_1, Fixed-Point Move_2, Vision Move, and Fixed-Point Move_3, the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint is 3.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the status code of this command. If the command is successfully executed, the 1103 status code is returned. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.

By default, after the robot sends this command, the vision system returns the result in 10 seconds. If the vision system fails to return any result in 10 seconds, a timeout error code is returned. To modify the default timeout period as needed, go to Robot and Communication > Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings in the toolbar of Mech-Vision.

set vis time


CALL MM_GET_VISP(2,2,51,52,53)

In the preceding example, the planned path of the Mech-Vision project No.2 is returned, the waypoints of the path are stored in the TCP format, the number of waypoints is stored in numeric register R[51], the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint in the planned path is stored in numeric register R[52], and the command execution status code is stored in numeric register R[53].

Get Mech-Vision Custom Data


This command obtains data from the custom port(s) of the Output Step in Mech-Vision. One command call saves all port data of the Output Step to robot memory.

Select the Output Step, set Port Type to Custom, and then click Open the editor to go to the custom port configuration window. The Customized Keys section of the window displays custom port names, such as customeData1 and customeData2 as shown in the following figure.

  1. Data output from Predefined Keys, such as poses, labels, sizes, offsets, is not custom data.

  2. You must set Port Type of the Output Step to Custom and select the poses port in the Predefined Keys section in Mech-Vision.

custom data

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Vision Project. After you call this command, call Store Mech-Vision Custom Data to access custom data.

Command Format


Input Parameters


Mech-Vision project ID. You can view the project ID of a Mech-Vision project in the Project List section of Mech-Vision. The project ID is the number before the project name.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the number of vision points returned by Mech-Vision.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the status code of this command. If the command is successfully executed, the status code is 1100. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.


CALL MM_GET_DY_DT(2,50,51)

In the preceding example, the custom data of the Mech-Vision project No.2 is obtained, the number of vision points is stored in numeric register R[50], and the status code of the command are stored in numeric register R[51].

Store Mech-Vision Custom Data


This command stores custom data obtained from Mech-Vision in the variable.

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Get Mech-Vision Custom Data.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the index of the vision point. The custom data of the vision point that corresponds to the index is stored in the variable. Indexes start with 1.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the position register ID. The position register that corresponds to the ID stores TCP of the vision point that corresponds to the index.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the label of the vision point that corresponds to the index. If no label ports are specified in Mech-Vision, 0 is used.


This parameter specifies the starting ID of numeric registers. The numeric registers starting with the one with this ID sequentially store custom data of the vision points that correspond to the indexes.


CALL MM_GET_DYPOS(2,60,61,62)

In the preceding example, the TCP of the second vision point is stored in position register PR[60], the label of the second vision point is stored in numeric register R[61], and the custom data of the second vision point is stored staring from numeric register R[62].

Get Gripper DO List


This command obtains the control signal list for the multi-section vacuum gripper from the Mech-Vision or Mech-Viz project. The robot applies the DO signals obtained by Set Gripper DO List as the tool.

Before using this command, you must perform the following configurations in Mech-Vision or Mech-Viz.

  • Configure the Mech-Vision project

    • In the Path Planning Step, click Config wizard. In Global configuration, enable Box depalletizing.

      vision move vis
    • In the Path Planning Step, click Config wizard, and then double-click the name of the robot tool. In the pop-up window, select Depalletizing vacuum gripper for Tool type, click Configure depalletizing vacuum gripper, and then configure DO signals according to needs.

      sucker vis
  • Configure the Mech-Viz project

    • In the Vision Move Step of Mech-Viz, set Select Picking Method to Box depalletizing.

      vision move viz
    • In Mech-Viz, double-click the tool name, select Depalletizing vacuum gripper for Tool type, click Configure depalletizing vacuum gripper, and then configure the DO signal values according to needs.

      sucker viz

Calling Sequence

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the source of the DO signal list. Value range: 0 to the largest positive integer.

  • 0: Get DO signal list from Mech-Viz.

