ROS Interface Migration Guide (from 2.0.2 and below to 2.3.4 and Above)

The latest ROS interfaces are only compatible with Mech-Eye SDK 2.3.4 or above. If you wish to keep using the existing ROS program after installing the latest version of Mech-Eye SDK, please modify the ROS program according to this topic.


In Mech-Eye SDK 2.3.4 and above, the following changes have been made to the topics of the ROS interfaces:

  • Depth map:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

  • Textured point cloud:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2



In Mech-Eye SDK 2.3.4 and above, the following changes have been made to the services of the ROS interfaces:

Data Acquisition

  • Acquire the 2D image:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /capture_color_map
    ros2 service call /capture_color_map mecheye_ros_interface/srv/CaptureColorMap
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /capture_color_image
    ros2 service call /capture_color_image mecheye_ros_interface/srv/CaptureColorImage
  • Acquire the textured point cloud:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /capture_color_point_cloud
    ros2 service call /capture_color_point_cloud mecheye_ros_interface/srv/CaptureColorPointCloud
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /capture_textured_point_cloud
    ros2 service call /capture_textured_point_cloud mecheye_ros_interface/srv/CaptureTexturedPointCloud

Adjust Camera Parameters

  • Obtain the value of Scan2DExpectedGrayValue:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_2d_expected_gray_value
    ros2 service call /get_2d_expected_gray_value mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get2DExpectedGrayValue
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_int_parameter "{name: Scan2DExpectedGrayValue}"
    ros2 service call /get_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetIntParameter "{name: Scan2DExpectedGrayValue}"
  • Set the value of Scan2DExpectedGrayValue:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_2d_expected_gray_value "{value: 20}"
    ros2 service call /set_2d_expected_gray_value mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set2DExpectedGrayValue "{value: 20}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_int_parameter "{name: Scan2DExpectedGrayValue, value:20}"
    ros2 service call /set_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetIntParameter "{name: Scan2DExpectedGrayValue, value:20}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan2DExposureMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_2d_exposure_mode
    ros2 service call /get_2d_exposure_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get2DExposureMode
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: Scan2DExposureMode}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: Scan2DExposureMode}"
  • Set the value of Scan2DExposureMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_2d_exposure_mode "{value: HDR}"
    ros2 service call /set_2d_exposure_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set2DExposureMode "{value: HDR}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: Scan2DExposureMode, value: HDR}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: Scan2DExposureMode, value: HDR}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan2DHDRExposureSequence:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_2d_exposure_sequence
    ros2 service call /get_2d_exposure_sequence mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get2DExposureSequence
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_float_array_parameter "{name: Scan2DHDRExposureSequence}"
    ros2 service call /get_float_array_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetFloatArrayParameter "{name: Scan2DHDRExposureSequence}"
  • Set the value of Scan2DHDRExposureSequence:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_2d_exposure_sequence "{sequence: [30.0,35.5,40.0]}"
    ros2 service call /set_2d_exposure_sequence mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set2DExposureSequence "{sequence: [30.0,35.5,40.0]}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_float_array_parameter "{name: Scan2DHDRExposureSequence, array: [30.0, 35.5, 40.0]}"
    ros2 service call /set_float_array_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetFloatArrayParameter "{name: Scan2DHDRExposureSequence, array: [30.0, 35.5, 40.0]}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan2DExposureTime:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_2d_exposure_time
    ros2 service call /get_2d_exposure_time mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get2DExposureTime
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_float_parameter "{name: Scan2DExposureTime}"
    ros2 service call /get_float_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetFloatParameter "{name: Scan2DExposureTime}"
  • Set the value of Scan2DExposureTime:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_2d_exposure_time "{value: 35.5}"
    ros2 service call /set_2d_exposure_time mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set2DExposureTime "{value: 35.5}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_float_parameter "{name: Scan2DExposureTime, value: 35.5}"
    ros2 service call /set_float_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetFloatParameter "{name: Scan2DExposureTime, value: 35.5}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan2DROI:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_2d_roi
    ros2 service call /get_2d_roi mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get2DROI
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_roi_parameter "{name: Scan2DROI}"
    ros2 service call /get_roi_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetROIParameter "{name: Scan2DROI}"
  • Set the value of Scan2DROI:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_2d_roi "{x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
    ros2 service call /set_2d_roi mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set2DROI "{x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_roi_parameter "{name: Scan2DROI, x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
    ros2 service call /set_roi_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetROIParameter "{name: Scan2DROI, x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan2DSharpenFactor:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_2d_sharpen_factor
    ros2 service call /get_2d_sharpen_factor mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get2DSharpenFactor
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_float_parameter "{name: Scan2DSharpenFactor}"
    ros2 service call /get_float_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetFloatParameter "{name: Scan2DSharpenFactor}"
  • Set the value of Scan2DSharpenFactor:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_2d_sharpen_factor "{value: 0.5}"
