VisualLook visual_look


Call the vision service (run vision project) and transmit the result to the ROI in Mech-Viz

ROI: Region of Interest



See Other General Parameters

Vision name

Select the vision project name registered on Mech-Center; click Get Vision Services to refresh the registered services.

Edit ROI

If it is check, ROI Boundary can be directly edited in Mech-Viz.

  • Set Roi To Vision: Click this button, Mech-Viz will generate a “roiBoundary.json” file and save this file to corresponding vision project.

  • Half Size: X, Y, Z are half the length of the side for the bounding box side in Region of Interest (ROI).

  • Pose:The coordinates X, Y, Z, and Euler angles or quaternions are the center position of the Region of Interest (ROI).



The Region of Interest (ROI) can be directly moved to the expected setting position by dragging the square part on the green border.


The edited ROI Boundary is defined in the flange coordinate system. If the selected vision project is eye in hand system, this parameter is checked.