Status Codes and Troubleshooting¶
Range |
Category |
1001–1099 |
Mech-Vision error codes |
1100–1199 |
Mech-Vision normal status codes |
2001–2099 |
Mech-Viz error codes |
2100–2199 |
Mech-Viz normal status codes |
3001–3099 |
Mech-Center error codes |
3100–3199 |
Mech-Center normal status codes |
4001–4099 |
Robot error codes |
4100–4199 |
Robot normal status codes |
7001–7099 |
Hand-eye calibration error codes |
7100–7199 |
Hand-eye calibration normal status codes |
Mech-Vision Error Codes¶
Code |
Description |
Mech-Vision: Project not registered or project autoload not set. |
Mech-Vision: No vision result. |
Mech-Vision: No point cloud in ROI. |
Mech-Vision: Parameter setting failed. |
Mech-Vision: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Vision. |
Mech-Vision: Invalid pose data. |
Error code not in use. |
Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of motion parameters do not match. |
Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of labels do not match. |
Mech-Vision: Project number does not exist. |
Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe number out of range. |
Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe does not exist. |
Mech-Vision: Failed to set parameter recipe. |
Mech-Vision: Project runtime error. |
Mech-Vision: Failed to start deep learning server. |
Mech-Vision: Invalid label mapping. |
Mech-Vision: Wrong number of vision points. |
Mech-Vision: Execution timed out. |
Mech-Vision: Not executed. |
Mech-Vision: Failed to set box dimensions; please confirm if Step Read Object Dimensions is in the project. |
Mech-Vision: Invalid setting values of object dimensions. |
Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of custom data items do not match. |
Mech-Vision: Using virtual camera. Image data has been blocked. |
Mech-Vision: Invalid pose type. |
Mech-Vision: Path planning failed. |
Mech-Vision: Robot cannot reach the workobject pose. |
Mech-Vision: Failed to calculate robot joint position. |
Mech-Vision: Unreachable path. |
Mech-Vision: Motion singularity error. |
Mech-Vision: Failed to plan linear motion. |
Mech-Vision: Invalid pick point. |
Mech-Vision: Robot self-collision detected. |
Mech-Vision: Robot-object collision detected. |
Mech-Vision: Collision detected as point cloud collision point count is over threshold. |
Mech-Vision: Collision detected as point cloud collision area is over threshold. |
Mech-Vision: Collision detected as point cloud collision volume is over threshold. |
Mech-Vision: No vision point for Step “Vision Move”. |
Mech-Vision: Invalid tool. |
Mech-Vision Normal Status Codes¶
Code |
Description |
1100 |
Mech-Vision: Successfully obtained vision points. |
1101 |
Mech-Vision: Ready. |
1102 |
Mech-Vision: Successfully triggered project. |
1103 |
Mech-Vision: Successfully obtained planned path. |
1107 |
Mech-Vision: Successfully switched parameter recipe. |
1108 |
Mech-Vision: Successfully set object dimensions. |
Mech-Viz Error Codes¶
Code |
Description |
Mech-Viz: Software not registered. |
Mech-Viz: Project is running. |
Mech-Viz: Vision result from Mech-Vision not received. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to reach vision point from Mech-Vision. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to calculate robot JPs. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Viz. |
Mech-Viz: Path planning failed. |
Mech-Viz: Project runtime error. |
Mech-Viz: TCP not provided. |
Mech-Viz: Path not reachable. |
Mech-Viz: DO list not provided. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid pose type. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid pose data. |
Mech-Viz: Project not set. |
Error code not currently in use. |
Mech-Viz: Parameter setting failed. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to stop execution. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid Branch by Msg Step exit number. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to set Branch by Msg Step; please confirm whether the Step ID exists. |
Mech-Viz: Motion error — singularity. |
Mech-Viz: MoveL planning failed. |
Mech-Viz: Not executed. |
Mech-Viz: Project file error. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid Branch by Msg Step ID. |
Mech-Viz: Execution timed out. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid ID of Step with index parameter. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid index value. |
