Example Program 6: MM_S6_Viz_ErrorHandle

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Program Introduction


The robot starts the Mech-Viz project, obtains the planned path, and then determines whether the planned path is obtained successfully according to the status code. If the planned path is obtained successfully, the robot will perform picking and placing; otherwise, the robot will stop.

File path

You can navigate to the installation directory of Mech-Vision and Mech-Viz and find the file by using the Communication Component/Robot_Interface/ABB/sample/MM_S6_Viz_ErrorHandle path.

For RobotWare6, the file extension is .mod. For RobotWare7, please modify the file extension from .mod to .modx.


Mech-Vision and Mech-Viz projects


  1. You have set up the standard interface communication.

  2. Automatic calibration is completed.

This example program is provided for reference only. Before using the program, please modify the program according to the actual scenario.

Program Description

This part describes the MM_S6_Viz_ErrorHandle example program.

The only difference between the MM_S6_Viz_ErrorHandle example program and the MM_S2_Viz_Basic example program is that MM_S6_Viz_ErrorHandle can handle errors based on the different error codes (this code of this feature is bolded). As such, only the feature of handling errors based on the specific error codes is described in the following section. For information about the parts of MM_S6_Viz_ErrorHandle that are consistent with those of MM_S2_Viz_Basic, see Example Program 2: MM_S2_Viz_Basic.
MODULE MM_S6_Viz_ErrorHandle
! FUNCTION: trigger Mech-Viz project and get planned path,
! handle errors according to status codes (if no point cloud
! in ROI, retry several times before exit loop)
! Mech-Mind, 2023-12-25
!define local num variables
LOCAL VAR num pose_num:=0;
LOCAL VAR num status:=0;
LOCAL VAR num toolid{5}:=[0,0,0,0,0];
LOCAL VAR num vis_pose_num:=0;
LOCAL VAR num count:=0;
LOCAL VAR num retry_cnt:=0;
LOCAL VAR num label{5}:=[0,0,0,0,0];
!define local joint&pose variables
LOCAL CONST jointtarget home:=[[0,0,0,0,90,0],[9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9]];
LOCAL CONST jointtarget snap_jps:=[[0,0,0,0,90,0],[9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9]];
LOCAL PERS robtarget camera_capture:=[[302.00,0.00,558.00],[0,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,0],[9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9]];
LOCAL PERS robtarget drop_waypoint:=[[302.00,0.00,558.00],[0,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,0],[9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9]];
LOCAL PERS robtarget drop:=[[302.00,0.00,558.00],[0,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,0],[9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9]];
LOCAL PERS jointtarget jps{5}:=
!define local tooldata variables
LOCAL PERS tooldata gripper1:=[TRUE,[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]],[0.001,[0,0,0.001],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0]];

PROC Sample_6()
    !set the acceleration parameters
    AccSet 50, 50;
    !set the velocity parameters
    VelSet 50, 1000;
    !move to robot home position
    MoveAbsJ home\NoEOffs,v3000,fine,gripper1;
    !initialize communication parameters (initialization is required only once)
    MM_Init_Socket "",50000,300;
    !move to image-capturing position
    MoveL camera_capture,v1000,fine,gripper1;
    !open socket connection
    !trigger Mech-Viz project
    MM_Start_Viz 2,snap_jps;
    !get planned path, 1st argument (1) means getting pose in JPs
    MM_Get_VizData 1, pose_num, vis_pose_num, status;
    !check whether planned path has been got from Mech-Viz successfully
    IF status <> 2100 THEN
        IF status = 2038 THEN
            !no point cloud in ROI, add handling logic here
            !self-adding then check retry counter
            IF retry_cnt<3 THEN
                !jump back to vision retry label if the number of retry times is less than 3
                GOTO RECAP;
                !reset counter and exit loop if the number of retry times has reached 3
                GOTO END_LOOP;
            !add other error handling logic here
            GOTO END_LOOP;
    !close socket connection
    !save waypoints of the planned path to local variables one by one
    MM_Get_Jps 1,jps{1},label{1},toolid{1};
    MM_Get_JPS 2,jps{2},label{2},toolid{2};
    MM_Get_JPS 3,jps{3},label{3},toolid{3};
    !follow the planned path to pick
    !move to approach waypoint of picking
    MoveAbsJ jps{1},v1000,fine,gripper1;
    !move to picking waypoint
    MoveAbsJ jps{2},v1000,fine,gripper1;
    !add object grasping logic here, such as "setdo DO_1, 1;"
    !move to departure waypoint of picking
    MoveAbsJ jps{3},v1000,fine,gripper1;
    !move to intermediate waypoint of placing
    MoveJ drop_waypoint,v1000,z50,gripper1;
    !move to approach waypoint of placing
    MoveL RelTool(drop,0,0,-100),v1000,fine,gripper1;
    !move to placing waypoint
    MoveL drop,v300,fine,gripper1;
    !add object releasing logic here, such as "setdo DO_1, 0;"
    !move to departure waypoint of placing
    MoveL RelTool(drop,0,0,-100),v1000,fine,gripper1;
    !move back to robot home position
    MoveAbsJ home\NoEOffs,v3000,fine,gripper1;

The workflow corresponding to the above example program code is shown in the figure below.


The table below describes the feature to process different status codes.

Feature Code and description

Process different status codes

LOCAL VAR num retry_cnt:=0;
    !trigger Mech-Viz project
    MM_Start_Viz 2,snap_jps;
    !get planned path, 1st argument (1) means getting pose in JPs
    MM_Get_VizData 1, pose_num, vis_pose_num, status;
    !check whether planned path has been got from Mech-Viz successfully
    IF status <> 2100 THEN
        IF status = 2038 THEN
            !no point cloud in ROI, add handling logic here
            !self-adding then check retry counter
            IF retry_cnt<3 THEN
                !jump back to vision retry label if the number of retry times is less than 3
                GOTO RECAP;
                !reset counter and exit loop if the number of retry times has reached 3
                GOTO END_LOOP;
            !add other error handling logic here
            GOTO END_LOOP;

After MM_Get_VizData is executed, the robot stores the received status code in the status variable. You can perform the corresponding operation based on the specific received error code.

  • When the status variable is set to 2100, the robot has successfully obtained the planned path. Then, the robot will perform picking by taking the planned path.

  • When the status variable is not set to 2100, an exception has occurred in the vision system. You need to perform the corresponding operation based on the specific error code.

    • When the status variable is set to 2038, no point cloud exists in the ROI, i.e., the robot cannot obtain the planned path. In this case, the robot can try to trigger the Mech-Viz project to run again to obtain the planned path. The number of times to re-obtain the planned path is controlled by the retry_cnt variable in the example program. If no point cloud exists after two retry attempts (i.e., retry_cnt is greater than 2), the program stops.

    • When the status variable is set to another error code, the program stops.

You can write the error handling code by referring to the Status Codes and Troubleshooting manual.

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