[WinError 10038] An Operation was Attempted on Something That is not a Socket


A WinError 10038 error appears in the Log panel of Mech-Vision. A WinError 10038 error indicates that an operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.


This issue may be caused by the following reasons:

  • Network: An unstable network may cause a sudden disconnection. If this occurs only occasionally, it could be the reason.

  • Robot program: After the program uses the socket to send information, the program closes the socket immediately without waiting to receive the data returned by the vision system.


For the issue mentioned above, you can resolve it by addressing the following aspects:

  • Network: Switch to a stable network to ensure a reliable connection.

  • Robot program: Modify the robot program to close the socket connection only after information returned by the vision system is received.

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