Mech-Vision 1.6.0 Release Notes

New Features

Data Storage Restructured

The Data Storage feature is restructured for better performance in troubleshooting and regression testing on-site. The detailed changes are as follows:

  • Data Storage features no longer require the Procedure Save Images and Step Parameters to be used.

  • Abnormal data are now stored in the new error_data folder in the data folder.

  • Data from multiple cameras can be saved altogether.

  • The naming conventions of the file and folder names in the data folder are changed.

Added Example Projects

Example Projects of typical applications in various industries are introduced in Mech-Vision V1.6.0 to provide a general picture of what Mech-Vision can do and how Steps work. These projects are highly user-friendly for beginners as they can be run with one click.

New 2D Matching Steps

The following 2D Matching Steps are added:

These Steps can be used to obtain the positions of target objects in an image and align the target objects/ROIs in different images to the same position/orientation.

New Step - Deep Learning Model Package Inference

Mech-Vision V1.6.0 provides built-in deep learning inference models. With the Deep Learning Model Package Inference Step, deep learning inference can be enabled without installing Mech-Mind Software Environment.

New Step - 3D Coarse Matching V2

A newer version of the 3D coarse matching Step, 3D Coarse Matching V2, is added. This Step is used to coarsely match the point cloud model with the original point cloud and output the coarsely calculated candidate poses of the target objects in the scene.

New Step - Calc Results by Python

Mech-Vision V1.6.0 now has the Python 3.6.8 environment integrated, which allows you to run a Python script directly in Mech-Vision with the Calc Results by Python Step.


If extra Python libraries are required when you use this Step, these libraries must be installed to the python folder under the installation directory of Mech-Vision.


A Python library can be installed as follows:

  1. Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell program.

  2. Switch to the “python” directory of Mech-Vision, such as C:\Mech-Mind\Mech-Vision-1.6.x\python.

  3. Execute the following command: ./python -m pip install library_name.

Debug Output Improved

The function of the Debug Output panel is improved to better facilitate you in building and analyzing your Mech-Vision project.

Improvements include:

  • When Debug Output mode is disabled, output results (shown by running a Step with Visualize Output or by clicking on the connection between two Steps) are also displayed in the Debug Output panel.

  • Display output in a separate window: click on the icon in the upper right of the Debug Output panel to open a separate maximized window.

    When Debug Output mode is enabled, the separate window also allows for the following usage:

    • With a separate window opened, the result of the same Step is updated every time you run the Step/project and displayed in the same window.

    • Viewpoint adjustment of a 3D result in a separate window is memorized, and when you run the Step/project again, the result of the same Step is displayed with the same viewpoint, so that you can compare results from multiple executions easily.

    • You can open the results from multiple Steps in separate windows simultaneously for easy comparison.

Matching Model and Pick Point Editor Improved

  • Add point cloud from camera:

    • Adaptation for applications with target objects that are heavy and/or not easily movable: now you can directly generate a point cloud of the entire scene and then edit the point cloud, separate depth map acquisition of the background and target object not mandatory.

    • When acquiring depth maps of the background and target object separately, background depth map is acquired first to better fit actual usage.

  • New features for point cloud editing:

    • Remove selected points button added

    • Invert selection: select the points you want to keep first, and then invert the selection to quickly delete the unwanted points.

    • Generate edge point cloud: you can now generate a point cloud model of the object edges in the editor.


User Interface Improved

The UI of Mech-Vision V1.6.0 is improved in the following aspects for better user experience:

  • Layout and color scheme redesigned

  • Default Layout option added to the View menu: automatically adjust the interface layout with a single click

  • Appearance and user interaction of the Step Parameters tab improved

  • Save, Undo, and Redo buttons added to the project toolbar at the top of the graphical programming workspace

  • Appearance of the search box in Step Library improved

  • Interface of Camera Viewer improved

  • Layout and text in Camera Calibration improved

Edit Procedure Parameter Feature Improved

In Mech-Vision V1.6.0, the Edit Procedure Parameter feature is improved in the following aspects:

Model Selection Parameter Added to the 3D Coarse Matching and 3D Fine Matching Steps

In Mech-Vision V1.6.0, the 3D Coarse Matching and 3D Fine Matching Steps now have a Model Settings parameter category for easy model selection from the model gallery.

