Mech-Viz 1.6.1 Release Notes


Support OBJ Models from Sources Besides the Model Editor

In Mech-Viz 1.6.0, all OBJ models must be generated from the built-in Model Editor, and it is not user-friendly when OBJ models from other sources are used. In Mech-Viz 1.6.1, there are no restrictions on the source of the OBJ models. When you add a collision model of the end effector, Mech-Viz can convert the OBJ model to one that is entirely composed of convex polyhedra automatically.


  • OBJ models already entirely composed of convex polyhedra are loaded directly without conversion.

  • As for OBJ models not entirely composed of convex polyhedra, their shapes may change after the one-click conversion. In this case, it is recommended to use Blender or Model Editor to edit these OBJ models before loading to ensure that they can meet the requirement.

  • As for models in projects of previous versions, a message asking if you would like to perform one-click conversion will pop up when you open the project in Mech-Viz 1.6.1. If you confirm to convert the model, please check if the shape of the converted model is changed or not.

  • The one-click conversion function currently does not support display models of end effectors, display models of scene objects, and collision models of scene objects.

Safety Alert of Virtual Camera

When Mech-Viz is used to guide a real robot and a “virtual camera” is used in Mech-Vision at the same time, a warning alert will pop up in order to avoid production accidents.

Resolved Issues

Mech-Viz 1.6.1 has fixed the following issues:

  • The ground style would be reset to Chessboard after the project was re-opened.

  • Certain robots could not be displayed in the Robot Library.

  • The original collision model remained displayed after switching the collision model of the end effector.

  • The collision model might be displayed in the wrong way when a collision was detected after switching the end effector.

  • Two collision models were highlighted at the same time when a collision was detected.

  • The ASCII STL model could not be loaded as an end effector model.

  • The DAE model could not be loaded as an end effector display model.

  • The TCP of the default display robot was not reset to the original position after the project was closed.

  • The end effector models was not cleared after the project was closed.

  • The ASCII STL scene models could not be converted to binary and saved.

  • The collided picked workpiece could not be recorded in the plan history.

  • Collision could not be displayed during the planning process.

  • The software might crash when a deleted Step was searched.

  • The “dynamic_move” Step could not adjust the pose properly according to the result from the “visual_move” Step.

  • There might be missed detection when the Pcl Collison Check Mode in the “relative_move” Step was set to Auto.

  • An error might occur when the DI port number was large in the “check_di” Step.

  • The classification would fail and the project would stop when the “classify” Step preceded the “visual_move” Step.

  • The service could not be found when “custom_pallet_pattern” or “predefined_pallet_pattern” Step was used as the visual service.

  • An error might occur in collision detection after the TCP direction had been modified in vacuum gripper configurator of the “visual_move” Step.

  • The vacuum gripper offset calculation might be incorrect when Picking Setting was set to Pick Single Carton in the “visual_move” Step.

  • The scene object controlled by the “update_scene_object” Step might not be selectable.

  • The workpiece model might not be displayed when the Property Value was selected as the Update Info Source and the Size Needs Updating checkbox was not selected in the “update_picked_obj” Step.

  • The size of the workpiece might be incorrect when the Property Value was selected as the Update Info Source and the Size Needs Updating checkbox was not selected in the “update_picked_obj” Step.

  • The collision model of the workpiece might be incorrectly displayed after the “update_picked_obj” Step was executed.

  • The vacuum gripper offset information printed in the log was incorrect.