ABB Error Messages

The following errors may occur while running the Standard Interface program on the robot.

“MM:Robot Error”, “Socket Timeout,Check connetion”

The robot program didn’t receive data within the specified wait time when calling the instruction SocketReceive.


  • Check if the sequence of calling SocketSend and SocketReceive is correct.

  • Check if the Standard Interface service is started in Mech-Vision.

  • Check if the arguments of SocketReceive are set correctly.

“MM:Robot Error”, “Socket Closed,Check connection”

The robot couldn’t establish communication with Mech-Mind Software Suite.


  • Check if the hardware is properly connected.

  • Check if the Standard Interface service is started in Mech-Vision.

  • Check the IP addresses of the robot and the IPC, and if the port number is configured correctly.

  • Check if the firewall is turned off on the IPC.

  • Contact Mech-Mind Technical Support for further assistance.

“MM:Robot Error”, “Wrong Arguments”

When calling a Mech-Mind Standard Interface procedure, arguments provided are not correct.


Please refer to ABB Standard Interface Commands and input the correct arguments accordingly.

“MM:Robot Error”, “CMD No. Error”

The command code returned to the robot does not match the one sent to Mech-Mind Software Suite.


The sequence of command sending and receiving is problematic. Please contact Mech-Mind Technical Support for further assistance.

“MM:IPC Error”, “Check IPC status”

Returned status code is an error code. Please check the messages in the Console tab of Mech-Vision Log panel.
