Show Point Clouds and Poses


Display Point Clouds and Poses.

Sample Scenario

This Step can display the relative position between the point cloud(s) and pose(s) and is usually used in debugging phase. For example, in a picking application, it can be used to check if the poses are correct.

Input and Output


Parameter Tuning

  • Normal Vector Visualization Settings

    Show Normals

    Default: False
    Options: True, False
    Description: Whether to display the point cloud normal vectors or not.

    Display Interval of Normals

    Default: 20
    Instruction: This parameter is shown only when Show Normals is set to True. The unit is mm. The greater the value, the sparser the normal vectors are displayed.
    Example: As shown below, the left part is the point cloud displayed without normals, and the right part is the point cloud displayed with normals at an interval of 20 mm.
  • Z Value Visualization Settings

    Visualize Z Value

    Default: False
    Options: True, False
    Instruction: When set to True, points of the point cloud will be displayed in an ascending order of brightness along the positive Z-axis.

    Upper Bound

    Default: 0
    Instruction: This parameter is only valid when Visualize Z Value is set to True. This value sets the upper bound of the range which the points need to be colored along the positive Z-axis. The larger the value, the dimmer the overall display.

    Lower Bound

    Default: 0
    Instruction: This parameter is only valid when Visualize Z Value is set to True. This value sets the lower bound of the range which the points need to be colored along the positive Z-axis. The smaller the value, the brighter the overall display.

    Show Curvature

    Default: False
    Options: True, False
    Instruction: This parameter shows points of object parts with different curvatures in different colors. Red is used for large curvatures, blue for medium curvatures, and green for small curvatures.
    Example: As shown below, the left part is the point cloud displayed without curvatures and the right part is the point cloud displayed with curvatures.

Comparison of Similar Steps

Show Point Clouds and Poses is used for checking the point clouds and poses. Show Images is used for checking the color images and masks.