3D Workpiece Recognition


This Step has integrated vision processing functions such as point cloud pre-processing, 3D model matching, and removing overlapped objects, which facilitate quick workpiece recognition.

Usage Scenario

This Step is applicable to metal workpiece loading scenarios and recognize objects with various shapes and objects placed in different ways, such as objects that are placed individually, neatly arranged on a single layer, neatly arranged on multiple layers, and randomly stacked. This Step usually follows the Capture Images from Camera Step.

Standard Interface or Adapter communication is usually used when this Step is used.

Input and Output


Parameter Description

Open an Editor
Description: Click to open the 3D Workpiece Recognition Visualization Configurator.
Tuning Recommendation: Please refer to 3D Workpiece Recognition Visualized Configurator for detailed instructions.
Select workpiece
Description: This parameter is used to select a workpiece to recognize in the drop-down list. The workpiece should be defined in the Configurator beforehand.