How to Create Point Cloud Models in Typical Cases

In a typical case, refer to the following table to make a point cloud model and add pick points for the target object.

Target objects Characteristics Methods to make point cloud models Edge point cloud model Surface point cloud model Methods to add pick points Pick points Gripper

Steel billet (square)

Regular geometry

Import STL file

1 edge point cloud

1 surface point cloud

Drag pick point manually
Configure multiple pick points
Configure pick point array
Configure picking relaxations

1 pick point

1 gripper

Steel billet (circle)

Regular geometry

Import STL file

2 edge point cloud

2 surface point cloud

Drag pick point manually
Configure multiple pick points
Configure pick point array
Configure picking relaxations

2 pick point

2 gripper

Sheet metal parts

Thin parts that need to be distinguished between front and back

Import STL file

3 edge point cloud

3 surface point cloud

Drag pick point manually
Configure multiple pick points
Configure picking relaxations

3 pick point

3 gripper

Three-way valve

Small parts

Import STL file

4 edge point cloud

4 surface point cloud

Drag pick point manually
Configure multiple pick points
Configure picking relaxations

4 pick point

4 gripper

Iron shaft

Reflective objects

Get point cloud by camera

5 edge point cloud

5 surface point cloud

Drag pick point manually

5 pick point


Long objects

Long, large objects

Get point cloud by camera

6 edge point cloud

6 surface point cloud

Drag pick point manually

6 pick point

6 gripper

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