Glue Wizard

Instruction to the Glue Wizard

Glue wizard is mainly aimed at glue trajectory points generating of frame object ( such as car door). It prefers to apply in the scenarios such as: various types of objects, any position of incoming objects, complicated glue trajectorys and high precision requirement.

Use of Glue Tools (take an example as hatch glue)


1> Paste white paper on workpiece and draw black lines on the white paper corresponding to the glue trajectory. Make sure black lines that are clear and no shadow, add proper light source if necessary

2> If the workpiece is thin, which causes the object to fit tightly to the table. It requires to elevated properly to the workpiece, which the elevated workpiece should still keep in a horizontal level.

3> Under the folder of saving workpieces (such as “D:/GlueWizard”), create subfolder of data and project, which are “D:/GlueWizard/data”and”D:/GlueWizard/project”.

4> Open Mech-Vision Software, load projects “get-init-traj” and “load-2d-traj”

Collect information of workpiece

1> Open Mech-Vision -> Tools -> Plugin Tools -> Glue Wizard, the following figure illustrates information collecting interface and instruction of parameters.

2> Set the folder of saving workpiece information (such as “D:/GlueWizard”); click “New WorkPiece”, add workpiece id and label, it will list out on the left bar after adding; select the proper type of camera.

3> Click “Init Trajectory” to collect data of workpiece and then the “get-init-traj” project will be run at background process. After that, it will automatically create a subfolder named by the workpiece ID number under data folder. This folder saves data information of current workpiece, which contains original RGB and depth images, RGB image with red track lines, the backup of project which is used to collect data of this workpiece, entire point cloud and contour point cloud of workpiece, weight point cloud in the inner contour of workpiece, initial 2D track points. It is shown as the following figure. After running this project, workpiece image can be checked, and also check whether the point cloud is complete as expected. Check parameter settings and projects if any problem occurs.

Mark and generate 2D trajectory points

1> After completion of collecting workpiece information, click ‘Next’ to the mark interface.

Default Param Path

you can set the parameters by loading historic files.

Open Adsorption

if checked, the mark point will be adhered to the nearest red line when marking.

Search Point Radius

Corner Point

The radius of searching for corner point when opening adsorption.

Line Point

The radius of searching for line point when opening adsorption.

Sample Point

Sample Distance

Every this sample distance will generate a sample point between two marking points.

Min Distance Ratio

The distance between the last sample point and marking point needs to larger than the length that “Sample Distance” * “Min Distance Ratio”, which avoid those two points too close.

Rectify Line

Gaussian Blur Size

The size of gaussian kernel function which is used to smooth the contour

Search Radius

The radius of searching contour around

Closest Point

the smallest distance of the closest point. It can filter out the sample point which just on the edge of workpiece, ensuring the accuracy of rectification.

2> set parameters according to the parameter instruction above, click ‘Start Labeling’, use left click of mouse to add the marking point, after marking a whole part, use right click to end this marking, and then re-click ‘Start Labeling’ for the next part marking。Marked lines can be shown on the ‘Labeling Result’ of right bar


During marking, please follow these principles: A. only mark the point in corner, between two marking points, it automatically generates several sampling point based on “sample distance”; B.There should be more points at arc surface, and make sure to keep distance in each point (such as 3-4cm), to avoid the glue gun collides with the workpiece at the arc surface during the actual use of glue. C. At steep place, it must have marking points

3> As for the part that the whole part is straight line, if trajectory didn’t appear in the middle of two side contour as expected, it can be rectified (right click -> Rectify Polyline), shown as follows


This function works out only if the whole part is straight line segment

4> If mark failed or excessive deviation on marking, you can click ‘Clear Canvas’ and remark it.

Generate 3d Trajectory

1> Click ‘Save Result’ at marking interface, and then click ‘Next’ to the interface of generate 3d trajectory, click ‘generate 3d trajectory’, the “load-2d-traj” project will be run in the background process to generate initial 3D trajectory.

2> Edit and Save 3D trajectory and its parameters. After ‘generating 3D trajectory’ above, it will switch to the edit interface of initial 3D trajectory, which can modify trajectory and set parameters based on the manufacturing needs. After modification, click ‘Save Traj’ to save trajectory and its parameters. Finally click Finish to complete the trajectory generation of this workpiece. Edits and parameters instructions are shown below.

2.1> Global Parameter Setting(Global Setting Tab)

Traj Offset

Offset the whole trajectory (apply to the situation that there are error with the extrinsic parameter of camera)

Angle to rotate

The chosen trajectory will spin on Y axis according to this angle

Show Ground Z

As for huge workpiece, you can uncheck it to observe the trajectory clearer.

Ground Z

The grid position in Z axis

Traj Point Size

The size of trajectory showing on the interface

dragger Size

The dragger size of each trajectory point

Motion Type

Move type of robot: MoveL or MoveJ


Acceleration of move


Velocity of move

Blend Radius

Blend radius when moving arc

apply All

if clicked, all these parameters apply to all trajectory (not recommend)

2.2> Speicial Parameters Setting

Glue On/Off Blend Radius

Glue On

The blend radius before starting glue

Glue Off

The blend radius after finish glue

Vel Setting

Traj Point

Velocity of trajectory point (except the transition points between different segments)

Mid Point

velocity of the transition points between different segments.

Generate Points From Start


The distance between advanced point and start gluing point


Generate multiple advanced points forward every “interval”.

Raise Z

To raise the advanced point along Z axis. It avoid the glue gun colliding with workpiece or touching the glue in other segments.

Generate Points After End


The distance between extend point and finish gluing point.

Forward Num

Generate multiple extend points backward every “interval”.

Blend Radius

The blend radius of extend points

Generate Pull Up Points


The distance between extend point and pull up point, and the distance between neighboring pull up points.

Pull Up Num

Generate multiple pull up points every “interval”.

Pull Up Angle

The angle between the line consists of gluing points and the line consists of pull up points. It decide the inclination of pulling up.

Generate Middle Points


The distance between neighboring middle points.


To raise the middle point along Z axis (based on the highest height of neighboring point cloud). It avoid the glue gun colliding with workpiece.

Adjust Blend Radius

Search the trajectory points in corner(in the range of setting curve), and then set the blend radius of this point to 5mm, which avoid robot reaching the point in corner not exactly due to the improper blend radius.

Min Curve

if a trajectory point”s curve is between the range of “Min Curve” and “Max Curve”, it is considered the point in corner.

Max Curve

if a trajectory point”s curve is between the range of “Min Curve” and “Max Curve”, it is considered the point in corner.

2.3> 3D trajectory points list