Send Point Cloud to External Service


Send point cloud information to Mech-Viz.

Sample Scenario

Send point cloud to Mech-Viz for simulation and debugging or for checking the actual point cloud processing results.

Input and Output


Parameter Descriptions



Cloud Settings

Input Point Cloud Type

CloudXYZRGB: Color point cloud

CloudXYZ: Point cloud that only contains position information

CloudXYZNORMAL: Point cloud with normals

Object Information Settings

Send Object Information

Select to send the object pose and pose label of the recognized object to Mech-Viz

Are Inputs in Cam Coord

Select when the input point cloud and object poses are in the camera reference frame, and the data will be converted to robot reference frame and then sent to Mech-Viz

Parameter Tuning

Cloud Settings

Input Point Cloud Type
Default setting: CloudXYZRGB
Options: CloudXYZRGB, CloudXYZ, CloudNORMAL
Instruction: Select the point cloud type to be sent according to the actual requirement.
Example: When CloudXYZRGB, CloudXYZ, and CloudNORMAL are selected respectively, the input point clouds are shown below.

Object Information Settings

Send Object Information
Default setting: Unselect
Instruction: When this option is not selected, Object Poses and Pose Labels ports will not appear. When this option is selected, Object Poses and Pose Labels ports will be available. Please select if you need to send Object Poses and Pose Labels to Mech-Viz. The figure below shows the Step when this option is selected and unselected.

Are Inputs in Cam Coord

Default setting: Select
Instruction: Once this option is selected, the input point cloud will be converted to the robot reference frame and then sent to Mech-Viz. If the option is not selected, the input point cloud in the camera reference frame will be sent to Mech-Viz directly.