Mech-Viz: Index setting failed; please check whether the Step with index parameter exists in the project. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to set waypoint of External Move Step. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid vision point. |
Mech-Viz: Robot self-collision detected. |
Mech-Viz: Collision between robot and scene object detected. |
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision point count exceeds threshold. |
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision area exceeds threshold. |
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision volume exceeds threshold. |
Mech-Viz: Vision service did not capture image. |
Mech-Viz: No vision result from vision service. |
Mech-Viz: No point cloud in ROI in vision result. |
Mech-Viz: No vision point for planning. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to plan paths for some of vision points from vision result reuse. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to get Step parameter. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to obtain planning result of External Move. |
Mech-Viz: Failed to get custom data in vision result. |
Mech-Viz: Vision service not registered. |
Mech-Viz: Invalid tool. |
Mech-Viz Normal Status Codes¶
Code |
Description |
2100 |
Mech-Viz: Successfully executed. |
2101 |
Mech-Viz: Successfully stopped execution. |
2102 |
Mech-Viz: Successfully sent DO list. |
2103 |
Mech-Viz: Successfully started. |
2104 |
Mech-Viz: Successfully stopped. |
2105 |
Mech-Viz: Branch successfully set. |
2106 |
Mech-Viz: Index successfully set. |
2107 |
Mech-Viz: Waypoint of External Move Step successfully set. |
Mech-Center Error Codes¶
Code |
Description |
Mech-Center: Illegal command. |
Mech-Center: Interface command length or format error. |
Mech-Center: Client disconnected. |
Mech-Center: Server disconnected. |
Mech-Center: Calling Mech-Vision timed out. |
Mech-Center: Unknown error. |
Mech-Center: Data acknowledge signal timed out. |
Mech-Center: Config ID does not exist; failed to read/set Step parameter. |
Mech-Center Normal Status Codes¶
Code |
Description |
3100 |
Mech-Center: Client connection normal. |
3101 |
Mech-Center: Server connection normal. |
3102 |
Mech-Center: Waiting for client to connect. |
3103 |
Mech-Center: Data cache cleared successfully. |
Robot Error Codes¶
Code |
Description |
4001 |
Robot: Invalid robot type. |
4002 |
Robot: Robot Euler angle type not supported. |
4003 |
Robot: Robot service not registered. |
4004 |
Robot: Missing robot parameters. |
4005 |
Robot: Failed to connect to robot. Please check the robot IP address and network configuration. |
4006 |
Robot: The robot burn-in program version is not up to date. Please download the new program. |
Robot Normal Status Codes¶
Code |
Description |
4100 |
Robot: Robot service registered successfully. |
4101 |
Robot: Successfully connected to the robot. |
4102 |
Robot: Robot disconnected. |
4103 |
Robot: User closed robot service. |
Hand-Eye Calibration¶
Hand-Eye Calibration Error Codes¶
Hand-Eye Calibration Normal Status Codes¶
Code |
Description |
7100 |
Calibration: Robot successfully reached calibration point. |
7101 |
Calibration: Mech-Vision normally output calibration point. |
Mech-Vision Troubleshooting¶
Mech-Vision: Project not registered or not set to autoload.
Mech-Vision is not started, or the project is not open in Mech-Vision.
Autoload Project has not been set for the Mech-Vision project.
Internal communication error, or another project with the same name exists, leading to failed registration of the Mech-Vision project.
Make sure that Mech-Vision is started and that the project is open in Mech-Vision.
Make sure that Autoload Project has been set for the Mech-Vision project.
Make sure that no projects with the same name exist, and try to restart Mech-Vision.
Mech-Vision: No vision result.
The Mech-Vision project called has been successfully executed, but the “poses” port has empty output. Possible causes include exceedingly high confidence threshold for instance segmentation, no matched object in the scene, improper ROI settings, low point cloud quality, improper filtering settings, etc.
The “Procedure Out” Step of the Mech-Vision project does not contain the “poses” port. The possible cause is that the Port Type parameter is set to “Custom”, but the “poses” key is not included.
