Mech-Eye API

You are viewing an old version of the documentation. You can switch to the documentation of the latest version by clicking the top-right corner of the page.

You can connect to a camera and obtain the 2D image, depth map, and point cloud using Mech-Eye API.

the C++ and C# Mech-Eye API interfaces are included in the Mech-Eye SDK installation package. The Python Mech-Eye API interfaces need to be downloaded and installed separately. The ROS Mech-Eye API interfaces are available on GitHub.

Instructions on installing Mech-Eye SDK:

A tutorial on how to use Mech-Eye API:

Instructions on installing, configuring, building, and running Mech-Eye API samples:

Instructions on using Mech-Eye API tools:

The Mech-Eye API reference guide:

List of the methods and parameters renamed in version 2.0.0:

Not applicable to Mech-Eye API below 2.0.0.

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