Send Point Cloud to External Service


Send point cloud information to Mech-Viz.

Sample Scenario

Send point cloud to Mech-Viz for simulation and debugging or for checking the actual point cloud processing results.

Input and Output



Input point cloud type

Default Value: Color Point Cloud (CloudXYZRGB)
List of Values: color point cloud (CloudXYZRGB), point cloud (CloudXYZ), normal point cloud (CloudNORMAL)
Instruction: The type of point cloud to be sent.

Send Object Information

Default Value: False
List of Values: True, False
Instruction: Choose whether to send pose and label information according to actual needs.

Whether to convert to robot coordinate system

Default Value: True
List of Values: True, False
Instructions: If selecting True, the input point cloud information will be converted to the robot coordinate system and then sent to Mech-Viz.