Check the data flow of the Mech-Vision project by going up from the “poses” port of Step “Procedure Out”.
Check the Port Type parameter and the included keys of the “Procedure Out” Step.
Mech-Vision: No point cloud in ROI.
The Mech-Vision project called has been successfully executed, but there is no point cloud in the 3D ROI.
Please check the ROI settings in the Step that sets the 3D ROI on the point cloud. For some projects, this error code can be used to determine whether the bin has been emptied or whether the bin has not been moved to a proper position. So, this error is not necessarily a project execution error.
Mech-Vision: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Vision.
When the client calls command 101 to trigger the Mech-Vision project, the robot pose type parameter in command 101 has a wrong value. The value range of this parameter is [0, 3].
Check the client interface program. The value of the robot pose type parameter should be in the range of [0, 3].
Mech-Vision: Invalid pose data.
The pose data sent by command 101 does not consist of 6 numbers. The robot pose is a 6-axis robot pose by default. If the robot is a 4-axis or a 5-axis robot, please fill the remaining fields with 0.
Check the client interface program. The robot pose data sent by command 101 should consist of 6 numbers.
Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of motion parameters do not match.
This error usually occurs in projects in which the vision result forms a robot motion path (such as gluing applications).
Not available yet.
Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of labels do not match.
The number of poses and number of labels output from the preceding Steps of Step “Procedure Out” do not match.
Check the poses and labels in the data flow of the Mech-Vision project.
Mech-Vision: Project number does not exist.
The project number set in the parameter of command 101 does not exist in the project list of Mech-Vision.
For example, when there is only one project in the project list of Mech-Vision, if command 101 calls for project No. 2, the error will be raised.
Check if the corresponding Mech-Vision projects all have Autoload Project checked.
Check the client interface program and make sure command 101 has the correct project number in its parameter.
Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe number out of range.
The parameter recipe number in command 103 does not have the corresponding recipe set in the Mech-Vision project.
For example, when there are only two parameter recipes in the Mech-Vision project, if command 103 is to set parameter recipe No. 3, this error will be raised.
Check if the Mech-Vision project has the parameter recipe to be set.
Check if the client interface program correctly calls command 103.
Mech-Vision: Parameter recipe not set.
The client interface program calls command 103 to set the parameter recipe, but there is no parameter recipe set in the Mech-Vision project.
Check the parameter recipe settings in the Mech-Vision project, and ensure the parameter recipes and their numbers are correct.
If the project does not require switching parameter recipes, please do not call command 103.
Mech-Vision: Failed to set parameter recipe.
The connection between Mech-Center and Mech-Vision is not established.
Please check Mech-Center’s log for relevant error messages.
Mech-Vision: Project runtime error.
The Mech-Vision project has a runtime error with error code CV-Exxxx or has other errors for which Mech-Center does not have analyses. When such an error occurs, the Mech-Vision project is terminated without finishing execution.
Check the error message in Mech-Vision and modify the Mech-Vision project if necessary.
Mech-Vision: Failed to start deep learning server.
The called Mech-Vision project has a deep learning Step(s), but the deep learning server has not been started. The corresponding error message in Mech-Vision is DL-E0201 deep learning server not started.
Check if the Mech-Vision project is executed for the first time. Check if the time cost for starting the deep learning server is too long. If model pre-loading is required, please check “Preload Mode When Opening Project” in the parameters of the deep learning Step.
Check if the deep learning environment has been installed properly.
Mech-Vision: Invalid label mapping.
The label(s) in the vision result from Mech-Vision is not INT data. When using the standard interface, string labels should be mapped to integer labels using Step “Label Mapping”, otherwise this error will occur.
Check the data flow in Mech-Vision, if the labels input to Step “Procedure Out” are not integers, please map the labels to positive integers using Step “Label Mapping”.
Mech-Vision: Wrong number of vision points.
The client interface program calls command 101 to trigger the Mech-Vision project. In the command’s parameter, the number of vision points to expect Mech-Vision to output exceeds the data length of the interface.
The data length can be set in
in Mech-Vision. Please set the max number of poses sent each time under Advanced Settings. Range: [1, 30].