    ros2 service call /set_2d_sharpen_factor mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set2DSharpenFactor "{value: 0.5}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_float_parameter "{name: Scan2DSharpenFactor, value: 0.5}"
    ros2 service call /set_float_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetFloatParameter "{name: Scan2DSharpenFactor, value: 0.5}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan2DToneMappingEnable:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_2d_tone_mapping
    ros2 service call /get_2d_tone_mapping mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get2DToneMappingEnable
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_bool_parameter "{name: Scan2DToneMappingEnable}"
    ros2 service call /get_bool_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetBoolParameter "{name: Scan2DToneMappingEnable}"
  • Set the value of Scan2DToneMappingEnable:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_2d_tone_mapping "{value: True}"
    ros2 service call /set_2d_tone_mapping mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set2DToneMappingEnable "{value: True}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_bool_parameter "{name: Scan2DToneMappingEnable, value: True}"
    ros2 service call /set_bool_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetBoolParameter "{name: Scan2DToneMappingEnable, value: True}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan3DExposureSequence:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_3d_exposure
    ros2 service call /get_3d_exposure mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get3DExposure
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_float_array_parameter "{name: Scan3DExposureSequence}"
    ros2 service call /get_float_array_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetFloatArrayParameter "{name: Scan3DExposureSequence}"
  • Set the value of Scan3DExposureSequence:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_3d_exposure "{sequence: [30.0,35.5,40.0]}"
    ros2 service call /set_3d_exposure mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set3DExposure "{sequence: [30.0,35.5,40.0]}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_float_array_parameter "{name: Scan3DExposureSequence, array: [30.0, 35.5, 40.0]}"
    ros2 service call /set_float_array_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetFloatArrayParameter "{name: Scan3DExposureSequence, array: [30.0, 35.5, 40.0]}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan3DGain:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_3d_gain
    ros2 service call /get_3d_gain mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get3DGain
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_float_parameter "{name: Scan3DGain}"
    ros2 service call /get_float_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetFloatParameter "{name: Scan3DGain}"
  • Set the value of Scan3DGain:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_3d_gain "{value: 2.5}"
    ros2 service call /set_3d_gain mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set3DGain "{value: 2.5}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_float_parameter "{name: Scan3DGain, value: 2.5}"
    ros2 service call /set_float_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetFloatParameter "{name: Scan3DGain, value: 2.5}"
  • Obtain the value of Scan3DROI:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_3d_roi
    ros2 service call /get_3d_roi mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Get3DROI
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_roi_parameter "{name: Scan3DROI}"
    ros2 service call /get_roi_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetROIParameter "{name: Scan3DROI}"
  • Set the value of Scan3DROI:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_3d_roi "{x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
    ros2 service call /set_3d_roi mecheye_ros_interface/srv/Set3DROI "{x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_roi_parameter "{name: Scan3DROI, x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
    ros2 service call /set_roi_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetROIParameter "{name: Scan3DROI, x: 20, y: 20, width: 600, height: 800}"
  • Obtain the value of PointCloudOutlierRemoval:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_cloud_outlier_filter_mode
    ros2 service call /get_cloud_outlier_filter_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetCloudOutlierFilterMode
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: PointCloudOutlierRemoval}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: PointCloudOutlierRemoval}"
  • Set the value of PointCloudOutlierRemoval:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_cloud_outlier_filter_mode '!!str Off'
    ros2 service call /set_cloud_outlier_filter_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetCloudOutlierFilterMode "{value: 'Off'}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: PointCloudOutlierRemoval, value: 'Off'}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetEnumParameter "{name: PointCloudOutlierRemoval, value: 'Off'}"
    The Off option must be surrounded by single quotation marks.
  • Obtain the value of PointCloudSurfaceSmoothing:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_cloud_smooth_mode
    ros2 service call /get_cloud_smooth_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetCloudSmoothMode
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: PointCloudSurfaceSmoothing}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: PointCloudSurfaceSmoothing}"
  • Set the value of PointCloudSurfaceSmoothing:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_cloud_smooth_mode '!!str Off'
    ros2 service call /set_cloud_smooth_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetCloudSmoothMode "{value: 'Off'}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: PointCloudSurfaceSmoothing, value: 'Off'}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetEnumParameter "{name: PointCloudSurfaceSmoothing, value: 'Off'}"
    The Off option must be surrounded by single quotation marks.
  • Obtain the value of DepthRange:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_depth_range
    ros2 service call /get_depth_range mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetDepthRange
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_range_parameter "{name: DepthRange}"
    ros2 service call /get_range_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetRangeParameter "{name: DepthRange}"
  • Set the value of DepthRange:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_depth_range "{lower: 300, upper: 1000}"
    ros2 service call /set_depth_range mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetDepthRange "{lower: 300, upper: 1000}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_range_parameter "{name: DepthRange, lower: 300, upper: 1000}"