  • A positive integer: Get DO signal list from Mech-Vision. The positive integer is the Mech-Vision project ID.


This parameter specifies the number of gripper sections that are specified in the gripper configuration tool. For example, the number of gripper sections in the above image is 3.

The DO signals returned by this command vary based on the deployed project.

  • Gripper DO signals planned by the Mech-Vision project

    • Under Global Configuration of the path planning tool, if Plan all vision results is disabled, this command returns 64 gripper DO signals that are planned in this round. Valid DO signals are non-negative integers ranging from 0 to 999. Invalid DO signals are -1, which serves as a placeholder.

      plan all vis off

      For example, valid DO signals in the table below are 1, 3, 5, and 6, which means that the robot will set the values of these DO signals to ON.





















    • Under Global Configuration of the path planning tool, if Plan all vision results is enabled, Mech-Vision can perform multiple rounds of planning based on the same vision result. The 64 gripper DO signals returned by this command are obtained during all rounds of planning. In this case, you can use the number of vacuum gripper sections to differentiate the gripper DO signals obtained during each round of planning.

      plan all vis on

      For example, if the number of vacuum gripper sections is 4 and the command returns 64 DO signals in total, each 4 DO signals are multi-section vacuum gripper signals obtained during each round of planning.

      First round of planning

      Second round of planning

      16th round of planning

























  • Gripper DO signals planned by the Mech-Viz project

    • If Reuse Vision Result is not selected for the Vision Move Step, this command returns 64 gripper DO signals that are planned during this round. Valid DO signals are non-negative integers ranging from 0 to 999. Invalid DO signals are -1, which serves as a placeholder.

      vision move off

      For example, valid DO signals in the table below are 1, 3, 5, and 6, which means that the robot will set the values of these DO signals to ON.





















    • If Reuse Vision Result is selected for the Vision Move Step and the Vision Move Step is used in a loop, Mech-Viz can perform multiple rounds of planning based on the same vision result. The 64 gripper DO signals returned by this command are obtained during all rounds of planning. In this case, you can use the number of vacuum gripper sections to differentiate the gripper DO signals obtained during each round of planning.

      vision move on

      For example, if the number of vacuum gripper sections is 4 and the command returns 64 DO signals in total, each 4 DO signals are multi-section vacuum gripper signals obtained during each round of planning.

      First round of planning

      Second round of planning

      16th round of planning



























This example obtains the DO signal list from Mech-Viz and stores it in the robot memory.

Set Gripper DO List


This command applies the obtained gripper DO signals as the tool.

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Get Gripper DO List.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the round of planning for which gripper DO signals are set.



The above example indicates that the robot first retrieves the DO signals from Mech-Viz, then, after moving to the Vision Move waypoint, calls the Set Gripper DO List command to set the corresponding DO signals of the gripper to ON.

Run Mech-Viz Project


This command triggers the Mech-Viz project to run. Mech-Viz plans the robot’s motion path based on the vision result output by Mech-Vision.

Right-click the project name in the project resource panel in Mech-Viz and select Autoload Project.

Calling Sequence

You should set Step parameters before starting a Mech-Viz project. Therefore, call Read Mech-Viz Step Parameter or Set Mech-Viz Step Parameter before calling Run Mech-Viz Project.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the way in which the real robot pose is sent to the Mech-Viz project. Valid values: 0, 1, and 2. The following table describes the details.

Robot pose type Description Applicable scenario


The command does not need to send the robot pose to the Mech-Viz project. The simulated robot in Mech-Viz moves from the initial pose (joint positions = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) to the first waypoint.

This setting is recommended when the camera is mounted in eye to hand mode.


In this command, the robot sends its current joint positions and flange pose to the Mech-Viz project. The simulated robot in Mech-Viz moves from the input joint positions to the first waypoint.

This setting is recommended when the camera is mounted in eye in hand mode.


In this command, the robot sends the joint positions of a teach point (the custom joint positions), instead of the current joint positions, to the Mech-Viz project. The Mech-Viz project uses the joint positions to plan the next path in advance while the robot is not in the camera capture region, as shown below. The simulated robot in Mech-Viz moves from the input joint positions to the first waypoint.