Check the client interface program and make sure the parameter expected number of vision points is smaller than the setting in Mech-Center.
Mech-Vision: Execution timed out.
After calling command 102 to obtain the vision result and the timing has started, the Mech-Vision project did not finish execution within the specified time.
The timeout period can be set under
in the deployment settings of Mech-Center. The default timeout period is 10 seconds.
Check the client interface program. A delay operation can be added before calling command 102.
For a Mech-Vision project that takes a long time to execute, the timeout period can be set longer in the deployment settings.
Mech-Vision: Not executed.
The client interface program did not call command 101 to start the Mech-Vision project but went on to call command 103 to try to get the vision result.
For example, if two Mech-Vision projects are registered in Mech-Center, if the client interface program starts project 1, but then tries to get the vision result of project 2, this error will occur.
Command 102 has already been called to obtain all the vision targets and the cache is cleared, but command 102 is called again.
Check the client interface program and make sure the project number specified by command 102 is correct.
Check the client interface program for the transmission completion status parameter in the returned data of command 102. If the parameter value is 1, then all vision targets are transmitted. Keep calling command 102 will lead to this error.
Mech-Vision: Failed to set object dimensions; please confirm if Step Read Object Dimensions is in the project.
The client interface program calls command 501 to try to input object dimensions to the Mech-Vision project, but the Mech-Vision project does not have a “Read Object Dimensions” Step.
Check the Mech-Vision project and make sure it has a “Read Object Dimensions” Step.
Mech-Vision: Invalid setting values of object dimensions.
The client interface program calls command 501 to try to input object dimensions to the Mech-Vision project, but the dimension values are invalid (zero or negative values).
Check the client interface program and make sure command 501 passes valid dimension values (positive real numbers).
Mech-Vision: Number of poses and number of custom data items do not match.
After the client interface program calls command 110, in the returned data, the number of poses and number of items of a custom data type do not match. A custom data type refers to data input to a port other than PoseList and LabelList of Step “Procedure Out” in the Mech-Vision project. Possible cases include:
Empty data at the custom data port.
List length at the custom data port does not equal the pose list length.
Suppose the number of poses input to Step “Procedure Out” is N. It is required that any custom data port (data other than poses and labels) either has 1 item or N item. Otherwise, this error will be raised.
For example, if the custom port data is the number of objects obtained by instance segmentation, only 1 data item is required, and each time the command is executed, the same value will be returned; if the custom data is the box dimensions, N data items are required, and each time the command is executed, the “box dimensions” data corresponding to the pose will be returned.
Please check the data flow in the Mech-Vision project.
Mech-Vision: Invalid pose type.
When the client calls command 105 to obtain the result of the “Path Planning” Step, the waypoint type parameter in command 105 has a wrong value. This parameter can only be set to 1 or 2.
Check the client interface program. The value of the waypoint type parameter in command 105 should be 1 or 2.
Mech-Vision: Path planning failed.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision failed to plan a path for any of the vision points in the vision result, and not all reasons for plan failures of the vision points are the same.
(If the planning failed on the vision points for the same reason, the corresponding error code for such a reason will be raised)
For example, if there are 40 vision points in the vision result, for 20 of which the planning failed because the robot cannot reach the vision point, and for 20 of which the planning failed because collisions were detected, this error will be raised.
In the corresponding Mech-Vision project, open the path planning tool in the “Path Planning” Step, and check the plan history for the specific reasons for plan failures.
Mech-Vision: Robot cannot reach the workobject pose.
The vision pose input to the path planning tool in Mech-Vision is out of the reachable range of the robot.
Check if the camera extrinsic parameters are normal.
Check if the robot TCP settings in the path planning tool in the “Path Planning” Step of the corresponding Mech-Vision project are normal.
Check if any workobject is out of the reachable range of the robot.
Mech-Vision: Failed to calculate robot joint position.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision failed to calculate robot JPs for a waypoint.
Not available yet.
Mech-Vision: Unreachable path.
