Not Check Collision with Scene Object & Not Check Collision with Robot

Default: False
List of values: False, True
When Detect collision between picked object and others under Collision Detection Configuration ‣ Picked Object Configuration is enabled, Mech-Viz will check whether the model of the picked object collides with the models of the scene objects and the robot if the two parameters are set to True.


In palletizing projects, the calculated carton dimensions have millimeter-level errors, and frictions between cartons may occur during picking but no collisions will happen. For some move tasks that will obviously not cause collisions, checking such collisions only adds to the calculation workload and planning time, and consequently extending the cycle time.

In palletizing projects, setting Not Check Collision with Scene Object to True does not affect the collision check between the picked carton and the placed cartons. The parameter can be set to True when there are scene objects under the stack to avoid failure of finding the palletizing solution.