Mech-Viz 1.7.1 Release Notes

This document introduces the improvements and resolved issues of Mech-Viz 1.7.1.


Modified the Default “Obstruction Tolerance Distance” in the “Vision Move” Step to 40 mm

In previous versions, the default value of “Obstruction Tolerance Distance” in the “Vision Move” Step was 20 mm, which was too strict for some on-site applications and thus caused Mech-Viz to discard many feasible picking solutions during the planning. In Mech-Viz 1.7.1, the default value of “Obstruction Tolerance Distance” in Mech-Viz 1.7.1 has been modified to 40 mm.

Resolved Issues

Mech-Viz 1.7.1 has fixed the following issues:

Resources - Robot

  • Modifying the soft limits of the robot might cause a crash of the software.

  • There was an error in the visualization model of the FANUC R-2000iC/270F robot.

  • When the project was simulating or running, the “TCP” and “Joint positions” could not be switched in the Robot panel.

Resources - Tools

  • The toolbar could still be used when the Tool Configuration window was opened.

  • In the TCP Calibration window of the Tool Configuration window, the Input Flange Pose of Robot window could not be displayed properly after “Add pose” was clicked.

  • The unconfirmed change of the tool type would be saved when the Tool Configuration window exited.

Resources - Workobjects

  • The X-axis rotational symmetry and the Y-axis rotational symmetry could be set at the same time.

  • The toolbar could still be used when the Workobject Configuration window was opened.

  • The default workpiece configuration might be deleted.

Resources - Scene Objects

  • Configuring the scene object might cause a crash of the software.

  • The toolbar could still be used when the Scene Object Configuration window was opened.

  • When the bin was not involved in the collision detection, the vision pose would be considered outside the bin.


  • If two “Relative Move” Steps were dependent on each other, the software would enter a dead loop.

  • The “Vision Continue Palletizing” Step might cause a crash.

  • After the “Multi Pick Palletizing” Step was reset, the palletized cartons remained unpalletized.

  • When the robot was not moving, the “Update Held Workobject” Step could not display the model of the held workobject.

  • The “Update Held Workobject” Step might cause a stuck on the software.

  • When the “Classify” Step was in front of the “Vision Move” Step, and the Avoid Picking on Save Workpiece feature was enabled in “Vision Move”, the software might enter a dead loop.

  • When another move-type Step was connected with the Other failures exit port of “Vision Move”, an error message still popped up.

Picking/Placing Planning

  • The “Only Group Complete Row” setting along Y-axis in the multi-pick depalletizing algorithm was not effective.

  • The suction cup offset might be incorrect when the workobjects were grouped along the Y-axis in depalletizing.

  • The “Multi Pick Depalletizing” might not match the pallet pattern successfully due to the floating-point error.

  • The picking solution in which more cartons are picked at once was not given priority in “Multi Pick Depalletizing”.

Built-in Tools

  • Using the “Pallet Editor” might cause a crash of the software.

  • The configuration in the “Tool Array Configuration” window could not be saved.

  • The vision records in the Set Vision Records window could not be loaded properly.

  • The modification of an existing pallet pattern by using the “Pallet Editor” could not be saved.

Plan History

  • The move-type Steps listed in the first level entry in the Plan history panel were not complete.

  • When an unreachable waypoint led to a planning failure in the Plan history panel, the robot tool model could not be displayed correctly.


  • After the robot was stopped in an emergency, an alert window kept popping up.