An error occurred with the path planning tool in Mech Vision. The “Path Planning” Step reports an error of the code MP-E0007.
Not available yet.
Mech-Vision: Motion singularity error.
When the path planning tool in Mech-Vision is planning the robot path, a robot singularity is encountered.
Check where the singularity is in the path planning tool and modify the corresponding poses or parameters.
Mech-Vision: Failed to plan linear motion.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision found that the robot cannot reach a waypoint by linear motion.
Modify the waypoint in the path planning tool or add intermediate points.
Change the motion type to joint motion.
Mech-Vision: Invalid pick point
The path planning tool reports an error of the code MP-E0010 for unknown reason.
Not available yet.
Mech-Vision: Robot self-collision detected.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision detected robot self-collision and the path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the path planning tool .
Mech-Vision: Robot-object collision detected.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision detected a collision between the robot and scene object model(s) and the path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint and scene object(s) in the path planning tool.
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision point count is over threshold.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision detected a collision between the robot and workobject. The number of point cloud points involved in the collision is above the threshold. The path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the path planning tool.
Check the setting of the collision point count threshold and modify it if necessary.
Mech-Vision: Collision detected as point cloud collision area is over threshold.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision detected collision between the robot and workobject. The surface area involved in the collision is above the threshold. The path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the path planning tool.
Check the setting of the collision area threshold and modify it if necessary.
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision volume is over threshold.
The path planning tool in Mech-Vision detected collision between the robot and workobject. The volume involved in the collision is above the threshold. The path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the path planning tool.
Check the setting of the collision volume threshold and modify it if necessary.
Mech-Vision: No vision point for Step “Vision Move”.
“Vision Move” in the Path Planning Step failed to receive any pose.
Check the dataflow before the Path Planning Step in the Mech-Vision project.
Mech-Vision: Invalid tool.
The robot tool(s) is not configured in the path planning tool in Mech-Vision.
Please add robot tool(s) in the path planning tool and select the tool to use in the Set Robot Tool Step of the workflow. If not using any tool, please add a dummy tool with only the tool name configured, and select this dummy tool in the Set Robot Tool Step.
Mech-Viz Troubleshooting¶
Mech-Viz: Software not registered.
Mech-Viz is not started.
Multiple Mech-Viz windows are opened under the developer mode.
Make sure Mech-Viz is started.
Uncheck Developer mode in
and restart Mech-Viz.
Mech-Viz: Project is running.
When a Mech-Viz project is still running, command 201 is called to trigger the Mech-Viz project.
Make sure the client interface program does not call twice command 201 to trigger the same Mech-Viz project within a short time.
Mech-Viz: Vision result from Mech-Vision not received.
Step “check_look” does not find any vision result and takes the 2nd exit (“no result”), and the project ends.
If necessary, add additional Steps to the “no result” exit of Step “check_look”.
Check if the workobjects have all been picked away.
Check the Mech-Vision project to see if settings such as ROI settings, instance segmentation confidence threshold, etc. are proper.
Mech-Viz: Failed to reach vision point from Mech-Vision.
The pose in the vision point from vision service is out of the reachable range of the robot.
Check if the point cloud position in Mech-Viz is normal.
Check if the camera extrinsic parameters are normal.
Check if the robot TCP settings in Mech-Viz are normal and whether any workobject is out of the reachable range of the robot.
Mech-Viz: Failed to calculate robot JPs.
Mech-Viz failed to calculate robot JPs for a waypoint.
Not available yet.
Mech-Viz: Invalid command parameter to start Mech-Viz
When the client calls command 201 to trigger the Mech-Viz project, the robot pose type parameter in command 201 has a wrong value. The value range of this parameter is [0, 2].
Check the client interface program. The value of the robot pose type parameter should be in the range of [0, 2].
Mech-Viz: Path planning failed.
Mech-Viz failed to plan a path for any of the vision points in the vision result, and not all reasons for plan failures of the vision points are the same.