This setting is recommended when the camera is mounted in eye to hand mode.

Why robot pose type 2 is recommended when the camera is mounted in eye to hand mode?

In eye to hand mode, the camera can perform image capturing for the next round of path planning before the robot returns to the image capture region and picking region, thus shortening the cycle time. The image below demonstrates how a robot works in the placing region.

If SendPos_Type is set to 1, the robot will send the current pose to Mech-Viz. It is possible that the real robot moves to other positions before reaching the first waypoint. However, the simulated robot moves directly to the first waypoint of the Mech-Viz project from the pose sent by the robot. Consequently, there may be a mismatch between the paths of the real robot and simulated robot. This mismatch can potentially lead to unpredicted safety hazards, especially if collision is detected in the path of the simulated robot.

On the other hand, if SendPos_Type is set to 2, the robot will send the image-capturing pose set by teach to Mech-Viz. Thus, the real robot can trigger the next round of path planning in Mech-Viz when the real robot is in the image-capturing region and the cycle time can be shortened.

In conclusion, robot pose type should be set to 2 for projects in eye to hand mode.

robot example


This parameter specifies the position register ID. The position register that corresponds to the ID stores custom joint positions.

  • If SendPos_Type is set to 2, the joint positions represented by this position register will be sent to the Mech-Viz project as the start point, where the robot moves from this start point to the first waypoint of the planned path. The data type of this position register must also be changed to joint type.

  • If SendPos_Type is set to a parameter value other than 2, the joint positions represented by the position register are of no practical use but the position register ID must be set.



In the preceding example, the joint positions and flange pose of the robot are input to the Mech-Viz project for the Mech-Viz project to run. In this example, PR[60] has no practical use, but the ID of this position register must be set.

Set Exit Port for Branch by Msg Step in Mech-Viz


This command sets the exit port for the Branch by Msg Step. When the next Step is a Branch by Msg Step, the Mech-Viz project will wait for this command to specify the exit port.

set branch

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Viz Project.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the Step ID of the Branch by Msg Step. The value is a positive integer. The Step ID is displayed in the Step parameter panel. For example, the Step ID of the Step in the image above is 1.


This parameter specifies the exit port ID of the Branch by Msg Step. The value is a positive integer. When the parameter value is set to N, the Mech-Viz project exits from the port with an ID of N-1 of the Branch by Msg Step.



In the preceding example, the Mech-Viz project with an ID of 1 exits from the port with an ID of 2 of the Branch by Msg Step.

Set Current Index in Mech-Viz


This command sets the value of the Current Index parameter of index-type Steps. Steps that include the Index section include Move by Grid, Move by List, Custom Pallet Pattern, and Predefined Pallet Pattern.

set index

Calling Sequence

Index-type Steps are often preceded by a Branch by Msg Step. The robot should call commands in this order: Run Mech-Viz Project, Set Current Index in Mech-Viz, and Set Exit Port for Branch by Msg Step in Mech-Viz. This is to ensure that Mech-Viz has enough time to set the Current Index value.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the Step ID of the Index-type Step. The value is a positive integer. The Step ID is displayed in the Step parameter panel. For example, the Step ID of the Step in the image above is 3.


This parameter specifies the current index for a Index-type Step. The value is a positive integer. When this parameter value is set to N, the current index of the corresponding Step is N-1.



In the preceding example, the current index of the Step with an ID of 2 of the Mech-Viz project is 9.

Get Planned Path in Mech-Viz


This command obtains the path planned by the Mech-Viz project as a series of waypoints.

Waypoint: Each point that the robot reaches when moving along the planned path. A waypoint has information including the robot pose, label, and motion type. Waypoints can be divided into two categories:

  • Vision Move waypoint: Waypoint corresponding to the Vision Move Step.

  • Non-Vision Move waypoints, which refer to the waypoints corresponding to Move-type Steps other than the Vision Move Step.

