Create a New Project, Open a Project, and Use Projects

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This topic describes how to create a new project, open an existing project, and use the example projects in Mech-DLK.

Create a New Project

You can use the following method to create a new project:

  1. Click the button:

    • On the startup interface of Mech-DLK, click the New Project button.

    • Select File  New Project in the menu bar of the main interface.

  2. In the New Project window that appears, enter the project name and select a directory to save the project.

    Do NOT include Chinese characters in the path name. The destination folder must be empty.
  3. Click OK.

Open an Existing Project

You can use the following method to open a project:

  1. Click the button:

    • On the startup interface of Mech-DLK, click the Open Project button.

    • Select File  Open Project in the menu bar of the main interface.

  2. In the window that appears, select the project folder that you want to open.

  3. Double-click the project (.dlk file) in the project folder.

On the start page, you can double-click a project under Recent Projects to open it.

Use Example Projects

Mech-DLK provides example projects of different algorithm modules for various usage scenarios, helping you get started with the software. Mech-DLK provides example projects for Classification, Instance Segmentation, Object Detection, and Defect Segmentation modules. You can double-click on the project to open it.

You can download and use more example projects in the following method:

  1. On the startup interface, click More Projects to download the project that you need.

  2. Decompress the downloaded project package.

  3. Click Open Project and select the decompressed folder to open the project.

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