Introduction to General Parameters of Steps

Execution Flags

Visualize Output

Visualize Output displays the Step’s output as an image, as shown below. This feature helps determine whether the output is correct, and thus the parameters in the Step can be optimized to achieve an desired result.

Textualize Output

Textualize Output displays the Step’s output as texts, as shown below. This feature helps determine whether the output is correct, and thus the parameters in the Step can be optimized to achieve an desired result.

Reuse Input

Adjust Reuse Input does not affect the actual output. It is only used as a mark to show that the Step supports 1xn input.

Continue When No Output

Continue execution when there is no output from the Step while running the project.

Reload File

Reload files each time the project is run. If set to True and the path to save the required file is changed, a file path error will be prompted when running the project.

Trigger Control Flow When No Output

Trigger a control flow when the current Step outputs no data. Take the example shown below, when there is no output in the Calc Normals of Point Cloud and Filter It Step, the Capture Images from Camera Step will be run.

Trigger Control Flow When Output

Trigger a control flow when the current Step outputs data. Take the example shown above, when there is output in the Calc Normals of Point Cloud and Filter It Step, the Capture Images from Camera Step will be run.

Figure1 Trigger Control Flow

Notify Procedure Out When No Output

When the Step outputs no data, a message stating that the project has no output and exit will be prompted as shown below. The top figure is the running results when this flag is set to True and the bottom figure False.

Switch between Relative Path and Absolute Path

In Steps such as Save Images and Step Parameters, Save Images, Save Results to File, Capture Images from Camera, etc., which involve selecting the path to read or save the data, the default data path is the relative path.

  • Click icon_transfer to convert the relative path to an absolute path.

  • Click icon_transfer1 to convert the absolute path to a relative path.
