Get Highest Score Result


This Step performs one-to-one comparison of two input point cloud lists with the corresponding poses and scores, and extracts the point clouds and poses with higher scores to form a list for output.

Usage Scenario

This Step is generally used to compare the results obtained by different matching methods to obtain the optimal list of matching results. This Step is outdated. Please use newer Steps instead.

Input and Output

  • Input:

  1. First list of point clouds.

  2. Poses of first list of point clouds.

  3. Matching scores of first list of point clouds.

  4. Classification labels of first list of point clouds.

  5. Confidences of first list of point clouds.

  6. Second list of point clouds.

  7. Poses of second list of point clouds.

  8. Matching scores of second list of point clouds.

  9. Classification labels of second list of point clouds.

  10. Confidences of second list of point clouds.

  • Output:

    1. List of point clouds with higher scores.

  1. List of poses with higher scores.

  2. List of higher scores.

  3. List of classification labels with higher scores.

  4. List of confidences with higher scores.