OuterIdxMove outer_index_move


Move the points in array based on the set grid parameters of X/Y, and combined with the index value obtained from the external service and the position of this point. It must be used with adapter

The array points that robot can move are more flexible than move_grid, it is no need to move according to the regular n \(\times\) n array.



See General Parameters of Move Skills

  • startIndex: array from a specified starting point.

  • curIndex: the number of points in the current array. It can be changed by adapter.

  • xCount:the number of points in the X direction of the array.

  • xSpace:the interval between every two points in the X direction of the array.

  • yCount:the number of points in the Y direction of the array.

  • xSpace:the interval between every two points in the Y direction of the array.

Basic Move

See Basic Move General Parameters