Matching Model and Pick Point Editor

Location: Menu Bar ‣ Toolkit ‣Matching Model and Pick Point Editor


Matching Model and Pick Point Editor requires data and configurations of a Mech-Vision project to run. Therefore, please open the project for which you need to use Matching Model and Pick Point Editor first.

Matching Model and Pick Point Editor is often used in projects that require recognition of workpieces, such as machine tending. You can use Matching Model And Pick Point Editor to create point cloud models of the target objects, edit these models, and add pick points.

Point cloud model:

A point cloud of the target object, used as a model for matching. Mech-Vision compares the point clouds generated during project execution with this model to generate actual picking poses for the robot.

User Interface

The user interface of Matching Model and Pick Point Editor, as shown below, can be divided into four parts:


General Workflows

Depending on the method for adding pick point, there are two workflows for using Matching Model and Pick Point Editor:

  1. Obtain pick point by moving the robot with the teach pendant: obtain the pick point first, and then generate the point cloud model, and edit the model last.

  2. Add pick point directly in Matching Model and Pick Point Editor: generate the point cloud model first, and then edit the model, and add the pick point last.

The following chapters provide detailed instructions for each process:

Relevant Steps

Some Steps need the files created in Matching Model and Pick Point Editor to run. You can create point cloud model files, pick point files, and geometric center files in Matching Model and Pick Point Editor.