(If the planning failed on the vision points for the same reason, the corresponding error code for such a reason will be raised)
For example, if there are 40 vision points in the vision result, for 20 of which the planning failed because the robot cannot reach the vision point, and for 20 of which the planning failed because collisions were detected, this error will be raised.
Check the plan history in Mech-Viz.
Mech-Viz: Project runtime error.
An error occurred when the Mech-Viz project was running and the project has been terminated. The error may be reported by a Mech-Viz error code MP-Exxxx or may not yet have an analysis.
Check the pop-up window or logs of Mech-Viz.
Mech-Viz: TCP not provided.
The client interface program calls command 205 to obtain the planned path from the robot, and requires that the waypoints should be robot TCPs, but the returned data does not contain robot TCPs.
In Mech-Viz, check the “Others” panel and make sure the option “Send TCP” is checked.
Mech-Viz: Path not reachable.
An error with Mech-Viz error code MP-E0007 occurred when running the Mech-Viz project.
Not available yet.
Mech-Viz: DO list not provided.
The client program calls command 206 to obtain the DO signal list that controls the tool (sectioned suction cups, array gripper, etc.), but in the Mech-Viz project, no DO signal list has been configured.
Check whether there is a Set DO List Step that follows the Vision Move Step. In the parameters of the Set DO List Step, under “Receiver”, “StandardInterface” should be checked.
Mech-Viz: Invalid pose type.
The client interface program calls command 205 to obtain the planned path, the value of the parameter waypoint type is illegal.
Check the command sent by the client interface program. The value of the parameter waypoint type in command 205 should be 1 or 2.
Mech-Viz: Invalid pose data.
The client interface program calls command 201 to trigger the Mech-Viz project, the robot pose data sent is not in the format of 6 numbers. The robot pose is a 6-axis robot pose by default. If the robot is a 4-axis or a 5-axis robot, please fill the remaining fields with 0.
Check the robot pose data in command 201 sent by the client interface program. If the Mech-Viz project does not require inputting robot pose data, please set the parameter robot pose type to 0.
Mech-Viz: Project not set.
The project is not open in Mech-Viz.
The Mech-Viz project does not have Autoload checked.
Make sure the project is open in Mech-Viz and has Autoload checked.
Mech-Viz: Parameter setting failed.
An error occurred when the client interface program called command 208 to set a parameter of a Step in the Mech-Viz project.
Check if the Step ID and parameter key name in the configuration file are correct.
The configuration file (Property Config) can be found under in Mech-Center.
Mech-Viz: Failed to stop execution.
The client interface program calls command 202 to stop the running of the Mech-Viz project, but the project does not stop within 5 seconds.
Not available yet.
Mech-Viz: Invalid Branch by Msg Step exit number.
The client interface program calls command 203 to set the exit of the branching Step in the Mech-Viz project. In the command, the exit number is less than or equal to 0 or is greater than the total number of exits of the Step.
Check the exits of the branching Step in the Mech-Viz project.
Check the exit number set in command 203.
Mech-Viz: Failed to set Branch by Msg Step; please confirm whether the Step ID exists.
The client interface program calls command 203 to set a branch in Mech-Viz, but the branching Step ID set in the command either does not exist in the Mech-Viz project or is not a positive integer.
The ID of a Step in Mech-Viz can be found and set in the Step’s parameters.
Format of command 203:
203, branching Step ID, exit number
Make sure the Step ID sent by the command has a corresponding Step in Mech-Viz.
Make sure the Step IDs set in the command and in the Mech-Viz projects are positive integers.
Mech-Viz: Motion error–singularity.
When Mech-Viz is planning the robot path, a robot singularity is encountered.
Check where the singularity is in the Mech-Viz project and modify the corresponding waypoints.
Mech-Viz: MoveL planning failed.
Mech-Viz found that the robot cannot reach a waypoint by linear motion.
Modify the waypoint or add intermediate points.
Change the motion type to joint motion.
Mech-Viz: Not executed.
The client interface program calls command 203 to set branch, but the Mech-Viz project is not running.
The client interface program calls command 205 to get the planned path but the Mech-Viz project has not been executed.