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Viz Project. After you call this command, call Store Vision Result or Planned Path (TCP) or Store Planned Path (joint positions) to access pose data.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the type of waypoint poses to be obtained. can be set to 1 or 2.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the number of waypoints returned by the vision system. By default, the vision system sends no more than 20 waypoints at a time. Therefore, the maximum default value of this parameter is 20. To modify the default maximum number of poses to obtain each time as needed, go to Robot and Communication > Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings in the toolbar of Mech-Vision. The upper limit is 30.

set number


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric resister corresponding to the ID stores the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint that corresponds to the Vision Move step in the Mech-Viz project in the path. If the waypoint does not exist in the path, the petameter value is 0.

If the planned path consists of the following waypoints in sequence: Fixed-Point Move_1, Fixed-Point Move_2, Vision Move, and Fixed-Point Move_3, the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint is 3.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the status code of this command. If the command is successfully executed, the status code is 2100. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.

By default, after the robot sends this command, the vision system returns the result in 10 seconds. If the vision system fails to return any result in 10 seconds, a timeout error code is returned. To modify the default timeout period as needed, go to Robot and Communication > Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings in the toolbar of Mech-Vision.

set viz time


CALL MM_GET_VIZ(2,51,52,53)

In the preceding example, the planned path of the Mech-Viz project is obtained, the pose type of the waypoints is TCP, the number of waypoints is stored in numeric register R[51], the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint in the planned path is stored in numeric register R[52], and the status code of the command are stored in numeric register R[53].

Get Vision Move Data or Custom Data


This command obtains Vision Move data from the Mech-Vision project, or the Vision Move data or custom data from the Mech-Viz project. One command call stores all data in robot memory.

For Mech-Viz 2.0.0 and 2.1.0, this command obtains only Vision Move data and does not obtain custom data.
  • Mech-Vision projects: Vision Move data refers to data output by the Vision Move Step in the path planning tool, which you may enter from the Path Planning Step. Vision Move data includes labels of picked workobjects, number of picked workobjects, number of workobjects to be picked this time, edge or corner ID of vacuum gripper, TCP offset, orientation of workobject group, orientation of workobject, and dimensions of workobject group.

  • Mech-Viz projects:

    • Vision Move data refers to data output by the Vision Move Step in Mech-Viz, including the labels of picked workobjects, number of picked workobjects, number of workobjects to be picked this time, edge or corner ID of vacuum gripper, TCP offset, orientation of workobject group, orientation of workobject, and dimensions of workobject group.

    • Custom data refers to data output by the custom port(s) of the Output Step in Mech-Vision and then forwarded by Mech-Viz.

      Select the Output Step, set Port Type to Custom, and then click Open the editor to go to the custom port configuration window. The Customized Keys section of the window displays custom port names, such as customeData1 and customeData2 as shown in the following figure.

      1. Data output from Predefined Keys, such as poses, labels, sizes, offsets, is not custom data.

      2. You must set Port Type of the Output Step to Custom and select the poses port in the Predefined Keys section in Mech-Vision.

      custom data

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Vision Project or Run Mech-Viz Project. After you call this command, call Store Vision Move Data or Custom Data to access Vision Move data or custom data.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the source of Vision Move planned data. Value range: 0 to the largest positive integer.

  • 0: Get Vision Move data from Mech-Viz.

  • A positive integer: Get Vision Move data from Mech-Vision. The positive integer is the Mech-Vision project ID.


This parameter specifies the expected returned data format.

  • If Resource is set to 0, the valid value range of Jps_Pos is 1 to 4.

    Parameter value of Jps_Pos Description of expected returned data (Each field is explained below. If the Mech-Vision project does not have a custom port, no elements of custom data are returned.)


    Pose (joint positions), motion type, tool ID, velocity, element 1 in custom data, … element N in custom data


    Pose (TCP), motion type, tool ID, velocity, element 1 in custom data, … element N in custom data


    Pose (joint positions), motion type, tool ID, velocity, Mech-Viz Vision Move data, element 1 in custom data, … element N in custom data


    Pose (TCP), motion type, tool ID, velocity, Mech-Viz Vision Move data, element 1 in custom data, … element N in custom data

  • If Resource is set to a positive integer, Jps_Pos can be set to 1 to 2.

