General Parameters of Move-Type Tasks

Send Target

Selected by default to send target poses to the receiver, such as the robot. When this option is unselected, the target pose will not be sent. However, the target will remain in the planned path.

Try Moving Smoothly through Following Non-Moves
Unselected by default. When non-move Tasks, such as visual_look, set_do, check_di, etc., are connected between move-type Tasks, the robot’s path planning will be interrupted, and the actual robot will take a short pause, reducing the smoothness of running. When this option is selected, the project will continue to run without waiting for the current move-type Task to complete execution, and therefore the robot can move in a smooth way without pauses. However, enabling this option may cause the execution of the Task to end prematurely.


Why will this option cause the execution of the Task to end prematurely?
Mech-Viz will send multiple poses simultaneously to the robot when the project is running. When the currently returned JPs of the robot correspond to the last pose sent by Mech-Viz, Mech-Viz will assume that the robot has moved to the last position. For example, there are 10 move-type Tasks in a path, and the pose of move_5 is the same as that of the last move Task. When the robot moves at low speed, it sends JPs to Mech-Viz when it moves to move_5 Task, Mech-Viz may mistakenly determine that the robot has finished the move-type Tasks and prematurely ends the Tasks since the poses of the move_5 and the last Task are the same in the path.
No Check Collision with Placed Obj
Unselected by default, i.e., the collision with the already placed objects will not be detected. When this option is selected, the collisions between the robot, end effector, and placed objects will be detected.
In palletizing scenarios, the two possible cases of error are as follow:
  1. In palletizing scenarios, when the robot is placing a carton, the carton to place may come into light contact with the placed cartons while no deformation will be caused. After Mech-Viz detects this collision in simulation, it will plan other positions for placing the carton, and therefore a full stack cannot be formed.

  2. Usually, the TCP of a suction cup is inside the suction cup model instead of on the surface of it. Under this circumstance, the suction cup may be embedded in the model of the carton to be picked in the simulation of picking, while Mech-Viz does not detect the collision between the end effector and the object to be picked. After the robot places the object and the carton model turns into an object model in the scene, a collision between the suction cup and the carton will be detected and the palletizing cannot be completed.

When this option is selecetd, no collision between the robot, end effector, and the placed object will be detected, and the above two cases of errors can be avoided.


Move-type Tasks contain the Pick or Place setting. Usually, move-type Tasks implemented before visual_move should be set to Pick, and those after visual_move should be set to Place.

Pcl Collision Check Mode

Select the proper mode according to the requirement of the on-site situation. Usually, the default setting Auto can be used. NotCheck mode can be used in move-type Tasks before the robot picks the object, and Check mode can be used after the robot picks the object.

Auto: Default setting. Only the point cloud collisions for Tasks before and after visual_move and visual_move will be detected.
NotCheck: Point cloud collisions for all move-type Tasks will not be detected.
Check: Point cloud collisions for all move-type Tasks will be detected.


When Collision Detection Configuration‣Detect collision between point cloud and others is enabled, Mech-Viz will detect collisions between the robot, end effector, and point cloud when planning the path. Normally, Mech-Viz detects whether the robot collides with other objects during picking and placing. When there are point cloud outliers, non-exiting collisions will be detected, which leads to errors in path planning.

Disable Object Symmetry

This parameter will only take effect when Move Target Type of the Task is set to Obj Pose.

None: Default setting, i.e., do not disable symmetry on any axis.
AxisZ: Only disable Z-axis symmetry.
AxisXy: Only disable X-axis and Y-axis symmetry.
All: Disable symmetry on all axes.

Once the object symmetry is disabled, the robot will place the objects strictly according to the target poses.


In some special cases, objects are not pickable due to their peculiar poses. Setting Rotation Symmetry under Tools and Workobjects ‣ Configuration of Objects to Pick (for move planning) may solve this problem. Based on the settings of Rotation Symmetry, when the default object pose is not pickable, Mech-Viz will calculate candidate poses and determine whether the candidate poses are pickable. As the candidate poses calculated based on the settings of Rotation Symmetry are different from the default one, the consistency of the objects’ place poses cannot be guaranteed.

Picked Object Collision Check Mode

Not Check Collision with Scene Object/Robot
Unselected by default. Once this option is selected, the collisions between the picked objects with the scene objects/robot will not be detected, and therefore the calculation workload of collision detection will be reduced, the planning speed can be increased, and the cycle time can be shortened. It is usually enabled in the first one or two move-type Tasks after the robot picks the object.
Please enable this option cautiously as there may be collision risks.


  • When Detect collision between picked object and others under Collision Detection Configuration ‣ Picked Object Configuration is enabled, Mech-Viz will detect whether the model of the picked object collides with the models of the scene objects and the robot.

  • In palletizing projects, the calculated carton dimensions have millimeter-level errors with the actual dimensions, and frictions between cartons may occur during picking but no collisions will occur. For some move-type Tasks that will obviously not cause collisions, detecting such collisions only adds to the calculation workload and planning time, and consequently extending the cycle time.

  • In palletizing projects, enabling Not Check Collision with Scene Object does not affect the collision detection between the picked carton and the placed cartons. This option can be enabled when there are scene objects under the stack to avoid failure of finding the palletizing solution.

Not Check Collision with Cloud
Unselected by default. Once this option is selected, the collisions between the picked object models with the point clouds in the scene will not be detected, and therefore the calculation workload of collision detection will be reduced, the planning speed can be increased, and the cycle time can be shortened.


  • When both Detect collision between picked object and others under Collision Detection Configuration ‣ Picked Object Configuration and Detect collision between point cloud and others under Collision Detection Configuration ‣ Point Cloud Configuration are enabled, Mech-Viz will detect whether the model of the picked object will collide with the point cloud of the scene.

  • When Mech-Vision sends the point cloud and object model to Mech-Viz, the point cloud and the object model are fitted together. After the robot picks the object, the model moves along the planned path, and the collision between the model of the picked object and the point cloud will occur.

  • It is known that the model of the picked object will have false collisions with the point cloud. Detecting such collisions unnecessarily adds to the calculation workload and extends the planning time.