The client interface program calls command 205 to get the planned path but the Mech-Viz project does not have an output.
Command 205 has already been called to obtain all the waypoints and the cache is cleared, but command 205 is called again.
Check the client interface program to make sure that the Mech-Viz project is running when setting the branch.
Check the client interface program to make sure that the Mech-Viz project is executed before getting the planned path.
Check the client interface program for the transmission completion status parameter in the returned data of command 205. If the parameter value is 1, then all waypoints are transmitted. Keep calling command 205 will lead to this error.
Mech-Viz: Invalid Branch by Msg Step ID.
The client interface program calls command 203 and sets a Step ID that is not a positive integer.
Make sure the parameter “branching Step ID” of command 203 is a positive integer.
The ID of a Step in Mech-Viz can be found and set in the Step’s parameters.
Mech-Viz: Execution timed out.
The client interface program calls command 205 to get the planned path from Mech-Viz, but the project execution does not finish within the specified time (10 seconds by default).
Check the normal project execution time cost of the Mech-Viz project. If the time cost is longer than 10 seconds, please adjust the settings under
in the deployment settings of Mech-Center.In the client interface program, a delay can be inserted in the client interface program before calling command 205.
Mech-Viz: Invalid ID of Step with index parameter.
The client interface program calls command 204 to set the index parameter of a Step with index parameter, and the Step ID is not a positive integer.
Check the client interface program and make sure that the Step ID set in command 204 is a positive integer.
The ID of a Step in Mech-Viz can be found and set in the Step’s parameters.
Mech-Viz: Invalid index value.
The client interface program calls command 204 to set the index parameter of a Step with an index parameter, and the index value is not a positive integer.
Check the client interface program and make sure that the index value set in command 204 is a positive integer.
Mech-Viz: Index setting failed; please check whether the Step with index parameter exists in the project.
The client interface program calls command 204 to set the index parameter of a Step with index parameter, and the Step ID does not have a corresponding Step in the Mech-Viz project.
Check the client interface program and make sure the Step ID set in command 204 has a corresponding Step in the Mech-Viz project. A Step’s ID can be found and set in its parameters in Mech-Viz.
Mech-Viz: Invalid vision point.
Unknown error. Mech-Viz error code: MP-E0010
Not available yet.
Mech-Viz: Robot self-collision detected.
Mech-Viz detected robot self-collision and the path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the Mech-Viz project.
Mech-Viz: Collision between robot and scene object detected.
Mech-Viz detected collision between the robot and scene object model(s) and the path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint and scene object(s) in the Mech-Viz project.
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision point count exceeds threshold.
Mech-Viz detected collision between the robot and workobject. The number of point cloud points involved in the collision is above the threshold. The path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the Mech-Viz project.
Check the setting of the collision point count threshold and modify it if necessary.
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision area exceeds threshold.
Mech-Viz detected collision between the robot and workobject. The surface area involved in the collision is above the threshold. The path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the Mech-Viz project.
Check the setting of the collision area threshold and modify it if necessary.
Mech-Viz: Collision detected as point cloud collision volume exceeds threshold.
Mech-Viz detected collision between the robot and workobject. The volume involved in the collision is above the threshold. The path planning failed.
Check the corresponding waypoint in the Mech-Viz project.
Check the setting of the collision volume threshold and modify it if necessary.
Mech-Viz: Vision service did not capture image.
In the Mech-Viz project, the “check_look” Step takes the 4th exit (“(vision service) not called”), and the exit is not connected to any further Steps. The Mech-Viz project terminates.
Check whether the vision services selected in “visual_look” and “check_look” are consistent.
Mech-Viz: No vision result from vision service.
In the Mech-Viz project, the “check_look” Step takes the 2nd exit (“no result”), and the exit is not connected to any further Steps. The Mech-Viz project terminates. The corresponding Mech-Vision project does not have a vision result output.
Please see the solution of 1002.
Mech-Viz: No point cloud in ROI in vision result.