    Parameter value of Jps_Pos Description of expected returned data (Each field is explained below.)


    Pose (joint positions), motion type, tool ID, velocity, Mech-Vision Vision Move data


    Pose (TCP), motion type, tool ID, velocity, Mech-Vision Vision Move data


The pose of a waypoint can be joint positions (measured in degrees) or TCP (measured in millimeters for three-dimensional coordinates and in degrees for Euler angles) of the robot.

Motion type

The motion type of the robot. Valid values: 1 and 2.

  • 1: Joint motion (MOVEJ)

  • 2: Linear motion (MOVEL)

Tool ID

The ID of the tool to be used at this waypoint. A value of -1 means that no tool is used at this waypoint.


The meaning of velocity varies based on the project type.

  • For Mech-Vision projects, velocity indicates the Simulation Speed value in the path planning tool, in the form of percentage.

  • For Mech-Viz projects, velocity, represented in percentage, indicates the velocity set for a motion-type Step multiplied by the global velocity set in Mech-Viz.

Vision Move data

Data output by the Vision Move Step in Mech-Vision or Mech-Viz, including labels of picked workobjects, number of picked workobjects, number of workobjects to be picked this time, edge or corner ID of vacuum gripper, TCP offset, orientation of workobject group, orientation of workobject, and dimensions of workobject group.

Name Description Number of elements

Labels of picked workobjects

A label consists of 10 integers. The default value is ten 0s.


Number of picked workobjects

The total number of picked workobjects.


Number of workobjects to be picked this time

Number of workobjects to be picked this time


Edge or corner ID of vacuum gripper

The ID of the edge or corner used to pick workobjects this time.


TCP offset

The XYZ offset between the center of the workobject group and the tool pose center.


Orientation of workobject group

The relative position between the workobject group and the length of the vacuum gripper. The value is 0 or 1, where 0 stands for parallel and 1 for vertical.


Orientation of workobject

The relative position between the length of a workobject and that of the vacuum gripper. The value is 0 or 1, where 0 stands for parallel and 1 for vertical.


Dimensions of workobject group

The length, width, and height of the workobject group to be picked this time.


Elements in custom data

The data of all custom ports of a single vision point. For example, data output from ports of the Output Step is presented in the following table. The elements in custom data of the first vision point are [0, 0, 1] and [0, 0]; and the elements in custom data of the second vision point are [1, 0, 0] and [1, 1].

Port name





Output data


[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]






[0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0]



[0, 0],
[1, 1]


First vision point

[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]


[0, 0, 1]

[0, 0]

Second vision point

[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]


[1, 0, 0]

[1, 1]

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the number of waypoints that are returned by the vision system.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric resister corresponding to the ID stores the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint that corresponds to the Vision Move step in the Mech-Viz project in the path. If the waypoint does not exist in the path, the petameter value is 0.

If the planned path consists of the following waypoints in sequence: Fixed-Point Move_1, Fixed-Point Move_2, Vision Move, and Fixed-Point Move_3, the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint is 3.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the status code of the command. If the command successfully obtained planned Vision Move data of the Mech-Vision project, the status code is 1103. If the command successfully obtained the Vision Move data or custom data from the Mech-Viz project, the status code is 2100. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.


CALL MM_GET_PLNDT(0,4,50,51,52)

In the preceding example, the Vision Move data or custom data is obtained from the Mech-Viz project. The number of waypoints is stored in numeric register R[50], the sequence number of the Vision Move waypoint in the path is stored in numeric register R[51], and the status code of the command is stored in numeric register R[52].

Store Vision Move Data or Custom Data


This command stores data output by the Vision Move Step or the custom port(s) of the Output Step in the variables.

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Get Vision Move Data or Custom Data.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the index the waypoint. The Vision Move data or custom data of the waypoint that corresponds to the index is stored in the variables. Indexes start with 1.


