Adjust Poses


This Step performs adjustments such as reference frame transformation, translation, rotation, sorting, etc. on poses.

Usage Scenario

This Step is used for general pose adjustment.

Input and Output



Description: This parameter is the entrance for the pose editor.
Tuning Recommendation: Click the Open Pose Editor to enter the pose editor. For more information, please refer to Pose Step Editor.
Entry Port Description
Description: This parameter is used to set the description of the entry ports, which need to be separated by a semicolon.
Tuning Recommendation: For example, Pose; Index correspond to the Poselist; IndexList data types respectively.
Exit Port Description
Description: This parameter is used to set the description of the entry ports, which need to be separated by a semicolon.
Tuning Recommendation: For example, Pose; Index correspond to the Poselist; IndexList data types respectively.
Complete Description for Internal Sub-Steps
Description: This parameter is used to enter the full description of the internal Steps.
Complete Description for Sub-Steps IO Connections
Description: This parameter is used to enter the full description of the internal Step IO connection.