Mech-Viz Menu Bar


Below you can find the detailed description of every option in Mech-Viz’s menu bar.





Open Project

Select a project folder to open in Mech-Viz

Ctrl + O

Save Project

Save the changes to the current project

Ctrl + S

Save Project to JSON

Save the project, and save the VIZ file in the project folder as JSON

Ctrl + Shift + S

Save Project as

Save the project to the designated location


Only the VIZ file and collision models are saved


Recent Projects

Display the recently opened projects, click on a project path to open the project


Open Project in Explorer

Open the current project’s folder in File Explorer


Open Executable File in Explorer

Open the folder where the Mech-Viz software is located


Backup Project

Create a backup of the current project


All contents in the current project folder are copied and pasted


Close Project

Close the current project



Exit Mech-Viz

Ctrl + Q


  • Mech-Viz 1.4.0 and above saves the project file in VIZ format. Previous versions save the project file in JSON format.

  • If you want to use Mech-Viz 1.6.1 or above versions to open a previous version’s project, please read Open Projects of Mech-Viz 1.6.0 or Lower first.

  • Please wait for the project to complete loading before running the project.

    If you do not select any options in the Version compatibility pop-up window when you open Mech-Viz, and click Run in Meh-Center directly, a message saying that “Project loading by Mech-Viz in progress. Failed to start the Mech-Viz project: XXX” will appear in the log panel in Mech-Center. In this case, please select Yes in the Version compatibility window and then click Run in Mech-Center to run the project again.


Used to configure the display of Mech-Viz.




Display the Scene tab, checked by default


Display the Workflow tab, checked by default


Display the Robot tab, checked by default

Tools and Workobjects

Display the Tools and Workobjects tab, checked by default


Display the Collisions tab, checked by default

Plan History

Display the Plan History tab, checked by default


Display the Others tab, checked by default


Display the Log tab, checked by default

Function Description

Display function description of selected Task in the Workflow tab

Default Layout

Reset the layout of Mech-Viz to default


Used to configure the display of the 3D simulation area.



Show Received Vision Poses

Display the vision poses, indices, and labes received from Mech-Vision, checked by default

Show Point Cloud

Display the point cloud received from Mech-Vision, checked by default

Show Picked Object

Display the model of the picked workobject, checked by default

Model is displayed if either of the following is satisfied: 1. Vision poses and object dimensions are received from Mech-Vision 2. Non-cuboid object model is present in the project folder

Show Collision While Planning

Display collisions detected during path planning, checked by default

Show Octree

Display the octree structure of the object point cloud

Detect collision between point cloud and others in Collisions ‣ Collision Detection Configuration must be enabled

Show Received Carton Models

Display models of cartons

The project must receive vision poses and object dimensions from Mech-Vision to generate carton models

Show Arrow Pointing to Center

Display the arrows pointing from pick points to the geocenter

Multiple pick points must be set on the point cloud model in Mech-Vision

Show Object Pose

Display the pick points on workobjects

Display Settings

Provide more display settings, please see below for detailed information

Pose Status Colors

Color code for vision pose indices and labels

Display Settings




Vision Pose Tag Size

Set the size of the vision pose indices and labels

Vision Pose Dragger Size

Set the size of the vision pose arrows

Arrow Size(Point To Object Center)

Set the size of the arrow that points to geocenter

Trajectory Text Size

Set the text size of task names on the planned path

Only Display the latest Vision result if multiple Vision Services exist

When checked, only the last received vision result is displayed in the 3D simulation area

Registered Vision Services

List of Mech-Vision projects registered in Mech-Center


Add the selected Mech-Vision project to Vision Services Not to Show

Vision Services Not to Show

List of Mech-Vision projects whose vision results are not displayed in the 3D simulation area

Get Vision Services

Refresh the list of Registered Vision Services


Delete the selected Mech-Vision project from Vision Services Not to Show




Use Saved Vision Records (Only When Vision Service Not Registered)

When checked, Mech-Viz project will use saved vision records to run

Set Vision Records

Configure the vision records to be saved and/or loaded

For detailed instructions on using vision records, please see Save and Load Vision Records

Find Vision Result

Highlight the vision point with the searched index in the 3D simulation area

Not Print Message Sent to Robot

When checked, messages sent to the robot by Mech-Viz are not displayed in the log

Write Debug File (.dmp)

Generate DMP file to be sent to Mech-Mind Technical Support for debugging




Set Mech-Center Address

Set the IP address of Mech-Center

Usually, the IP address is automatically detected and set, and you don’t need to do anything

Lock/Unlock Project

When checked, all modification to the project are prevented (you can still simulate and run the project)

The password must be 6 digits or more and made up of numbers only


Set display language, units of length and angle, etc.

Logging Level

Set the level of log messages to be displayed in the Log panel

All messsages of the selected level and above are displayed





Display software version and copyright information

Change Log

Open the software changelog in your browser