Mech-Eye SDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu)
This topic guides you through the downloading, installation, upgrade, and uninstallation of Mech-Eye SDK on Ubuntu.
If you are using the Windows operating system, please refer to Mech-Eye SDK Installation Guide. |
Download Mech-Eye SDK
Mech-Eye SDK installation packages for the AMD64 and ARM64 architectures are provided. Please download the corresponding Mech-Eye SDK installation package according to your needs.
Verify the Integrity of Mech-Eye SDK Installation Package
Since the Mech-Eye SDK installation package may be corrupted during transmission or downloading, you need to verify the integrity of the installation package. The integrity of the installation package can be verified with the CRC-32 value, which is provided on the download page.
Please install and use libarchive-tools to calculate the CRC-32 value:
To verify the integrity of the software installation package, follow these steps:
Execute the following command to calculate the CRC-32 value of the compressed file:
If the system architecture is AMD64, execute the following command:
If the system architecture is ARM64, execute the following command:
Check the calculated CRC-32 value against the one on the download page. The two values should be identical.
Decompress the compressed file. After decompression, you will obtain the software installer in the DEB format (.deb).
Execute the following command to calculate the CRC-32 value of the software installer:
If the system architecture is AMD64, execute the following command:
crc32 Mech-Eye_API_2.4.1_amd64.deb
If the system architecture is ARM64, execute the following command:
crc32 Mech-Eye_API_2.4.1_arm64.deb
Check the calculated CRC-32 value against the one on the download page. The two values should be identical.
If the calculated values do not match those provided on the download page, please download the installation package again. |
Install Mech-Eye SDK
If you have installed Mech-Eye SDK already, please upgrade Mech-Eye SDK instead. |
Follow these steps to install Mech-Eye SDK on Ubuntu:
Enter the path where the installation package is stored and execute the following command to install Mech-Eye SDK:
If the system architecture is AMD64, execute the following command:
sudo dpkg -i 'Mech-Eye_API_2.4.1_amd64.deb'
If the system architecture is ARM64, execute the following command:
sudo dpkg -i 'Mech-Eye_API_2.4.1_arm64.deb'
Execute the following command to check if the installation succeeded. If the Mech-Eye SDK version is printed, the installation succeeded.
dpkg -l | grep mecheyeapi
Upgrade Mech-Eye SDK
If you have installed Mech-Eye SDK already, follow these steps to upgrade Mech-Eye SDK:
Execute the following command to check if Mech-Eye SDK has been installed:
dpkg -l | grep mecheyeapi
Execute the following command to uninstall Mech-Eye SDK:
sudo dpkg -P mecheyeapi
Enter the path where the installation package is stored and execute the following command to install Mech-Eye SDK:
If the system architecture is AMD64, execute the following command:
sudo dpkg -i 'Mech-Eye_API_2.4.1_amd64.deb'
If the system architecture is ARM64, execute the following command:
sudo dpkg -i 'Mech-Eye_API_2.4.1_arm64.deb'
Execute the following command to check if the installation succeeded. If the Mech-Eye SDK version is printed, the installation succeeded.
dpkg -l | grep mecheyeapi
Uninstall Mech-Eye SDK
Follow these steps to uninstall Mech-Eye SDK:
Execute the following command to uninstall Mech-Eye SDK:
sudo dpkg -P mecheyeapi
Execute the following command to check if the uninstallation succeeded. If no messages are printed, the uninstallation succeeded.
dpkg -l | grep mecheyeapi