Mech-Eye API 2.4.0
API reference documentation for Mech-Eye Industrial 3D Camera
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cmmind::eye::Array2D< ElementData >Represents a 2D container of data
 Cmmind::eye::CameraOperates the camera. Use Camera::connect to connect an available camera, and then call the corresponding methods to perform data acquisition, configure parameters, and so on
 Cmmind::eye::CameraDistortionDescribes the distortion parameters
 Cmmind::eye::CameraEventThe camera event related. Use CameraEvent::registerCameraEventCallback to register an event of interest
 Cmmind::eye::CameraInfoDefines the camera information
 Cmmind::api::CameraIntriThis struct defines camera intrinsic parameters
 Cmmind::eye::CameraIntrinsicsDefines the 3D camera intrinsic parameters, including the intrinsic parameters of the texture 2D camera, the intrinsic parameters of the depth 2D camera(s), and the transformation between them
 Cmmind::eye::CameraMatrixDescribes the camera intrinsic parameter matrix
 Cmmind::eye::CameraResolutionsDefines the camera image resolutions, including the resolutions of the 2D image (texture) and depth map
 Cmmind::eye::CameraStatusDescribes the camera's statuses
 Cmmind::eye::ColorBGRRepresents a pixel in Color2DImage with blue, green, and red channel information
 Cmmind::api::DepthRangeThis struct defines the depth range
 Cmmind::api::DeviceIntriThis struct defines device intrinsic parameters, including texture camera and depth camera
 Cmmind::api::DeviceResolutionThis struct defines camera map resolution
 Cmmind::api::DeviceTemperatureThis struct describes the device temperature information
 Cmmind::eye::DeviceTemperatureDescribes the device temperatures
 Cmmind::api::ElementColorElement in ColorMap
 Cmmind::api::ElementDepthElement in DepthMap
 Cmmind::api::ElementPointXYZElement in PointXYZMap
 Cmmind::api::ElementPointXYZBGRElement in PointXYZBGRMap
 Cmmind::api::ErrorStatusThis enumeration defines the types of errors
 Cmmind::eye::ErrorStatusDescribes the types of errors
 Cmmind::eye::EventDataRepresents data associated with a camera event
 Cmmind::api::Frame< ElementType >Definition of data structure in device capturing image
 Cmmind::eye::Frame2DRepresents the 2D capture result, which can be obtained by calling Camera::capture2D. The 2D data can be in the form of Gray or ColorBGR and is stored in a 2D array, with each element in the array representing an image pixel
 Cmmind::eye::Frame2DAnd3DRepresents the 2D and 3D capture results, which can be obtained by calling Camera::capture2DAnd3D. The 3D data can be in the form of PointZ or PointXYZ and is stored in a 2D array, with each element in the array representing a point. The class also provides methods for saving the point cloud data to a local file
 Cmmind::eye::Frame3DRepresents the 3D capture result, which can be obtained by calling Camera::capture3D. The 3D data can be in the form of PointZ or PointXYZ and is stored in a 2D array, with each element in the array representing a point. The class also provides methods for saving the point cloud data to a local file
 Cmmind::api::Frame< float >
 Cmmind::api::Frame< long long >
 Cmmind::api::Frame< unsigned char >
 Cmmind::api::Frame< unsigned int >
 Cmmind::eye::FrameTransformationDefines the rigid body transformations from one reference frame to another, including the rotation matrix and translation vector
 Cmmind::eye::GrayRepresents a pixel in GrayScale2DImage with grayscale channel information
 Cmmind::eye::Intrinsics2DCameraDescribes the intrinsic parameters of the 2D camera in the 3D camera based on the pinhole camera model, including the camera matrix and camera distortion parameters
 Cmmind::api::lnxapi::MechEyeDeviceInterface that is used to connect the LNX Mech-Eye device and access basic information of the device
 Cmmind::api::MechEyeDeviceInterface that is used to connect the Mech-Eye Industrial 3D Camera and access basic information of the device
 Cmmind::api::MechEyeDeviceInfoThis struct defines device information
 Cmmind::eye::NormalVectorThe pixel element struct with the normal vector coordinate (x, y, z) information
 Cmmind::eye::ParameterRepresents a parameter of the device
 Cmmind::eye::PointXYZRepresents a point in UntexturedPointCloud with the coordinate (x, y, z) information
 Cmmind::eye::PointXYZBGRRepresents a point in TexturedPointCloud with the coordinate (x, y, z) and texture (blue, green, red, and transparency) information
 Cmmind::eye::PointXYZBGRWithNormalsThe pixel element struct in TexturedPointCloudWithNormals with the coordinate (x, y, z), texture (blue, green, red and transparency), and normal vector coordinate (x, y, z and curvature) information
 Cmmind::eye::PointXYZWithNormalsThe pixel element struct in UntexturedPointCloudWithNormals with the coordinate (x, y, z) and normal vector coordinate (x, y, z, curvature) information
 Cmmind::eye::PointZRepresents a point in DepthMap with the depth (z-coordinate) information
 Cmmind::api::PoseThis struct defines rigid body transformations, including rotation matrix and translation vector
 Cmmind::eye::ProfileROIDescribes the region of interest (ROI) of a laser profiler
 Cmmind::eye::Range< T >Describes a value range
 Cmmind::api::ROIThis struct defines camera region of interest
 Cmmind::eye::ROIDescribes a region of interest (ROI)
 Cmmind::eye::SizeDescribes a two-dimensional size with a width and a height
 Cmmind::eye::SizeFDescribes a two-dimensional size with a width and a height using double-precision floating-point numbers
 Cmmind::eye::HandEyeCalibration::TransformationDefines rigid body transformations, including translation vector and quaternion vector
 Cmmind::eye::TransformationDefines the rigid body transformations, including rotation matrix and translation vector
 Cmmind::eye::UserSetManagerManages device user sets
 Cmmind::eye::VersionDescribes the version information