    ros2 service call /set_range_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetRangeParameter "{name: DepthRange, lower: 300, upper: 1000}"
  • Obtain the value of FringeContrastThreshold:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_fringe_contrast_threshold
    ros2 service call /get_fringe_contrast_threshold mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetFringeContrastThreshold
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_int_parameter "{name: FringeContrastThreshold}"
    ros2 service call /get_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetIntParameter "{name: FringeContrastThreshold}"
  • Set the value of FringeContrastThreshold:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_fringe_contrast_threshold "{value: 3}"
    ros2 service call /set_fringe_contrast_threshold mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetFringeContrastThreshold "{value: 3}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_int_parameter "{name: FringeContrastThreshold, value: 3}"
    ros2 service call /set_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetIntParameter "{name: FringeContrastThreshold, value: 3}"
  • Obtain the value of FringeMinThreshold:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_fringe_min_threshold
    ros2 service call /get_fringe_min_threshold mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetFringeMinThreshold
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_int_parameter "{name: FringeMinThreshold}"
    ros2 service call /get_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetIntParameter "{name: FringeMinThreshold}"
  • Set the value of FringeMinThreshold:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_fringe_min_threshold "{value: 3}"
    ros2 service call /set_fringe_min_threshold mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetFringeMinThreshold "{value: 3}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_int_parameter "{name: FringeMinThreshold, value: 3}"
    ros2 service call /set_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetIntParameter "{name: FringeMinThreshold, value: 3}"
  • Obtain the value of LaserPowerLevel:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_laser_settings
    ros2 service call /get_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetLaserSettings
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_int_parameter "{name: LaserPowerLevel}"
    ros2 service call /get_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetIntParameter "{name: LaserPowerLevel}"
  • Set the value of LaserPowerLevel:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_laser_settings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    ros2 service call /set_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetLaserSettings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_int_parameter "{name: LaserPowerLevel, value: 60}"
    ros2 service call /set_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetIntParameter "{name: LaserPowerLevel, value: 60}"
  • Obtain the value of LaserFringeCodingMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_laser_settings
    ros2 service call /get_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetLaserSettings
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: LaserFringeCodingMode}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: LaserFringeCodingMode}"
  • Set the value of LaserFringeCodingMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_laser_settings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    ros2 service call /set_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetLaserSettings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: LaserFringeCodingMode, value: Fast}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetEnumParameter "{name: LaserFringeCodingMode, value: Fast}"
  • Obtain the value of LaserFrameRange:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_laser_settings
    ros2 service call /get_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetLaserSettings
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_range_parameter "{name: LaserFrameRange}"
    ros2 service call /get_range_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetRangeParameter "{name: LaserFrameRange}"
  • Set the value of LaserFrameRange:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_laser_settings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    ros2 service call /set_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetLaserSettings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_range_parameter "{name: LaserFrameRange, lower: 20, upper: 80}"
    ros2 service call /set_range_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetRangeParameter "{name: LaserFrameRange, lower: 20, upper: 80}"
  • Obtain the value of LaserFramePartitionCount:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_laser_settings
    ros2 service call /get_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetLaserSettings
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_int_parameter "{name: LaserFramePartitionCount}"
    ros2 service call /get_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetIntParameter "{name: LaserFramePartitionCount}"
  • Set the value of LaserFramePartitionCount:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_laser_settings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    ros2 service call /set_laser_settings mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetLaserSettings "{fringe_coding_mode: Fast, frame_range_start: 20, frame_range_end: 80, frame_partition_count: 2, power_level: 60}"
    This service sets the values of all the parameters in the Laser category.
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_int_parameter "{name: LaserFramePartitionCount, value: 2}"
    ros2 service call /set_int_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetIntParameter "{name: LaserFramePartitionCount, value: 2}"
  • Obtain the value of AntiFlickerMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_projector_anti_flicker_mode
    ros2 service call /get_projector_anti_flicker_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetProjectorAntiFlickerMode
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: AntiFlickerMode}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: AntiFlickerMode}"
  • Set the value of AntiFlickerMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_projector_anti_flicker_mode '!!str Off'
    ros2 service call /set_projector_anti_flicker_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetProjectorAntiFlickerMode "{value: 'Off'}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: AntiFlickerMode, value: 'Off'}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetEnumParameter "{name: AntiFlickerMode, value: 'Off'}"
    The Off option must be surrounded by single quotation marks.
  • Obtain the value of ProjectorFringeCodingMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    • Models other than UHP-140:

    rosservice call /get_projector_fringe_coding_mode
    • UHP-140:

    rosservice call /get_uhp_fringe_coding_mode
    • Models other than UHP-140:

    ros2 service call /get_projector_fringe_coding_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetProjectorFringeCodingMode
    • UHP-140:

    ros2 service call /get_uhp_fringe_coding_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetUhpFringeCodingMode
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: ProjectorFringeCodingMode}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: ProjectorFringeCodingMode}"
  • Set the value of ProjectorFringeCodingMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    • Models other than UHP-140:

    rosservice call /set_projector_fringe_coding_mode "{value: Accurate}"
    • UHP-140:

    rosservice call /set_uhp_fringe_coding_mode "{value: Accurate}"
    • Models other than UHP-140:

    ros2 service call /set_projector_fringe_coding_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetProjectorFringeCodingMode "{value: Accurate}"
    • UHP-140:

    ros2 service call /set_uhp_fringe_coding_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetUhpFringeCodingMode "{value: Accurate}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: ProjectorFringeCodingMode, value: Accurate}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetEnumParameter "{name: ProjectorFringeCodingMode, value: Accurate}"
  • Obtain the value of ProjectorPowerLevel:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_projector_power_level
    ros2 service call /get_projector_power_level mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetProjectorPowerLevel
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: ProjectorPowerLevel}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: ProjectorPowerLevel}"
  • Set the value of ProjectorPowerLevel:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_projector_power_level "{value: High}"
    ros2 service call /set_projector_power_level mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetProjectorPowerLevel "{value: High}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: ProjectorPowerLevel, value: High}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetEnumParameter "{name: ProjectorPowerLevel, value: High}"
  • Obtain the value of UhpCaptureMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_uhp_capture_mode
    ros2 service call /get_uhp_capture_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetUhpCaptureMode
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /get_enum_parameter "{name: UhpCaptureMode}"
    ros2 service call /get_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/GetEnumParameter "{name: UhpCaptureMode}"
  • Set the value of UhpCaptureMode:

    2.0.2 and below 2.3.4 and above
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_uhp_capture_mode "{capture_mode: Merge}"
    ros2 service call /set_uhp_capture_mode mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetUhpCaptureMode "{capture_mode: Merge}"
    • ROS 1

    • ROS 2

    rosservice call /set_enum_parameter "{name: UhpCaptureMode, value: Merge}"
    ros2 service call /set_enum_parameter mecheye_ros_interface/srv/SetEnumParameter "{name: UhpCaptureMode, value: Merge}"

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