This parameter must be set to the same as the Jps_Pos value in the Get Vision Move Data or Custom Data command.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the position register ID. The position register that corresponds to the ID stores the pose data of the waypoint that corresponds to the index.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the motion type of the waypoint that corresponds to the specified index. 1 stands for joint motion, and 2 stands for linear motion.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the tool ID of the waypoint that corresponds to the specified index. A value of -1 means that no tool is used.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the velocity of the waypoint that corresponds to the specified index.


This parameter specifies the starting ID of numeric registers. The numeric registers starting with the one with this ID sequentially store custom data of the waypoints that correspond to the specified indexes. A maximum of 50 numeric registers can be used to store custom data.


This parameter specifies the starting ID of numeric registers. The numeric registers starting with the one with this ID sequentially store Vision Move data of the waypoints that correspond to the specified indexes. A maximum of 21 numeric registers can be used to store Vision Move data.

The following table details Vision Move data.

Value Description Numeric register ID

Labels of picked workobjects

A label consists of 10 integers. The default value is ten 0s.

Reg_PlanRes ~ Reg_PlanRes+9

Number of picked workobjects

The total number of picked workobjects.


The number of workobjects to be picked this time.

The number of workobjects to be picked this time.


Edge or corner ID of vacuum gripper

The ID of the edge or corner used to pick workobjects this time.


TCP offset

The XYZ offset between the center of the workobject group and the tool pose center.

Reg_PlanRes+13 ~ Reg_PlanRes+15

Orientation of workobject group

The relative position between the workobject group and the length of the vacuum gripper. The value is 0 or 1, where 0 stands for parallel and 1 for vertical.


Orientation of workobject

The relative position between the length of a workobject and that of the vacuum gripper. The value is 0 or 1, where 0 stands for parallel and 1 for vertical.


Dimensions of workobject group

The length, width, and height of the workobject group to be picked this time.



CALL MM_GET_PLJOP(2,4,60,61,62,63,81,131)

In the preceding example, the pose data, motion type, tool ID, and velocity of the second waypoint are stored in the position register PR[60], numeric register R[61], numeric register R[62], and numeric register R[63] respectively. If the waypoint is not a Vision Move waypoint, no Vision Move data is returned; if the waypoint is a Vision Move waypoint, the corresponding Vision Move data is stored in numeric registers starting from R[131] and the corresponding custom data is stored in numeric registers starting from R[81].

Read Mech-Viz Step Parameter


This command reads the parameter value of a specific Step in the Mech-Viz project.

Calling Sequence

This command should be called before Run Mech-Viz Project.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter corresponds to the Config ID field defined in the property_config file.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings. Click Property Configuration to open the property_config file.

get property config

Before calling this function, users should define a Config ID and its corresponding Step ID and parameter key name in the following format in the property_config file.

read, Config ID, Step ID, parameter key name


Indicates that this line is used to read the parameter value of a Step.

Config ID

Specifies a unique ID, which in a positive integer. One Config ID corresponds to only one parameter value of a Step. To read multiple parameter values, you should set different Config IDs.

Step ID

The Step ID of the Step whose parameter is to be read.

Parameter key name

Specifies the key name of the parameter whose value the robot requires to read.

  • User can check the parameter key name in the Key Query Tool. In Mech-Viz, click File in the menu bar. In the lower-left corner, click Options. Click Developer mode, click OK, and then restart the software. In the menu bar of the software, select Tools  Key Query Tool to open the tool. Click a Step icon, and all key names of the Step will be displayed in the middle column. Each key name corresponds to a Step parameter name displayed in the parameter panel. You can also click a key name and check its corresponding parameter name in the “Details” panel.

    parameter key name
  • In the property_config file, lines starting with “#” are comments, which will not be executed by the program.

  • Remember to save the file after editing, and then restart the interface service on the toolbar of Mech-Vision.

The property_config file can have multiple read commands. The Config ID in these commands must be different.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the status code of the command. If the command is successfully executed, the status code is 2109. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the parameter value returned by the Step.


