Extract 3D Points in Cylinder


Extract point clouds inside specified cylinders, the point clouds outside the cylinders will be discarded.


Sample Scenario

A general point cloud extraction Step. No fixed usage scenarios.

Input and Output



Shape Type
Default Value: Ring
List of Values: Cylinder, Ring, Sector
Instruction: 3D points inside this specified shape will be extracted.

Z Direction Properties

Min Z Value
Default Value: -0.1 m
Instruction: This parameter is used to set the lower limit of distance threshold (in m) along Z axis of the reference coordinate, which corresponds to Z- in Figure 1.
Max Z Value
Default Value: 0.1 m
Instruction: This parameter is used to set the upper limit of distance threshold (in m) along Z axis of the reference coordinate, which corresponds to Z+ in Figure 1.

Ring and Sector Radius Properties

Inner Radius
Default Value: 0.05 m
Instruction: The minimum distance on XY-plane, which corresponds to R1 in Figure 1. To obtain a solid cylinder, this parameter needs to be set as 0 .
Outer Radius
Default Value: 0.1 m
Instruction: The maximum distance on XY-plane, which corresponds to R2 in Figure 1.

Sector Angle Properties

The following two parameters appear after choosing Sector in Shape Type, and they are used to configure the shape of the sector.

Start Angle
Default Value: 180°
Instruction: The start angle of the sector on XY-plane.
End Angle
Default Value: 180°
Instruction: The end angle of the sector on XY-plane.

Usage Settings for Input Clouds

Check If Object Inside Cylinder by Its Point Center
Default Value: False
List of Values: True, False
Instruction: If checked, the center of the object point cloud is used to check if it is inside the cylinder.
Input Point Cloud Usage
Default Value: All
List of Values: All, FirstOnly
Instruction: This parameter decides whether to only use the first input point cloud.