Translate Poses along Given Direction


Translate poses along a given direction.


Sample Scenario

Translate poses according to the direction and distance set by the user.

Input and Output


Parameter Descriptions



Visualization Settings

Show Cloud Under Chosen Coordinate

Robot Coordinate

Display point clouds in the robot reference frame

Camera Coordinate

Display point clouds in the camera reference frame

Pose Visuals Setting


Display the output translated poses


Display the input original poses


Display both the input and output poses

Translation Direction Settings

Translation Distance

The translation distance along the customized direction

Translation Direction Source


Translate the pose along a customized direction


Translate the pose along a specified axis of the object reference frame

Customized Direction


X value of the reference direction


Y value of the reference direction


Z value of the reference direction

Parameter Tuning

Visualization Settings

Show Cloud Under Chosen Coordinate
Default setting: Robot Coordinate
Options: Robot Coordinate, Camera Coordinate
Instruction: Please refer to Display point clouds in a specified reference frame for detailed instructions.
Pose Visuals Setting
Default setting: After
Options: After, Before, All

Translation Direction Settings

Translation Distance
Default setting: 0
Instruction: Please configure according to actual situation.
Translation Direction Source
Default setting: CustomizedDirection
Options: CustomizedDirection, ObjectAxis
Instruction: Please configure according to actual situation.


When ObjectAxis is selcted, you will need to select an axis according to the actual situation.


CustomizedDirection (This option will only appear when CustomizedDirection is selected.)

Default setting: 0
Default setting: 0
Default setting: 1


  • The figure below shows the pose before and after being translated 0.03m along the X axis of the object reference frame. In this example, ObjectAxis is selected as the Translation Direction Source; the specified axis is the X axis; and the Translation Distance is set to 0.03.

  • The figure below shows the pose before and after being translated 0.03m along the Y axis of the object reference frame. In this example, ObjectAxis is selected as the Translation Direction Source; the specified axis is the Y axis; and the Translation Distance is set to 0.03.

  • The figure below shows the pose before and after being translated 0.08m along the Z axis of the object reference frame. In this example, ObjectAxis is selected as the Translation Direction Source; the specified axis is the Z axis; and the Translation Distance is set to 0.08.

  • When CustomizedDirection is selected as the Translation Direction Source, you will need to set the values of X, Y, and Z in Customized Direction. As shown in the figure below, the path from the origin O to A (X, Y, Z) is the direction for the pose translation.


    The figure below shows the pose before and after being translated 0.08m along the customized direction. In this example, the values of X, Y, and Z are all set as 5, and the Translation Distance is set to 0.08.