In the Mech-Viz project, the “check_look” Step takes the 5th exit (“no point cloud in ROI”), and the exit is not connected to any further Steps. The Mech-Viz project terminates. The corresponding Mech-Vision project does not have a vision result output.
Please see the solution of 1002.
Mech-Viz: No vision point for planning.
In the Mech-Viz project, the Step Vision Move does not have any vision point for planning. If in the project there is no “check_look” Step or the “check_look” Step takes the 2nd exit (“no result”) and the exit is not connected to any further Steps, this error will occur.
Please see the solution of 1002.
Check if the “check_look” Step is used correctly in the Mech-Viz project.
Mech-Viz: Failed to plan paths for some of vision points from vision result reuse.
In the Mech-Viz project, reusing the vision result is enabled (in the parameters of Step “visual_look”). The same vision result is used for multiple plannings, and some plannings failed.
When this error occurs, the successful planning will still be output.
Check the plan history of Mech-Viz and locate why some planning failed.
Mech-Viz: Failed to get Step parameter.
The client interface program calls command 207 to read the parameter value of a Step in Mech-Viz but encounters an error.
Check if the content of the configuration file is correct. The configuration file (Property Config) can be found under in Mech-Center.
In particular, check if the Step ID and parameter key name are correct.
Mech-Viz: Failed to get planning result of Vision Move.
The client interface program calls command 210 to get the planning result of Vision Move from Mech-Viz but encounters an error.
Not available yet.
Mech-Viz: Failed to get custom data in vision result.
The client interface program calls command 210 to get the planning result of Vision Move and custom data in the vision result from Mech-Viz but encounters an error in getting the custom data part.
Please see the solution of 1024.
Mech-Viz: Vision service not registered.
In the Mech-Viz project, the “visual_look” Step does not have a vision service selected.
Please select a correct vision service in the “visual_look” Step.
Mech-Viz: Invalid tool.
The Mech-Viz project contains the “Change Tool” Step, but the robot tool(s) is not configured.
Please add robot tool(s) in the path planning tool and select the tool to use in the “Change Tool” Step. If not using any tool, please delete this Step.
Mech-Center Troubleshooting¶
Mech-Center: Illegal command.
The format of the command sent by the client interface program is not supported.
Please check the client interface program.
Mech-Center: Interface command length or format error.
The length of the command sent by the client interface program is illegal. For example, the robot pose data sent in the command does not consist of six numbers.
The format of the command sent by the client interface program is illegal. For example, commas are used as separators.
Please check the client interface program.
Mech-Center: Data acknowledge signal timed out.
When using PROFINET/EthernetIP:
When sending the pose data to the port, Mech-Center needs to check that the signal “data_acknowledge” is 0. If in the specified time, the client interface program does not reset the signal “data_acknowledge” to 0, this error will be raised.
After sending the pose data to the port, Mech-Center needs to check that the signal “data_acknowledge” is 1, indicating that the data has been read. If in the specified time, the client interface program does not set the signal “data_acknowledge” to 1, this error will be raised.
Check the client interface program and make sure that the signal “data_acknowledge” is 0 before calling command 102 or command 205.
Check the client interface program and make sure that the signal “data_acknowledge” is set to 1 immediately after reading the data from Mech-Center.
Mech-Center: Config ID does not exist; failed to read/set Step parameter.
The client interface program calls command 207 to read a Step parameter value or command 208 to set a Step parameter value, but the corresponding content is not found in the configuration file.
The configuration file (Property Config) can be found under in Mech-Center.
Check the configuration file and make sure the config ID is a positive integer, and the content is correct.
Hand-Eye Calibration Troubleshooting¶
Calibration: Parameter error.
The client interface program sends the robot pose while performing calibration, but the robot pose does not consist of six numbers. The robot pose is a 6-axis robot pose by default. If the robot is a 4-axis or a 5-axis robot, please fill the remaining fields with 0.
Check the robot pose data sent by the client interface program
Calibration: Mech-Vision did not output calibration point.
During calibration, Mech-Vision does not send the robot pose to Mech-Center.
Not available yet.
Calibration: Robot failed to reach calibration point.