Mech-Eye SDK Installation Guide

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This topic guides you through the downloading, installation, upgrade, uninstallation, repair, and installation modification of Mech-Eye SDK (including Mech-Eye Viewer and Mech-Eye API) on Windows.

Download Mech-Eye SDK Installation Package

You can download the Mech-Eye SDK installation package from Mech-Mind Download Center.

Verify the Integrity of Mech-Eye SDK Installation Package

Since the Mech-Eye SDK installation package may be corrupted during transmission or downloading, you need to verify the integrity of the installation package. The integrity of the installation package can be verified with the CRC32 value, which is provided on the download page.

To verify the integrity of the software installation package, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the installation package to a specified directory on the IPC or PC, such as D:/.

  2. Right-click the installation package and select CRC SHA  CRC32 to calculate the CRC32 value for the installation package.

    If the software installation package is a compressed file, you should calculate the CRC32 values against the compressed file and the decompressed installer.

  3. Check the calculated CRC32 value against the one on the download page. The two values should be identical.

If you are using Mech-Eye SDK for the first time, refer to Install Mech-Eye SDK to complete the software installation.

If you have already installed Mech-Eye SDK, refer to Upgrade Mech-Eye SDK to upgrade the software to the latest version.

Install Mech-Eye SDK

To install Mech-Eye SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the downloaded installer to open the Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard.

  2. In the Welcome window, browse the software information and click Next.

  3. In the License Agreement window, read the license agreement carefully, check the I accept the terms and conditions in the license agreement check box, and then click Next.

  4. In the Select Product window, select the components to install. If needed, check the Create desktop shortcut(s) option, and then click Next.

    • Make sure that the Add to PATH option is checked.

    • It is recommended to check the Mech-Eye SDK Docs option, which allows you to open the user manual without Internet connection.

  5. In the Set Path window, change the installation path as required, and then click Next.

    Default installation path: C:/Mech-Mind/Mech-Eye SDK-x.x.x.

  6. In the Confirm window, confirm that the installation path is correct and then click Install.

  7. In the Install window, wait for the installation to complete.

  8. After the software is installed, in the Finish window, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

It is recommended to restart your computer after the installation. If not restarted, the environmental variable added to PATH may not be effective.

Upgrade Mech-Eye SDK

Only Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard 2.0.0 and above supports this function, and only upgrade of Mech-Eye SDK 1.6.1 and above is supported.

For users who have Mech-Eye SDK 1.6.1 and lower installed, if you need to upgrade it to version 2.0.0 or above, please uninstall the lower version and then install the new version.

To upgrade Mech-Eye SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click Mech-Eye SDK Installer x.x.x.exe to open the Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard.

  2. In the Upgrade window, click either Upgrade and keep history versions or Upgrade and delete history versions.

  3. Upgrade the software according to the prompts in the setup wizard.

  4. After the software is upgraded, in the Finish window, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Uninstall Mech-Eye SDK

You can uninstall Mech-Eye SDK either with the Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard or the Windows Control Panel.

Uninstall Using the Setup Wizard

To uninstall Mech-Eye SDK using the setup wizard, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click Mech-Eye SDK Installer x.x.x.exe to open the Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard.

  2. In the Maintain window, click Uninstall.

  3. In the Uninstall window, click either Keep user configuration files or Do not keep user configuration files.

  4. Wait for the uninstallation to complete. After the software is uninstalled, in the Finish window, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Uninstall Using the Control Panel

To uninstall Mech-Eye SDK using the Control Panel, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel on the computer.

  2. Choose Program  Uninstall or change a program.

  3. Right-click Mech-Eye SDK, and then select Uninstall. The Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard will be opened.

  4. In the Maintain window, click Uninstall.

  5. In the Uninstall window, click either Keep user configuration files or Do not keep user configuration files.

  6. Wait for the uninstallation to complete. After the software is uninstalled, in the Finish window, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Repair Mech-Eye SDK

Only Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard 2.0.0 and above supports this function.

If Mech-Eye SDK failed to work normally, you can repair it using the Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard.

To repair Mech-Eye SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click Mech-Eye SDK Installer x.x.x.exe to open the Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard.

  2. In the Maintain window, click Repair.

  3. Wait for the repair to complete. After the software is repaired, in the Finish window, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Modify Installed Components

Only Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard 2.0.0 and above supports this function.

After installation, you can use the setup wizard to change the installed components of the software. To modify installed components, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click Mech-Eye SDK Installer x.x.x.exe to open the Mech-Eye SDK setup wizard.

  2. In the Maintain window, click Modify.

  3. In the Select Product window, select the products or components to install, or deselect the products or components to uninstall.

  4. Install the software according to the prompts in the setup wizard.

  5. After the software is installed, in the Finish window, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Software License Agreement

For the license agreement of Mech-Eye SDK, refer to End-User License Agreement.

Troubleshoot Common Installation Problems

Failed to Start the Setup Wizard


After double-clicking the installer, the setup wizard could not be started properly or crashed.

Possible Causes:

There is not enough space on the system drive.

Troubleshooting Procedure:

Check whether the available space on the system drive is larger than the size of the installer.

  • If the available space on the system drive is smaller than the size of the installer, delete unnecessary files to free up the space, and then reinstall. If the problem still exists, contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.

  • If there is enough space on the system drive, contact Mech-Mind Technical Support.

Installation Failed


An error message saying “Installation failed.” appeared in the Finish window during the installation.

Possible Causes:

  • Corrupted installer or missing files.

  • The current user does not have administrator access.

  • Another Wizard is performing the installation or the Windows system is being upgraded.

  • Other reasons.

Troubleshooting Procedure:

  1. Obtain a new installer and check its integrity, and then try the installation again.

    • If the problem is resolved, the troubleshooting is completed.

    • Otherwise, proceed to step 2.

  2. Right-click the installer and select Run as administrator to reinstall.

    • If the problem is resolved, the troubleshooting is completed.

    • Otherwise, proceed to step 3.

  3. Try the installation again after the installation of other software completes or after the Windows system upgrade completes.

    • If the problem is resolved, the troubleshooting is completed.

    • Otherwise, proceed to step 4.

  4. Restart your computer and try the installation again.

    • If the problem is resolved, the troubleshooting is completed.

    • If the problem still exists, click the installation log link in the Finish window to collect installation logs and send them to Technical Support.

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