Extract 3D Points in 3D ROI


Set a Region of Interest (ROI) in 3D space, and the points within the region will be extracted and points outside the region will be eliminated.


Sample Scenario

This Step enables to extract point cloud of the target object and avoid interference from background and outliers.

Input and Output



Before setting a 3D ROI, please go to Project Assistant and select the data source of scene point cloud. For detailed settings, please refer to Scene Point Cloud.


3D ROI Settings

3D ROI Name

Instruction:Click icon_edit on the right side of the 3D ROI Name to enter the Set ROI window, as shown in Figure 1. For detailed settings, please refer to Instructions for Setting 3D ROI.


Figure1 Set Target Area

Input Cloud Coordinate Type
Default Value: Camera Coordinate
List of Values: Camera Coordinate, Robot Coordinate
Instruction: Change the coordinate system of the input point cloud. As shown in Figure 2, the left side is the input point cloud in the default state, and the right side is the input point cloud in the robot coordinate system.

Figure2 Input Cloud Coordinate

Empty Status Settings

Min Points Number in 3D ROI
Default Value: 0
Instruction: This parameter is the lower limit of the number of the points in the 3D ROI. If the points in the 3D ROI are less than this value, it means that there is no point cloud that meets the requirements in the 3D ROI.
Send Empty Status of Points in 3D ROI
Default Value: True
List of Values: True, False
Instruction: This parameter determines whether to send the presence or absence information of the point cloud in the area of interest. In the default state, if the actual points in the 3D ROI are less than the value set in Minimum Points in 3D ROI , a prompt like Figure 3 will be generated.

Figure3 Prompt When Set to True

If set to False, there will be no prompt, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure4 Prompt When Set to False

Possible Preceding Step

Possible Succeeding Step