KUKA Master-Control Program Description

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Master-Control Program

The Master-Control program contains the following components. The SRC files are program files, the DAT files are data files, and XML files are communication configuration files.

Program Description


Background program for receiving Robserver data and sending robot pose, signal and status data


Data file for the background program


Foreground program for controlling and moving the robot


Foreground main module of the master-control program


Data file for the main module of the master-control program


Configuration file for communicating robot status


Configuration file for communicating robot motion


The program supports 16 DI and DO signals by default. User can extend to 64 DI and DO signals by editing the program file.

Method: Open the mm_server file, add a semicolon (comment symbol) at the start of Line 290 and remove the semicolon at the start of Line 291.

signal introduction

Signal table

Internal flag Description


Flag indicating that mm_motion has successfully connected


Flag indicating that mm_motion has received data


Flag indicating that mm_status has successfully connected


Flag indicating that mm_status has received data

IO occupied Signal

DI (16)

$IN[1] - $IN[16]

DO (16)

$OUT[1] - $OUT[16]

DI (64)

$IN[1] - $IN[64]

DO (64)

$OUT[1] - $OUT[64]

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