Run a Real Robot

Please follow these steps to run a real robot.

  1. Connect to the Robot Properly

    Before you use Mech-Viz to guide a real robot to move, please ensure that the communication between the robot and the software is established successfully, or else the robot cannot be moved by Mech-Viz.

  2. Stop the Simulation

    Select Deployment Settings ‣ Mech-Viz in Mech-Center, and unselect Run as simulation.

  3. Reduce the Robot Speed


    Before you run a real robot, please ensure that you have lowered the robot speed to a proper value for safety concerns.

    Adjust the Velocity and Acceleration on the toolbar to 5% icon.

  4. Run the Robot

    Click Run on the toolbar, or click Run in Mech-Center’s main interface and then the robot will follow the planned path to move.


    When an emergency occurs when the robot is moving, please press the emergency stop button on the robot teach pendant.

  5. Stop the Project

    Click Stop on the toolbar to stop the project.

If an error occurs when running a real robot, you can locate the reason with the assistance of Plan History and Log. If no error occurs, you can configure the Computation Settings to increase the software execution speed.