In the line below, 5 is the Config ID; 3 is the Step ID; and xCount is the parameter key name. Add this line to the property_config file.


When the robot sends the command below, the robot receives the value of the parameter whose key name is xCount.


In the preceding example, the value of the xCount parameter of the Step with an ID of 3 of the Mech-Viz project is stored in numeric register R[11], and the status codes of the command are stored in numeric register R[10].

Set Mech-Viz Step Parameter


This command sets parameter value of a Step in the Mech-Viz project.

Calling Sequence

This command should be called before Run Mech-Viz Project.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter corresponds to the Config ID field defined in the property_config file.

From the toolbar of Mech-Vision, go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings. Click Property Configuration to open the property_config file.

get property config

Before sending this command, users should define a Config ID and its corresponding Step ID, parameter key name and parameter value in the following format in the property_config file.

write, Config ID, Step ID, parameter key name, parameter value


Indicates that this line is used to set the parameter value of a Step.

Config ID

Specifies an ID, which is a positive integer and can be used repeatedly.

Step ID

Specifies the Step whose parameter value the robot requires to read.

Parameter key name

Specifies the key name of the parameter whose value the robot requires to set.

Parameter value

Specifies the value that the robot sets for the parameter.

  • The property_config file can contain more than one “write” command, and these commands can use a Config ID repeatedly. That is, one Config ID can be used to set values for multiple parameters.

  • User can check the parameter key name in the Key Query Tool. In Mech-Viz, click File in the menu bar. In the lower-left corner, click Options. Click Developer mode, click OK, and then restart the software. In the menu bar of the software, select Tools  Key Query Tool to open the tool. Click a Step icon, and all key names of the Step will be displayed in the middle column. Each key name corresponds to a Step parameter name displayed in the parameter panel. You can also click a key name and check its corresponding parameter name in the “Details” panel.

    parameter key name
  • In the property_config file, lines starting with “#” are comments, which will not be executed by the program.

  • Remember to save the file after editing, and then restart the interface service on the toolbar of Mech-Vision.

Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores status code of this command. If the command is successfully executed, the status code is 2108. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.


In the line below, 1 is the Config ID and 3 is the Step ID. xOffset, yOffset and zOffset are parameter key names; and 10, 20 and 30 are their respective values. Add this line to the property_config file.


When the robot sends the command below, Mech-Viz sets the values of the parameters whose key names are xOffset, yOffset and zOffset respectively to 10, 20 and 30.


The preceding example sets the values of the parameters whose key names are xOffset, yOffset and zOffset respectively to 10, 20 and 30, and stores the status code of the command in numeric register R[10].

Input Object Dimensions to Mech-Vision Project


This command dynamically inputs object dimensions into the Mech-Vision project. The object dimensions are the values of the Box Size Settings parameters in the Read Object Dimensions Step.

read object dimensions

Calling Sequence

This command should be called before Run Mech-Vision Project.

Command Format


Input Parameters


Mech-Vision project ID. You can view the project ID of a Mech-Vision project in the Project List section of Mech-Vision. The project ID is the number before the project name.

Length, Width, and Height

The preceding three parameters sequentially input the length, width, and height of the object to the Mech-Vision project. The length, width, and height are measured in millimeters (mm). These values are read by the Read Object Dimensions Step and set for the parameters Length on X-axis, Length on Y-axis and Length on Z-axis.


CALL MM_SET_BS(1,500,300,200)

In the preceding example, the length, width, and height of the object of the Read Object Dimensions Step in the Mech-Vision project are 500 mm, 300 mm, and 200 mm respectively.

Input Pose Data to Mech-Vision Project


This command dynamically inputs poses to the Mech-Vision project. The input poses are used as the value of the Poses parameter of the Easy Create Poses Step.

quickly create pose

Calling Sequence

This command should be called before Run Mech-Vision Project.

Command Format


Input Parameters


Mech-Vision project ID. You can view the project ID of a Mech-Vision project in the Project List section of Mech-Vision. The project ID is the number before the project name.


