Mech-Eye API 2.4.0
API reference documentation for Mech-Eye Industrial 3D Camera
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CCameraIntriThis struct defines camera intrinsic parameters
 CDepthRangeThis struct defines the depth range
 CDeviceIntriThis struct defines device intrinsic parameters, including texture camera and depth camera
 CDeviceResolutionThis struct defines camera map resolution
 CDeviceTemperatureThis struct describes the device temperature information
 CElementColorElement in ColorMap
 CElementDepthElement in DepthMap
 CElementPointXYZElement in PointXYZMap
 CElementPointXYZBGRElement in PointXYZBGRMap
 CErrorStatusThis enumeration defines the types of errors
 CFrameDefinition of data structure in device capturing image
 CMechEyeDeviceInterface that is used to connect the Mech-Eye Industrial 3D Camera and access basic information of the device
 CMechEyeDeviceInfoThis struct defines device information
 CPoseThis struct defines rigid body transformations, including rotation matrix and translation vector
 CROIThis struct defines camera region of interest
 CArray2DRepresents a 2D container of data
 CBoolParameterRepresents a _Bool-type device parameter
 CCameraOperates the camera. Use Camera::connect to connect an available camera, and then call the corresponding methods to perform data acquisition, configure parameters, and so on
 CCameraDistortionDescribes the distortion parameters
 CCameraEventThe camera event related. Use CameraEvent::registerCameraEventCallback to register an event of interest
 CCameraInfoDefines the camera information
 CCameraIntrinsicsDefines the 3D camera intrinsic parameters, including the intrinsic parameters of the texture 2D camera, the intrinsic parameters of the depth 2D camera(s), and the transformation between them
 CCameraMatrixDescribes the camera intrinsic parameter matrix
 CCameraResolutionsDefines the camera image resolutions, including the resolutions of the 2D image (texture) and depth map
 CCameraStatusDescribes the camera's statuses
 CColorBGRRepresents a pixel in Color2DImage with blue, green, and red channel information
 CDeviceTemperatureDescribes the device temperatures
 CEnumParameterRepresents an _Enum-type device parameter
 CErrorStatusDescribes the types of errors
 CEventDataRepresents data associated with a camera event
 CFloatArrayParameterRepresents a _FloatArray-type device parameter
 CFloatParameterRepresents a _Float-type device parameter
 CFrame2DRepresents the 2D capture result, which can be obtained by calling Camera::capture2D. The 2D data can be in the form of Gray or ColorBGR and is stored in a 2D array, with each element in the array representing an image pixel
 CFrame2DAnd3DRepresents the 2D and 3D capture results, which can be obtained by calling Camera::capture2DAnd3D. The 3D data can be in the form of PointZ or PointXYZ and is stored in a 2D array, with each element in the array representing a point. The class also provides methods for saving the point cloud data to a local file
 CFrame3DRepresents the 3D capture result, which can be obtained by calling Camera::capture3D. The 3D data can be in the form of PointZ or PointXYZ and is stored in a 2D array, with each element in the array representing a point. The class also provides methods for saving the point cloud data to a local file
 CFrameTransformationDefines the rigid body transformations from one reference frame to another, including the rotation matrix and translation vector
 CGrayRepresents a pixel in GrayScale2DImage with grayscale channel information
 CIntParameterRepresents an _Int-type device parameter
 CIntrinsics2DCameraDescribes the intrinsic parameters of the 2D camera in the 3D camera based on the pinhole camera model, including the camera matrix and camera distortion parameters
 CNormalVectorThe pixel element struct with the normal vector coordinate (x, y, z) information
 CParameterRepresents a parameter of the device
 CPointXYZRepresents a point in UntexturedPointCloud with the coordinate (x, y, z) information
 CPointXYZBGRRepresents a point in TexturedPointCloud with the coordinate (x, y, z) and texture (blue, green, red, and transparency) information
 CPointXYZBGRWithNormalsThe pixel element struct in TexturedPointCloudWithNormals with the coordinate (x, y, z), texture (blue, green, red and transparency), and normal vector coordinate (x, y, z and curvature) information
 CPointXYZWithNormalsThe pixel element struct in UntexturedPointCloudWithNormals with the coordinate (x, y, z) and normal vector coordinate (x, y, z, curvature) information
 CPointZRepresents a point in DepthMap with the depth (z-coordinate) information
 CProfileROIDescribes the region of interest (ROI) of a laser profiler
 CProfileRoiParameterRepresents an _ProfileRoi-type device parameter
 CRangeDescribes a value range
 CRangeParameterRepresents a _Range-type device parameter
 CROIDescribes a region of interest (ROI)
 CRoiArrayParameterRepresents an _RoiArray-type device parameter
 CRoiParameterRepresents an _Roi-type device parameter
 CSizeDescribes a two-dimensional size with a width and a height
 CSizeFDescribes a two-dimensional size with a width and a height using double-precision floating-point numbers
 CTransformationDefines the rigid body transformations, including rotation matrix and translation vector
 CUserSetManagerManages device user sets
 CVersionDescribes the version information