Too Dark 2D Images Captured by LSR L/LSR S/DEEP V4 during Calibration


In the hand-eye calibration with LSR L/LSR S/DEEP V4 cameras, the 2D images captured by the cameras were too dark.

Affected Software Versions:

Mech-Vision 1.6.1 and later.

Possible Cause:

The LSR/DEEP series consist of a 2D camera (texture) and two 2D cameras (depth source). For 2D images captured by 2D cameras (depth source) in hand-eye calibration, you should increase the value of the 2D Image (Depth Source) Exposure Time parameter in Mech-Eye Viewer if the environment is relatively dark.


Follow these steps to fix the issue:

  1. Connect to the LSR L/LSR S/DEEP V4 camera through Mech-Eye Viewer.

  2. Select “calib” under Parameter group.

  3. Increase the 2D Image (Depth Source) Exposure Time or select Flash for 2D Image (Depth Source) Exposure Mode and re-calibrate the camera.

  4. Add light to the environment if the issue persists.