The Check Pose Repeatability by Statistics Step Improved

The Check Pose Repeatability by Statistics Step is improved in the following aspects for better usability:

  • Name updated: from Poses Repeatability Statistics to Check Pose Repeatability by Statistics

  • Threshold for Acceptable Position Coordinate Deviations and Threshold for Acceptable Euler Angle Deviations parameters added for filtering out errors

  • Output orientation data now in Euler angles

  • Number of decimal places of the output data customizable

  • Layout of output XLSX table improved

  • Inputting multiple pose data simultaneously and saving results of different poses to different table sheets now supported

  • Restart option now automatically unchecked after the Step is run once with the option checked

  • Step Quick Info and Parameter tooltips updated

Compatibility for V4 and UHP Cameras

Mech-Vision V1.6.0 now supports image capturing and hand-eye calibration with V4 and UHP cameras.

Performance of the Instance Segmentation Step Improved

In Mech-Vision V1.6.0, instance segmentation conducted with the new Deep Learning Model Package Inference Step has better performance compared to the old Instance Segmentation Step.

Updated Step Names

The names of the following Steps are updated for easier understanding of the functions. When you open a project in Mech-Vision V1.6.0, the name of the Steps in your project are automatically updated.

Before V1.6.0


Map to Multi Pick Points

Map to Multiple Pick Points

Calc Included Angle Between Specified Axis of Poses

Calc Included Angles between Specified Axes of Poses

Validate Box Masks

Validate Box Object Masks

Segment Depth Image

Segment Depth Map

Get Highest Areas in Depth Image

Get Highest Layer Regions in Depth Map

Pose Adjustment Collection

Adjust Poses

Rotate Poses to Goal Direction

Rotate Poses’ Axes to Specified Directions

Classification by Point Clouds’ Sizes

Classify Point Clouds by Dimensions

Sort and Output Index List

Sort List and Output Index List

Grasp Pose Estimation

Estimate Pick Points

Set Pose Quaternion

Set Pose Quaternions

Inverse Poses

Invert Poses

Validate Poses by Included Angle to Reference Direction

Validate Poses by Included Angles to Reference Direction

Binarize Image

Image Thresholding

CloudXYZ To CloudNormal

From CloudXYZ to CloudNormal

Cloud Num Limit

Trim Point Cloud List

From Poses to Euler Angles

Convert Quaternions to Euler Angles in Poses

Merge Cloud Vector

Merge Point Cloud Lists

Find 2D Contour at Specified Hierarchical Level

Find 2D Contour at Specified Inner-Outer Level

Calc Length Along Axis

Calc Point Cloud Spans along Axes

Poses Repeatability Statistics

Check Pose Repeatability by Statistics

Calc Minimum Bounding Rectangles of Masks

Calc Minimum Circumscribed Rectangles of Masks

Calc Distance to Reference Pose

Calc Distances between Poses

Smooth Trajectory

Smooth Path

Make Poses Point to Reference Place

Point Poses to Reference Positions

From Disparity Image to Depth Image

Convert Disparity Image to Depth Map

Compose Pose From Quaternion and Translation

Compose Poses from Quaternions and Translation Vectors

Merge LineSegment Vector

Merge LineSegment Lists

Merge Depth Images

Merge Depth Maps

Calc Angle Between Vector3D

Calc Angles between Vector3Ds

Mask Cluster

Mask Clustering

Cloud Smooth And Normal Estimation

Smooth Point Cloud and Estimate Normals

Compose Vector3D From Numbers

Compose Vector3Ds from Numbers

Compare Two Depth Image

Compare Two Depth Maps

Generate Point Cloud of Ring

Generate Ring Point Cloud

Adjust Poses to Obtain Acurate Trajectory

Adjust Targets to Get Correct Path

Load Poses in Trajectory and Apply Affine Transform

Load Targets in Path and Apply Affine Transform

Calc Poses from Heat Map of Graspability

Calc Poses from Heat Map of Pickability


Reverse List

Cloud Filter By Model And Pose

Filter Point Cloud by Model and Poses

Merge Point Clouds with Similar Height

Merge Point Clouds with Similar Heights

Calc Mask’s Span on Given Line

Calc Mask Spans on Given Lines

Save Local Areas Around Poses as 3D ROI

Save Regions around Poses as 3D ROIs

Adjust Trajectory Circular Motion

Change Circular Motion Direction of Path

Detect Bin (Inscribed Rect Sides)

Detect Bin (Max Inscribed Rect)

Detect Bin (Largest Inscribed Rect)