This parameter specifies the value of the Step Name parameter of the Easy Create Poses Step. The value must be set to a number in advance. Sample value: 1, as shown in the image below.


This parameter specifies the position register ID. The P register that corresponds to the ID stores the input pose data. The pose data will become the value of the Poses parameter in the Easy Create Poses Step.

  • The pose input here consists of the position and pose. The position is represented in XYZ coordinates and is measured in millimeters (mm); the pose is represented in Euler angles and is measured in degrees (°).

  • After the command is executed successfully, the Poses parameter value of the Easy Create Poses Step is the input pose, but the pose is in quaternions, and the unit of data is meters.



The above example indicates that the Poses parameter of the Easy Create Poses Step whose Step ID is 1 in the Mech-Vision Project No.1 is set to the pose data of the position register PR[10].

Get Message from Notify Step


When the Mech-Vision project or Mech-Viz project is executing the Notify Step, the vision system returns the message predefined in the Notify Step.

Before sending this command, complete the following settings for the Notify Step:

  • For a Notify Step in the Mech-Vision project:

    1. Connect the Notify Step to the right side of another Step. The Output Step is used in the example in the image below.

      notify 1
    2. Select Trigger Control Flow Given Output in the parameter panel of the Output Step.

      notify 5
    3. In the parameter panel of the Notify Step, enter Standard Interface Notify (a required value) for Service Name. Enter a positive integer for Message, for example, 1001.

      notify 2
  • For a Notify Step in the Mech-Viz project:

    1. Connect the Notify Step to a proper Step in the workflow.

      notify 3
    2. In the parameter panel of the Notify Step, select Standard Interface. Enter a positive integer for Message, for example, 1000.

      notify 4

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Vision Project or Run Mech-Viz Project.

Command Format


Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the message from the Notify Step. Only positive integers are supported at the moment.



In the preceding example, the message obtained from the Notify Step is stored in numeric register R[60].



This command is used for robot hand-eye calibration (extrinsic parameter calibration). This command must be used together with the Camera Calibration setting to complete automatic calibration. You can find Camera Calibration in the toolbar of Mech-Vision. For more information, see FANUC Automatic Calibration.

Command Format


Input Parameters


This parameter specifies the motion type of the robot. Valid values: 1 and 2.

  • 1: Linear motion (MOVEL)

  • 2: Joint motion (MOVEJ)


This parameter specifies the type of calibration point poses to be obtained. Valid values: 1 and 2.

  • 1: TCP

  • 2: Joint positions


This parameter specifies the time the robot waits to avoid shaking after it moves to the calibration point. The default value is 2 (s).


This parameter specifies the number of the robot axes.


This parameter specifies the external axis data. Unit: millimeters. If a 7th axis exists and is controlled by the robot on site, this parameter must be set to the specific external exist data. Otherwise, this parameter must be set to 0.


This parameter represents the position register ID used for the calibration start point in MM_AUTO_CALIB.


CALL MM_CALIB (2,1,2,6,0,100)

In the preceding example, the pose data of the calibration point is represented in TCP. The robot moves to the calibration point based on the joint positions of the robot and then waits for 2 seconds. No external axes exist. The calibration start point is stored in register PR[100].

Stop Mech-Viz Project


This command stops the Mech-Viz project.

Calling Sequence

This command should be called after Run Mech-Viz Project.

Command Format



CALL MM_Stop_Viz

In the preceding example, the running Mech-Viz project is stopped.

Get Project Status


This command checks if the Mech-Vision project is ready.

Command Format


Output Parameters


This parameter specifies the ID of the numeric register. The numeric register that corresponds to the ID stores the status code of this command. If the command is successfully executed, a status code of 1101 is returned to indicate that the Mech-Vision project is ready. If a command fails to be run, a specific error code is returned. For details, see Status Codes and Troubleshooting.



In the preceding example, the Mech-Vision project is checked to see if the project is ready, and the status code of the command is stored in numeric register R[70].

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