Piece Picking (Without Bin)

In piece picking, since there is no single model that can be applied to all objects of varying types and shapes, deep learning algorithms are needed to estimate pick points.


Before deploying the project, please obtain the super model (please contact the support team of Mech-Mind Robotics).

Instructions for Creating a New Typical Application Project

Create Project

Click on Typical Applications ‣ New Typical Application Project in the Menu Bar or New Typical Application Project in the Toolbar to open the following window.

  1. Select Piece Picking (Without Bin).

  2. Name the project.

  3. Click on icon_selectfilepath_deploymentguidance to select a folder to save the project (it is recommended to create an empty folder), then click Create Project .

Running and Debugging

After successfully running and debugging the project, if you need to save the on-site data for future reference or you find that certain part of the project is not performing well and would like to optimize the Step or tune the parameters in an off-site situation, the tools Data Storage and Data Playback can be very useful.

Prerequisites for using the tool Data Playback:

  1. A project file in which the project can run correctly without errors.

  2. On-site source data which is gathered during the whole period while running the project, including 2D color images, depth maps, camera parameter file. Please refer to Data Storage for instructions on how to save the data.