Mech-Vision 1.6.2 Release Note

New Feature

New Step - Predict Pick Points (Single Object Type)

A new Predict Pick Points (Single Object Type) Step was added in Mech-Vision 1.6.2, which is used to detect pickable objects in 2D images and depth maps and then output corresponding pick points. This Step is usually used for picking randomly stacked objects of the same type.

You do not need to install the Mech-Mind Software Environment to run this Step. You should use a port number of 60000 or above and import a deep learning model. Different types of objects require different models. Please contact Mech-Mind Technical Support for the model.

Please refer to Notes for “Predict Pick Points” Steps for detailed upgrade notes.


“Pick Anything” Typical Application Projects Improved

The Pick Anything Typical Application projects include Pick Anything and Pick Anything (Without Bin). In Mech-Vision 1.6.2, you can use the improved “Pick Anything” typical application projects and do not need to download a special version.

Updated Step Name

Before Mech-Vision 1.6.2

In Mech-Vision 1.6.2

Grasp Pose Estimation

Predict Pick Points (Any Objects)

Resolved Issue

Issue with “Capture Images from Camera” Step

  • Resolved the issue that the setting of play back mode could not take effect for the Virtual Mode in the Capture Images from Camera Step.