Detect Bin (Max Inscribed Rect) V2

Filter Poses Outside Bin

Remove Poses outside Bin

Pixel-wise Graspability Evaluation

Pixel-Wise Pickability Evaluation

Mask Filter

Filter Masks

2D Poses To 3D Poses Base Orthographic Projection

Convert Poses 2D to 3D According to Orthographic Projection

Get Valid Ring Clouds

Filter Ring Point Cloud List

Project A Point onto A Plane

Project Points onto Plane

Compose Quaternion From Two Axis (Right-Hand)

Compose Quaternions from Two Axes (Right Hand Rule)

Calc Diagonal Length

Calc Diagonal Lengths

Generate Rect Traj

Generate Rect Path

Generate Traj By Contour

Generate Path from Contour

Is Z Value of Input Greater than Threshold

Compare Z Values of Poses with Threshold

Rectify Ring Pose

Rectify Ring Object Poses

Calc Center Point of Non-zero Areas

Calc Center Points of Non-Zero Regions

Calc Rect 2D Pose

Calc 2D Poses of Rectangles

Calc Pixel Size at Specified Height

Calc Pixel Sizes at Specified Heights

Coherent Line Drawing

Draw Coherent Lines

Image Transform

Adjust Image

Determine Pixel Size

Determine Pixel Sizes

Extract Empty Areas in Depth Image within 3D ROI

Extract Empty Regions in Depth Map within 3D ROI

Rotate Images By Provided Poses

Rotate Images by Specified Poses

Perspective Transform

Perspective Transformation

Clouds In 3d Box

Extract Point Cloud in 3D Box

Move Cloud Along Set Dir

Move Point Cloud along Specified Direction

Cloud Distortion Correction

Correct Point Cloud Distortion

Detect Obscured Objects

Detect Occluded Objects

Transform Plane Cloud To Align Direction

Align Plane Point Clouds

Cloud Scale

Scale Point Cloud

Calc Point Cloud Curvature

Calc Point Cloud Curvatures

Calc Edge Points Normal

Calc Edge Point Cloud Normals

Pose Transformed by Quaternion in Object Coordinate

Rotate Poses by Quaternion Vectors in Object Frames

Calc Length of Vector3D

Calc Lengths of Vector3Ds

Pose Transformed by Pose2 in Object Coordinate

Transform Poses by Matrix in Object Frames

Calc Cross Product of Vector3D

Calc Vector3D Cross Products

Calc Normalized Vector3D

Calc Normalized Vector3Ds

Compose Quaternion From Axis and Angle

Compose Quaternions from Axes and Angles

Rotate Poses to Directions With Symmetry Constraint

Rotate Poses’ Axes to Specified Directions under Symmetry Constraints

Easy Point to Reference Place

Easy Point Poses to Reference Position

Easy Coordinate Transform

Easy Frame Transformation

Inverse Quaternions

Get Inverses of Quaternions

Calc Dot Product of Vector3D

Calc Vector3D Dot Products

Calc Distance from 3D Points to Plane

Calc Distances from 3D Points to Plane

Measure Circle

Measure Circles

Calc Distance from 3D Points to Intersection of Two Planes

Calc Distances from 3D Points to Intersection of Two Planes

Replace Element In Vector

Replace Elements in List

Generate Test Cloud

Generate Test Point Cloud

Save Trajectory Points

Save Path Targets

Evaluate Variation of Depth Image

Evaluate Depth Map Fluctuation

Calculate Calib-board Pose

Calc Calibration Board Poses

Insert End Points And Send Motion Params

Insert End Target and Send Motion Params

Load 2d Trajectory

Load 2D Path

Generate Spiral Traj

Generate Spiral Path

Generate Trajectory Given Depth Image

Generate Path Given Depth Map

Generate Zigzag Traj

Generate Zigzag Path

Auto Trajectory

Extract 2D Path

Merge Label List

Merge Label Lists

Adjust Poses by Obstacles

Adjust Targets by Obstacles

Trajectory Points Matching

Path Target Matching

Adjust Poses by Obstacles V2

Adjust Targets by Obstacles V2

Validate 2D Poses Within Mask

Validate 2D Poses by Mask

Calc Mask Distance

Calc Mask Distances

Varying Normal Area

Extract Regions of Large Normal Deviations

Map Mask Non-zero Area

Extract Image Regions by Mask

Detect Graspable Rectangles

Detect Pickable Rectangles

Depth Cluster along Scan Lines

Depth Clustering along Scan Lines

Divide Cloud into Smaller Parts Evenly

Divide Point Cloud into Smaller Parts Evenly

Deep Learning Inference

Deep Learning Inference (DLK 2.1.0/2.0.0)